JCC Textbooks

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Luvgoose1, Jul 27, 2010.

  1. JenJen458

    JenJen458 Well-Known Member

    I asked him if I could take it back and he said yeah take it back. I read the receipt and it says you have 10 days to return it or exchange it (as long as it isn't opened) so I plan on going up there Friday to take it back. I'm hoping the book will be cheaper. Not sure when it will be in though so I'll just get the pdf files from him and read the chapter that way until they get it in.
  2. RCARP

    RCARP Well-Known Member

    Still looking ENG 102 Applied Communications 11, for next semester
  3. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    If you go to the student lounge there is a bulletin board and students list their books they have up for sale. Finals are this week up till next Monday. So you may have a chance on finding several of them.

    PS as of next Monday I will have a Medical terminology book available. And take it with Ms Stowers.
  4. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    I have a Geology book, and a Foundations of Education Book, and a Biology book....

    That is of course, provided I don't fail Geology, lol...
  5. rrgreennc

    rrgreennc Well-Known Member

    Anyone have the book for Sociology 210? It is $147.50 new and no used available. I'm afraid to rent it because the rental places all have disclaimers that the book may not contain things like access card information for online resources, which is part of this book.
  6. Tardevil

    Tardevil Well-Known Member

    MATH 161

    I have the Algebra and Trig textbook for MATH 161. Fingers crossed that I passed that course, and the textbook can be yours for a low, low price :~)
  7. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Okay, so I know I have:


    Foundations of Education

    Intro to Computers


    And I think I have the Biology book

    I'll make you an awesome deal!
  8. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    I'll check with my daughter when I get home and see if she has any books to sell and see if she can use any of the books you've listed. She went to get books today but by the time she got done adding a class she decided the line wasn't worth the wait.
  9. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    There's also an ad in the classified for someone selling books:

    College Physics 2nd Edition with 2 workbooks-Knight, Jones, Field-$100.00 (New $175)
    The Brief Penguin Handbook 3rd Edition-Lester Faigley-$25 (new $42)
    Music An Appreciation with CD's 6th Edition-Kamien-$40 (New $50)
    The Well Crafted Argument 3rd Edition-White Billings-$50 PPU
    A World of Art 6th Edition-Sayre-$70(new $116) PPU
    Models for Writers 10th Edition-Alfred Rosa, Paul Eschiholz-$20 (new $41)
    The Art of Public Speaking 10th Edition-Stephen Lucas-$60 (New $105)
    Voyages in World History Vol 1-Hansen Curtis-$50(New $100) PPU
    An Invitation to Health 2009-10 10th Edition-Hales-?
    Focus on Community College Success at JCC-Constance Staley-$20
    Algebra & Trigometry 8th edition-Sullivan-2 CD's-$65
    Please call Joan 669-8734 Can meet in Smithfield Please leave a message
  10. Luvgoose1

    Luvgoose1 Well-Known Member

    Bumping this up because it's that time of year. Looking for the following books:
    Living Religions & Think World Religions Author: Fisher 8th Edition Rel 110
    Thinking Mathematically (w/my math lab) Author: Blitzer 5th Edition Mat 140
    Psychology Custom Text JCC w/code Psy 150
    Listen To This & MMLCode Pkg Author: Bonds Mus 110
  11. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    remember to also check www.chegg.com
    DD rents most of her books through them.

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