Ex-WJHS Band Director faces sex charges

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by michelle, Mar 24, 2010.

  1. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

  2. Niese

    Niese Well-Known Member

    Well said flutebandmom!!! :hurray:
  3. Tangie

    Tangie Active Member

    Let me firstly say that I CANNOT believe for a single flipping moment that the parents of these band students were really as far in the dark as they (and others?) make out!

    Someone very close to me was in this band and ONE day I had to drop some shoes off to her. I walked into that band room and what I saw was on a whole other level! I saw a young guy who was overtly not heterosexual strutting his stuff in a pair of purple tights and seeming extremely comfy (if not a bit superior) in his surroundings. The whole vibe in that room was WRONG! It was its own little world, very insular and as for Britt, well you just "knew".

    That was from one ten or fifteen minute venture into and out of that room. From my understanding, these students were there until quite late in the evenings with parents constantly going to and fro with meals for their kids, waiting in the parking lot and just generally providing a big ol' net of support. How in gods name could they have NOT had a clue what this guy was like? It was there for all the world to see. If you ask me, the parents didn't WANT to see it because that might tarnish their trophies or media presence - their kids were suddenly somebody and NO ONE was going to mess with that. It's really really sad because this guy was allowed the freedom for this to happen.

    The person I was close to didn't stay in that band for too long because she and her parents agreed there was some "bad mojo" going on there and getting out was a matter of priority!

    I would like to say I'm shocked by this but....

    And if I can spend a few minutes in that room and feel like something is so very wrong, then I think it's shameful the parents didn't (didn't want) to see it either. Very sad.
  4. Niese

    Niese Well-Known Member

    Who are you to judge the parents of these band students? You categorized all parents as blind and self-serving - all from one short visit in the bandroom? Wow!

    It's a sad disgrace what that so called man is accused of doing. He did what he did - not the parents, not the other educators, not the other students.

    Quit with the criticism and respect the kids and families who are personally involved in this situation. You have no idea what they are going through - especially from a 10 minute visit.

    I'm over this and will not be responding to any additional ridiculous comments like yours about this topic.
  5. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    WJHS is an artsy school - along with the band there is also a very good dance department. Flamboyancy and the arts tend to go hand in hand. Now I'm not one to defend homosexuality, but that is not the real issue here. The issue is that the relationship(s) were with students. This is about one guy who allegedly broke the law, not about the whole school or even about a department. He no longer works there. It's old news, the kids have moved on. The adults should too. He will get his day in court and hopefully the victim(s) will be OK, but stop condemning the culture. A lot of good comes out of there. Those kids and parents are very dedicated. They deserve better than a bunch of judgmental adults picking away at something they have put their hearts and souls in to.
  6. Tangie

    Tangie Active Member

    I totally "GET" this!

    I'm not as ignorant to the situation as you are all implying - I know ALL about this as the person I speak of was my sister and she was in the year that this happened and knew the "male" in question and was in this as deep as any other student was! I know how things went down there. This is also why it was a family based, family led decision that she resigned her place.

    As for what the parents, school and educators have achieved. Kudos for that, I know how hard the parents worked because my Mom worked hard too! However, she wasn't about to let the "carrying on" proceed just because alot of good was coming out of the band. You cannot do that! You CANNOT say well turn a blind eye to the overtly wrongdoings happening here because just look at how great this band is! That's like keeping a paedophile as a babysitter because he's really good with children - INSANE!

    If these parents were not aware of what was going on, then I suggest some serious family counselling. Our family talks and even for the things that we don't talk about, were close enough to know when something isn't right with one of us and that speaks volumes too! I spent a brief encounter in that room but my parents spent ALOT longer there and my sister practically lived there (as did Britt - he showered and slept there on a regular basis - hmmm).

    I have no problem with homosexuality. I have no problem with artsy and flamboyant. However, there is a problem with a educator using these traits as a platform for exploitation! A BIG PROBLEM!

    I have first hand experience of this, so do my parents and my sister even more so! It IS first and foremost shame on Britt. It IS also shame on the parents - nobody is that naive - okay there were probably a few naive parents but there had to be quite a few that had a pretty big clue! Also shame on the school because they made this guy untouchable! I know this too because my mom used to try to pick my sister up at the times he selected for pick up and she would sit an hour to two hours in the parking lot WAITING for things to be over - when she tried to bring this up with him and the school, she was sort of told where to go.

    You can all think what you want but my honest opinion is that one of two things can happen here - either the shcool is going to be revealed to have been in on this on a way deeper level than you all think OR because it was someones SON involved in a homosexual encounter, it's gonna go away REAL quick!
  7. flutebandmom

    flutebandmom Member

    Having thoughts that a person may be homosexual and knowing they are doing inappropriate things with a student under their direction are two totally different things. Contrary to your comments, not all the band members knew this was going on. After Mr. Britt resigned, there were rumors that my daughter and I discussed at length but to this day she doesn't not know the student in question. You are so quick to demonized all the band parents and band students as knowing this was occurring when that is not true. Had I suspected something was occurring, I would have spoken with the band member's parents. If I had proof, I would have reported it to the school administration and police. If you and your family knew this was going on as you say, why didn't you report it instead of turning a blind eye? My family doesn't need family counseling because my daughter and I can and do talk about anything. A family that knows something inappropriate is going on but fails to do anything other than walk away needs counseling.
  8. Tom Servo

    Tom Servo Well-Known Member

    And you shouldn't believe it. I have had two children in the band for a total of 6 years, and although Britt's arrest shocked them, what he was arrested for didn't. Everyone knew that he was gay which is no big deal, but they also knew that he encouraged male members to be openly gay and showed preferential treatment to those that were. As far as the sexual activities in general, I don't think it was overlooked but the general attitude was pretty les affaire. And what can you expect from kids when married members of the Band Parents Association can't even keep their hands off each other? These are young adults, not 7 year-olds. It was a running joke with the kids that when it came to sex and drinking on those trips, the BPA were a bunch of hypocrites.

