House of Hope

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by DMJmom, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I had an eye-opening experience today.

    I'm not sure how many people know about this facility in Clayton, so I wanted to help them spread the word. They are a Christian-based facility that houses 8 teenage girls who are "troubled". A lot of them that come in have eating disorders or suicidal. The House of Hope houses them, they have an on-site school, and they learn responsibilites and how to deal with their issues. They have family counseling once a week, learn bible study, and much more. I knew about this place a couple years ago when my hubby went on the Hope Ride to help them raise money, and he also built them a gazebo there for the girls to go outside and enjoy.

    They could really use some help in the form of donations and/or volunteers. They have a list of "current needs" and "ongoing needs" on their website, some of which I dropped off to them today. It was sad when I saw how excited the girls were that I dropped off 2 chickens, apparently meat is rarely brought in. They never get chicken, and ground beef only once a month. If any of you can, please help them in any way possible. If you want more info, PM me or ask on here. I spent an hour with the woman there today and got a lot of information. I plan on helping again in the near future. I'd love to take them a pre-cooked meal once a month...but they really need fresh fruits/veggies, dairy products and meat/frozen foods. I took a ton of frozen veggies today, and they didn't have much more in their freezer. I just couldn't imagine being a teenage girl trying to deal with my issues away from my family on my own, and not even being able to have a basic meal that could cover the food groups.

    Sorry this is so long...just wanted to help them out some way. :cry:
  2. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Seems they could get food from Angel Food ministries? There is a cost, but it is very reasonable for what you can get, especially to feed several people.
  3. granola acres mayor

    granola acres mayor Well-Known Member

    Please check your pm i would love to help out.
  4. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    DMJ, I had NO idea and I pass this place daily!! I just printed the list and will be doing what I can. I wish something like this had been available in our hometown. It might have saved one of my sisters from the the downward spiral she has been in since her teens.
  5. granola acres mayor

    granola acres mayor Well-Known Member

    help me out here please. what is the web site?
  6. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

  7. granola acres mayor

    granola acres mayor Well-Known Member

  8. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Google is my friend!! :jester:

    I'm going to be doing some serious coupon shopping this weekend and will have this list in hand.
  9. granola acres mayor

    granola acres mayor Well-Known Member

    me too, do you know where this place is? ill pm you with my number. ive already got the volunteer app. in hand, i would like to know where to take it. maybe we can get together after Church sunday to do some shopping.
  10. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I just emailed Monica from the website, she's the office manager and she was great! Regina is in charge of organizing the volunteers, i havent spoken with her, but i think she's going to be emailing me. They are close to shotwell/covered bridge intersection.
  11. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    OK...I was on my phone earlier so it was a short reply. Here's some more info:

    When I was contacting them, I just emailed the email on the website, that goes to Monica who is the Office Manager. She's the only one I dealt with, and she was VERY friendly, helpful, and appreciative of what I brought/did. She told me Regina is the one that handles/coordinates the volunteers, I have not heard from her yet but sure I will. I didn't even tell her I wanted to bring some dinners, I was just so moved at how little they had, and how excited those girls were to get 2 simple Tyson chickens. And I remember reading on the website that sometimes people bring meals. They would also accept fast-food type meals, anything helps! I can only do Fridays, when the boys don't have homework and I don't work, so I might take them something next Friday night. The next 2 Friday's I'm out of town so it's either next week or November. I'm thinking about doing a Mexican themed (tacos, rice, beans), something to really fill their tummies. They live there around the clock, there are 8 girls and 2 women that live there with them. So any food that is brought in meal-wise should feed 10 people. They also really need refrigerated items and frozen food. Fresh fruits/veggies is also a big need, don't think they get that much either. They're trying to teach the girls nutrition, so I think things like this is very important. I took probably 8 bags of frozen veggies today, plus 5 canned vegetables. They always need people to help with the outside, they have 7 acres to keep up with, and I think they need a lot of tutors, and help with the girls' schoolwork. I think I read online that Wednesday nights is homework night. (I know Tuesday night they have counseling) When I was there I also noticed a HUGE puzzle being put together, so guess they like to do things like that together as a group. I hope this helps you all some, and thanks so much for offering to help! If a few of us could bring them a dinner even once a month, I'm sure that would be a GREAT help to them!

