
Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by annatinnie, Jul 30, 2010.

  1. annatinnie

    annatinnie Well-Known Member

    Any public schools or otherwise here in the area doing a pre-k program? Looking into options for my 4 year old...he's still a year away from kindergarten, but needs some social exposure. Academics isn't even discussable...he knows all the kindergarten stuff already! I just need him to get some practice and real teeth cutting in a real class setting.

  2. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    The only pre-K classes at the public schools that I'm aware of are for the special needs children. There is also head start but I think that one is income based. I do know many of the local churches do some pre-K classes. You might want to check there. Good luck. If it is just for socialization purposes though, there are many mom type clubs in the area.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  3. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member


  4. Vitameatavegemin

    Vitameatavegemin Well-Known Member

    Christ Community preschool... it's a half-day program. Good blend of socialization, kindergarten prep, music and crafts. 553-9770
  5. crunchymom

    crunchymom Well-Known Member

    Most of the local daycares offer pre-K programs. I believe that the elementary schools' pre-K programs are for the More At Four program, which is offered to families who meet certain requirements: low-income, limited english, or certain health/disabilities or delays. Also, I think military families qualify for participation.
  6. crunchymom

    crunchymom Well-Known Member

    Also, maybe instead of preK, you might like trying some sort of class or sport instead. My kids have pretty much been home with me since birth, but take dance and play sports. It provides them with a setting where they have to listen to a teacher or coach, follow the rules, and get in some socialization with kids their own age. Since you said the curriculum isn't an issue, maybe something fun that your child is interested in would be more fun. I also recently tried the Kazoom puppet show (off of Peace St. in Raleigh). I highly recommend it for preschool aged kids!
  7. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I agree, based on the OP your child's Kindergarten Teacher will thank you.
  8. hotrod

    hotrod Member

    The Learning Nook

    I run a private preschool called The Learning Nook and we offer both a preschool program and a social play program. You can browse our website,, to see if it is something you are looking for. If you want to visit/tour or would like more information please call anytime.
  9. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Not to hijack, but I am going to anyways...

    What is the point of pre-k? To teach manners and social skills? Aren't manners and social skills taught at home?
  10. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    cleo, often i know i dont even have to respond to a post because good ol' cleo is gonna post what i was thinking anyway!

    I think if pre-K is going to be offered in public school it should be offered to everyone.

    DB's wife
  11. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    We didn't do pre-K, but I think it can be beneficial in that it prepares kids for the educational and social structure of kindergarten. Kids that have been used to lots of free play during the day, might have trouble adjusting to the increased seat time that they'll get in kindergarten. At least that is my take on it. Manners and social skills should be taught at home, but I tend to think that a child could gain from the pre-k experience being away from the home environment in preparation for kindergarten.
  12. annatinnie

    annatinnie Well-Known Member

    Manners and more!

    Well, I will say that our children (we have four boys) are pretty well mannered. They learned such from home and going out on a regular basis. I hate to sound this way, but I just won't have them being any other way.

    Honestly, my son is READY to go to school, but he's a year out. It's not because of his birthday or anything else, either. He's just READY. He started learning his ABCs and 123s and such, and he's starting to sight read, too. But he's done all of his learning with big brothers and Mom and Dad, and I'd like him to see a REAL teacher in a TEACHING enviornment to get a chance to see what it's going to be like.

    At this point we've made quite a few friends around here, too, but I'd like him to have a few more, besides big brother's little brothers and sisters, etc. Plus, if it were some kids from what is going to be his school...Polenta Elementary.

    That's where we stand on it at this point...
  13. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    I am sending my son to PreK this year, my reasons are to give him a little more self confidence and independance. He and his older brother are less than a year apart (he is going to K this year) and my youngest relies so heavily on him I would like him to be around other children in a fun atmosphere in the hopes he becomes his own person (answers questions for himself etc..). Also, he is so dependant on myself and his home daycare provider that I think this will better prepare him for kindergarten next year.

    I also work full time so I have to have daycare for him regardless, I have just chosen from going to a home daycare to a PreSchool setting for the above reasons.
  14. cece

    cece Well-Known Member

    If you don't mind me asking - what home preschool does your child attend? Do you know what curriculum they use? I am looking myself for my 4 year old.

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