North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by 2not2, Sep 9, 2010.

  1. 2not2

    2not2 Well-Known Member

    My DS got a letter today at school inviting him to apply for the school. Anyone have any experience with this? Seems like a great opportunity but he has had others that I just wasn't sure about. My husband says this is a very well respected program and the graduates go on to do wonderful things. Just looking for some input...I think it definitely LOOKS like something he shouldn't pass up; ONLINE courses, though. Can't see moving my baby off to Durham!
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2010
  2. Tardevil

    Tardevil Well-Known Member

    Amazing opportunity!! Morehead-Cain scholarship at UNC is the next logical step...check it out! There are some 40/42ers that went to the School of Science and Math. Hopefully they will chime in for you!

    May I ask, how old is your DS, and what school does he attend?
  3. greengoddess

    greengoddess Active Member

    I will chime in and say it is a fantastic opportunity! My daughter and several of her friends were invited to apply in 2007. It is very competitive to get in the school though. We went to the tour and she took the required tests but did not get in. (Keep in mind my daughter graduated 7th in her class last year!) One of her friends was placed on the waiting list and actually offered a spot when one came open but her mother did not want her to leave home that young.

    There are many benefits to going there. It is an amazing academic experience for your child. And if I remember correctly, when you graduate from this school you either get free tuition to any public university in NC or a highly reduced rate.
  4. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I will have to remember this as DS get's older. :allears: Math and Science are his favorite subjects and he really excels in those.
  5. J34

    J34 Well-Known Member

    hubby and i are both alumni of ncssm. GREAT place....LOVED it....met there. ;) 10th graduating class, i believe (1991!). i wouldn't change a thing and would definitely recommend it for the right kid and the right family. gotta have a super motivated and independent kid, and as hard as it is, you will be letting him go 2 years early. i don't know much about any online courses they offer, although i'm sure they are excellent as they wouldn't have it any other way. but there is something very special...intense, but special...about being immersed in the environment by living at the school.
  6. J34

    J34 Well-Known Member

    oh, and one more thing. math and science, obviously excellent programs at NCSSM. but the arts, english, history...all those other curricula are second to none as well.
  7. smiles

    smiles Well-Known Member

    Keep in mind the following:
    1. Your child must be self-motivated. Projects, studying, etc. without a parent around to push it would be a problem for some students. They don't mess around when it comes to your grades there. I know about 10 years ago a B in a class put you on academic probation. (That may or may not have changed)
    2. The stress of the highly competitive environment there when you aren't the best, but in a group totally made up of the best, can affect teens positively or negatively. (I know several people who totally thrived in that environment and a few who become clinically depressed/suicidal/alcoholics. The second group is very small and the first group is very large...just keep it in mind when thinking of your own child's state of mind.)
    3. Last year's graduates were the last class to get the free ride to NC universities. Budget cuts. However, the possibility of scholarships is very high.
  8. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    AWESOME school!!
  9. J34

    J34 Well-Known Member

    got this in my alumni newsletter today. didn't get a chance to read it all b/c i'm supposed to be working (shhhh!). but it looks like some good info for you and other prospective unicorn parents (yes, their mascot is the unicorn...jokes start here :) ).

    if the link doesn't work for you, let me know and i'll figure out a better way to send you to the article.

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