    OH - if you're coming from 70, turn on Shotwell, take a right on Covered Bridge Rd, and it's probably a mile or so on the right. 408 is the address, there's a sign with the number out by the road. Very easy to find.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2010
  12. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

    these girls are great!! they came to our church a few months ago and talked about what they do and one of the girls that actually went thru the house talked about her experience. Very touching, I think you can sign up for their newsletter also!!
  13. CrazyFabulous

    CrazyFabulous Well-Known Member

    my sister too....finally getting it together at 33 years old!

    i would like to help out with this as well. maybe we could all take a dinner and other items at least 1 time a month. let me know....
  14. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    DMJ...........I will help you any way I can. I can help with organization, pick up, delivery etc. and will help with the stuff too, I live nearby

  15. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I emailed Monica today, she said Regina coordinates food drop-offs, they like to be notified in advance in case there's something going on certain dates.

    I honestly think just taking them meat, fresh fruits/veggies or a prepared meal would help them tremendously! I'll keep everyone updated on news I receive. You can also sign up for their newsletter via email to stay current as well. Thanks everyone! (ps-chicken is on sale for .99/lb at kroger this week! Hint hint)
  16. jennandchad

    jennandchad Active Member


    Glad to see this posting. Our connect group has been providing meals for them for a couple a years once a week and it is great to see that others can come in and help out. This ministry that these people do for these girls is very touching and they are always in need of resources as they accept private donations only.

    If any one actually goes and visits while they are there, it is life changing experience. The gratitude you get from the girls for dropping off a simple lunch of PB&J sandwiches and a few snacks will just melt your heart. I encourage anyone that is looking to make a difference in the lives of others, to reach out to this organization that is doing the work of Jesus in our community and we get to all play a part in it.
  17. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Bumping up!!
  18. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I'm dropping off a dinner for the girls Friday night. If/when anyone wants to drop off dinners, you have to coordinate it with Regina: I'm taking them taco stuff and whatever else I can find. Thanks everyone!
  19. pocahontas

    pocahontas Well-Known Member

    Another way to help House of Hope

    One of my kids swims for Riverwood, and we were sent this flyer. The swim-a-thon is a senior project of a student at Clayton High School, so participation will also help her out with her project, and proceeds go to another charity as well. I've cut and pasted the info below if anyone is interested in helping in this way:


    • Hi, my name is Emily Duff. I am a senior at Clayton High School and I am holding a Swim-a-Thon to benefit the New Hope Pregnancy Center* and the House of Hope**.
    • The event will be held on October 30th, 2010 from 10a.m.-12p.m. at Riverwood Athletic Club (215 Athletic Club Blvd Clayton, NC 27527)
    • Donations needed:
    o Cleaning supplies
    o Non-perishable food
    o Baby items (diapers, bibs, bottles, wipes, clothing up to 2T, etc.)
    o Maternity clothing (gentle used is accepted)
    • Monetary donations cannot be accepted.

    *They provide free services, counseling, pregnancy testing, classes on becoming a successful parent, and information on all options so women are able to make an informed decision.

    **They are a Christian therapeutic school, home, and counseling center for hurting and troubled girls, ages 12-17.

    Participation is not required for donation; however, if you wish to participate, please email me at Donation locations include Riverwood Athletic Club and 108 Torrey Pines Dr. Clayton, NC 27527.
  20. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Pocahontas - thanks for sharing that information! I am headed over there again today, taking the girls a dinner. For those who wanted to help but haven't had time to look at the website, here is a link for their needs list. (hope this works!)

    There is also a volunteer form you can fill out and send in if you'd like to help on that level. I'm debating what I can do, I work 4 days/week and have busy evenings with the kids. I'd love to maybe tutor or help with the Thursday night homework but not sure if I'm smart enough! (I used to be, getting old is terrible on the brain though!!!) It's also a 1/2 hour drive for me, but trying to figure some things out.......Even taking them some veggies when on sale or a lunch means so much to them there, which is why I do it. I'd rather help people that appreciate it than give money to a group and I don't know where it's going.

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