SE Women's Center

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ncmom, Mar 29, 2010.

  1. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    Wondering if anyone has gone to the SE Women's Center near the new hospital and your thoughts about this practice. Can you recommend a dr. there?
  2. sdw714

    sdw714 Well-Known Member

    I go to their Smithfield office. I usually see Dr Evans because I like going to female doctors. I had a baby a year ago - - had complications with pregnancy and the delivery - - nothing related to doctor's care. I saw Dr Turlington most of the time while I was pregnant and he delivered her assisted by Dr Evans. Both are great doctors and took really good care of me. No complaints at all. Dr Turlington was very concerned about the delivery complications and did everything he could possibly do. Dr Baroody came on board with them toward the end of my pregnancy so I didn't visit with him much. He did assist Dr Turlington with a surgery I had after delivery and visited me in the hospital - - he seems very caring as well.
    My daughter sees Dr Evans - - because like her Mother, she likes to go to female doctors.
    Hope this helps some,,,,,
  3. New2JoCo

    New2JoCo Member

    i fully recommend Dr. Evans...she takes all the time that you need and is very thorough with answering any questions.

    edited to add: the new office on 42 is nice, but she is only there on certain days...she is between the smithfield office and the 42 office
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2010

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