    I was pleased to hear though that Mr. Duffy is doing an excellent job. My children are out of band now, but one of their friends told me that they are just as good as they always were and that Mr. Duffy has erased the atmosphere of fear and ridicule that Britt brought to the program. Good for him!!
  9. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    It's a felony now for a teacher to be sexually involved with a student in NC, that was changed a few years ago so the coach/cheerleader thing would probably be a big deal too....unless the genders were reversed.

    Man coach with female student - man gets 20 years
    Female teacher with male student - female gets 12 months and probation max.
    Male / Male....we'll see, I have a feeling it will be pretty harsh.
    Female / female....well, that's just hot. :jester:
  10. VolleyGrl

    VolleyGrl Well-Known Member

    And I always made a point to buy my drinks from the West Johnston folks. I didn't realize my buck was contributing to the condom fund. And here I thought it was for the Macy's parade. BAH! I feel duped. :lol:
  11. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Since you're so quick to condemn other parents and families after making a family based decision why did you (your family) not blow the lid on this when you made your judgements? If you were able to see so much and didn't report it when your sister dropped out are you and your family not just as guilty of "turning a blind eye?" I'm sure your answer will be no, because as long as your sister got out then who cares about the rest, right? :rolleyes:
  12. mayday

    mayday Well-Known Member

    I agree with mnredsky. If you were able to discern this all in one visit - why didn't YOU report it? Maybe you should also get a job with the local law enforcement since your observational skills are so strong they won't have to spend much time investigating crimes or potential crimes.

    My son was in the band for 3 years. He quit this year since he had other things he wanted to do his senior year. I was not popular in the cliquish BPA, usually they ignored me except when I was needed as a cash cow. We went to almost all of their shows on the road, parades, and football games. I went in the building many times to pick him up and NEVER saw anything even remotely along the lines that you did in your ONE AND ONLY visit. I was also there to drop off items for band camps, trips, etc. All I saw was a well behaved group of kids either packing up from practice or trying to cool off from the miserable heat at band camp. (Not that they were perfect, for a group that large there is always going to be someone who breaks the rules, but all the incidents I know about were school rules broken)

    My impression of Britt was that he was an arrogant jerk. I thought he might be gay but not being homophobic I didn't really worry about it, i.e what consenting ADULTS (not teen kids) do in the privacy of their own home is their business - as long as it doesn't hurt anybody, kids or animals. IF I had thought for one moment anything inappropriate was going on I would have been the first one blowing the whistle. I've gone before the school board before on things I felt were wrong after having met with principals at my kids schools and not getting results.

    So shame on YOU for not stepping up to the plate and sharing your knowledge. Don't try to shift the blame on ALL the band parents -obviously none of us have your special one visit observational skills.

    I agree with another poster that right now our efforts should be focused on the kids who may need help from dealing with this situation.

    I don't post a lot and have generally not responded in an inflammatory manner. I feel terrible enough that I left my child (yes, high schoolers are kids in my opinion) in the care of such a person without your self righteous attitude too. I spoke with Britt, one on one, several times as did my husband and, unfortunately, no alarm bells ever went off.

    As another poster stated, I've said my peace and I'm through.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2010
  13. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    hey flutebandmom.

    I was not calling ALL the girls of the band sluts..good lord woman READ
    just the ones who are on a band trip and prego....and any other easy to get person...relax

    hey bandflutemom.

    i was the one saying that we need to support the kids who are decent and got blindsided by this mess. The ones who work hard and really believe in the band.. probably like you daughter...

    hey bandflutemom

    YES the other bands that are in our class ARE poking fun at west johnston right now...Cary and the other...WAKE up and start instructing the kids to disregard all this. it was the kids who made the band but Britt was touted as the wonderboy who put us on the map.

    hey bandflutemom.

    when Greg Fischel handed Britt a check to go to the innagural parade..they already had the money and the plan to go. So sorry you werent in the loop.

    hey bandflutemom

    yes some of the parents were acting inappropriately on a field trip.Not heresay either. just an example of how the reins were loose.

    hey bandflutemom

    you owe me an apology for jumping in my stuff.
  14. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

  15. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

  16. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    the arrest records speak for its self.
  17. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Jaded band member?
  18. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

  19. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Who are you talking too, calling them a hoe? Let's see you use Urban Dictionary and the rest of the world uses Webster's Dictionary!

    Before you come on this or any other Forum I would:

    1) learn how to use capital letters
    2) start by not calling anyone a tool that is used in a garden
    3) be able to spell
    4) and actually be over the age of 18

    I have friends named Kay but I really don't understand what you are saying at the end. Were you calling Kay a hoe? If so, take it somewhere else because, while I do not know everybody's real name on this Forum, I don't know anyone by the name of Kay.

    I can only speak for myself, which I love to do, but I do watch out for others at the same time. Take your childish crap somewhere where people don't actually have a life. I know I'm older than you (29 years old on my end), I am probably taller and bigger than you and in my 29 years of life I still have more brains than to treat people the way you are doing.

    Come back and join in the adult conversation when you have a Webster's Dictionary next to you and I'll help you find Kay.


    P.S. Peppercorns is a nice lady, but I don't think you were talking to her....were you?
    Last edited: May 7, 2010
  20. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    Might have been short for "okay"

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