Obama won, it's a great day for...

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by LETSGOEERS!!!, Nov 5, 2008.

  1. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    and for that we thank you!
  2. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

  3. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    As a fellow veteran with whose battles were earlier, I appreciate your service and your sacrifice, and especially those of your battle buddies and battle family who paid the ultimate price. I earned my medals probably when you were in junior high. I agree that the cost of liberty is high, and that as precious as it is, only those willing to sacrifice for it will enjoy its fruits.

    Did you ever think that the reason we find liberty so incredible is that we began paying that price when we fought our Revolution? We paid in blood during the Civil War, to return to a United States. We've helped ensure and restore freedom around the world.

    My biggest beef with those who want liberty, but are unwilling to pay for it with their own blood, is that they expect us to shed ours. My beef with the Cuba Libre crowd is that they hold big rallies in South Florida, but are unwilling to repatriate and die in the name of liberty in Havana. Same with any other repressed peoples. If they aren't willing to fight for it, they'll never have earned it or appreciate it.

    This begs the question, however, that do we lead the fight for other's liberty, or assist them? Were they chafing under the bit of an oppressive government such that they wanted to engage in a civil war for self determination, and that the US, with full disclosure and knowledge of their intentions, chose to assist? Or are they waiting others to fight their fight for them?

    In my mind, the lifeblood of our servicemen is too precious to waste on those who don't care enough to fight for their own liberty to begin with.

    Crazy to attack a superior power, you might ask? I've seen pics of a slick whose nose was penetrated by an arrow, on a gun run. You have to ask. What kind of person shoots an arrow at a armed helicopter? Crazy? maybe, but also determined to win. I submit that a people willing to engage high technology military weapons with a bow and arrow can never be defeated. And, eventually, their will to win overcomes. I'll give you two examples. US v. Great Britain in our Revolution and US v. North Vietnam. Militarily, we won every time we joined forces against NV. While factual, it is also historically and politically irrelevant. They won. In my mind, we delayed them for about 20 years, at such a tremendous cost. You did know that Ho Chi minh was trained by the US in WWII to help throw off the Japanese out of Indochina. Uncle Ho was a great student of history. And of strategy and people.

    There's no way to paint Saddam as anything but the thug he was. However, he was no direct threat to us. And I submit that until the Shia/Sunni' who wanted him gone began their own war of liberation, we had no business going in and spilling American blood.

    When the decision is made to send our forces into harm's way, it should be done with the all of the awesome and complete ferocity that we can bring to bear.

    Short of that, we have no business fomenting a conflict where we become the occupiers in stead of those who helped with liberation. We should have never gotten into a war where the bad guys seem to have united, solely to expel us. Let them determine their own fate.

    We're there. Let's plan and execute our withdrawal, and allow them to determine what kind of nation they want to have. Not everyone cares enough about having a democracy. Some of those are happy enough having enough food to eat for today. They have a long way to go on Maslow's hierarchy of needs to find their sense of self actualization.

    The United States of America: This we'll defend.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2008
  4. LuvinCam

    LuvinCam New Member

    I voted for the candidate of my choice, that is what I did for my freedom. I can complain about Bush all I want just like others have chosen to complain about Obama but he hasn't even been sworn into office yet so no one on here knows what he will do.

    I thank you for your service, my father also served in the military in World War II.
  5. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    You Rock! Thank you!!!
  6. sandy30

    sandy30 Guest

    I guess I must agree great day for them:cheers:
  7. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    'Twas the night before elections
    > And all through the town
    > Tempers were flaring
    > Emotions all up and down!
    > I, in my bathrobe
    > With a cat in my lap,
    > Had cut off the TV
    > Tired of political crap.
    > When all of a sudden
    > There arose such a noise,
    > I peered out of my window;
    > Saw Obama and his boys
    > They had come for my wallet,
    > They wanted my pay,
    > To give to the others
    > Who worked not a day!
    > He snatched up my money
    > And quick as a wink
    > Jumped back on his bandwagon
    > As I gagged from the stink.
    > He then rallied his henchmen
    > Who were pulling his cart.
    > I could tell they were out
    > To tear my country apart!
    > " On Fannie, on Freddie,
    > On Biden and Ayers!
    > On Acorn, On Pelosi"
    > He screamed at the pairs!"
    > They took off for his cause
    > And as he flew out of sight
    > I heard him laugh at the nation
    > Who wouldn't stand up and fight!
    > So I leave you to think
    > On this one final note-
    > GET OUT AND VOTE!!!!
  8. colinmama

    colinmama Guest

    I got this email before the election and got a good chuckle out of it.
  9. doggy

    doggy Well-Known Member

    I agree!

    You have really said a mouthful, but a TRUE mouthful. One thing though, the teachers and their outrageous unions should be in the other category.

    I saw after the election that those who put Obama into power are the blacks, latinos, poor and non-married mothers. In my opinion those people are the lowest wage earners, pay little taxes and suck the system dry (I'm not talking about the disabled or those on SS). Obama bought their votes easily because there is such wealth envy in this country.

    There just wasn't enough time for people to grow up before this election and really, the major networks (ABC-All Barack Channel, NBC-National Barack Channel, CBS-Continuous Barack Station, and MSNBC) decided long ago that Obama would be the next king and they outright refused to show him in anything but a flowery, wonderful light. FoxNews was the only network with the guts to give fair and balanced reporting to Americans. Obama supporters never saw the real Obama and the ones that did just didn't want to be confused with the facts. They were duped and there wasn't enough of the rest of us to get someone else in the office. It's like the pod episode of the Twillight Zone show.

    But Obama promises prizes and cash for everyone everywhere! I didn't believe this until .... I had a prescription filled at MedCap Pharmacy the other day and was given a free cold/cough care kit worth $26. I guess Obama's giveaways have already started - and with me!!!!!

    LETSGOEERS!!! Well-Known Member

  11. jumpin4joync

    jumpin4joync Well-Known Member


    could it be that i was even wiser back then than i even realized?!?
  12. DogsRule

    DogsRule Member

    Hope to see you in DC!
  13. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    When did you give the President Elect and the new Congress a chance? :lol::mrgreen::lol:


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