Please tell me...

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by God'schild, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    what I can do for a clogged up ear? I have tried ear drops, Q-tips, flushing with an over the counter ear syringe kit from CVS, hydrogen peroxide, taking sudafed for congestion(?), putting a hot water bottle against the ear and swimmer ear drops. I STILL CAN"T HEAR...... There ain't any wax in there. If there was, it's all gone now with the stuff I've used...LOL There is some pressure there but it eases just a little if I'm outside. If anyone has any ideas other than going to the doctor, I'm game. Oh, and I have heard of the one where a drop of your own pee is supposed to help. I have NOT tried that and I'd rather not...LOL My husband heard about having someone blow smoke, TOBACCO smoke, in the ear and that was supposed to help. I have not tried that either but it is a better choice that pee. Anyone got any other ideas? Thanks in advance!
  2. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    I had the same problem several months ago. I tried everything you did.
    Nothing worked.

    I went to the Dr and got some prescription nose spray and continued taking sudafed until it cleared up.
  3. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    I feel your pain, I get this once in a while. It is wax, way down deep in the canal. I couldn't find anything that worked. I know this doesn't help and you didn't want this answer but everytime I ended up going to the Urgent Care because I couldn't take it anymore. They used a flusher thing to flush it out....hey what about like a water pik?

    Good luck.
  4. Vitameatavegemin

    Vitameatavegemin Well-Known Member

    sudafed will dry up any congestion. mucinex will break up congestion. flushing out your ear, ear drops, etc will only get rid of anything outside of your ear drum. the medicine will help if it's behind the ear drum. try the mucinex and maybe a hot compress to relieve the pressure.

    the tobacco smoke, hot sweet oil, pee remedies are old timey remedies... the heat is the thing about those that may relieve pain/pressure...that's all. weird but true- when i get an ear ache i microwave a potato until it's hot, wrap it in a kitchen towel and hold it near my ear. the steamy heat relieve pain.

    hope you feel better!
  5. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Hubbys dr uses a rod-type thing to pull out wax from within the ear.
  6. Ima Sheltie

    Ima Sheltie Well-Known Member

    It seems like I have seen where the Minute Clinic at some of the CVS' will do ear cleaning.
  7. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    a couple of drops of perioxide. let it sit. stay with your head tilted until it stops making noise...then drain. do that a few times a day. Use a q-tip to try and gently clean the ear out. but it is blocked and this should help loosen it. Good luck.
    We do this every few weeks to help keep them clean too.

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    It sounds like more of an inner ear issue (behind the eardrum). Try a decongestant for a several weeks and see if this works. If you develop fever your MD is the way to go.
    Fluid behind the ear drum can cause this type of feeling and it can take quite some time for the fluid to go down. Of course, this is all according to you be absolutely sure its not wax buildup.
  9. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    i have heard Candling is great for it, pulls everything out. i have never done it personally but i have seen it done and i was amazed at how much junk came out of a supposedly wax free ear.
  10. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Pseudophedrine (Sudafed brand is now phenylefrine, lot as good) and mucinex should do the trick. Pseudo will relax the confested eustachian tube. Mucinex will thin the think mucus to allow it to flow (natural state, the mucus removes foreign materials, dust, etc.) when the mucus thickens, it doesn't flow, thus the congested swollen feeling. I recommedn at least 90 mg of pseudo every 12 hours, and at least 1200 mg of mucinex every 12 hours.

    I would not recommend inserting anything into the ear canal. If you rupture the ear drum, you've only begun to ask for problems.
  11. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    Thanks to all. I had someone else tell me about the candle thing. How do you do that? And Hat!! How ya been? I have Sudafed PE. Is this what you are talking about? And the mucinex, is it just the regular one or the mucinex D?
  12. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member


    CAROLINA SUN Well-Known Member

    You can try the Hair Blow dryer and blow the air in your ear. That works sometimes.
  14. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    i saw that before but i have yet to see any type of holistic or natural remedy the medical community supports, takes money out of theirs and the drug company's pockets. In VA, i knew several people say it totally cleared their ears erasing pain and actually increasing their hearing but i guess that makes sense if your ears are full of wax and as for the claims that it is not wax that comes out of the ears through candling, well i beg to differ on that as having raised 3 boys i have definitely seen my fair share of ear wax and on the people i witnessed having it done during a class i was in, it was definitly wax that showed up after the procedure was done. Now i would only consider going to someone who has been trained in the procedure such as a massage therapist (some are trained in this) or holistic practicioner. JMHO
  15. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    I have seen it done too - its quite impressive. I think there used to be place downtown Sm'field that sold holistic stuff, maybe they'd be able to do it too? Hope you can find some relief!
  16. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    The Sudafed PE has phenylephrine. It's a good to middling decongestant, but was rarely used in prescription levels, as it's punch was less than pseudoephrine does.

    Pseudoephedrine HCL is the one you have to get the card for and give the pharmacist, as the amount of it is watched by the state. It's used in some meth labs, so the law allows a limited amount, for which you have to show a picture ID and sign for it. It was usually prescribed for adults at 120 mg tablets, 1 tab Q 12 hrs. For some, that much PSE will keep you awake at night, watching Leave it To Beaver reruns on Telemundo.
    I recommend buying the tablets of 30 mg each, taking 4 of them (120 mg) in the morning, and 3 of them (90 mg) in the evening.

    You should check with your physician about taking this drug, especially if you are taking meds for high blood pressure, or cardiac meds of any type.

    Mucinex D has 60 mg of Pseudoephedrine as its decongestant, and 600 mg of guiafenesin. Suggested dosing is 2 tablets Q 12 hours, so you get the recommended level of guiafenesin. The guiafenesin levesl will think thte mucus, but my concern is that much PSE may cause agitation or keep you up at night.

    I'd suggest getting the plain mucinex, taking 2 tabs Q 12 hrs, and get the PSE separate and try the 120-90 dosing.


    Last edited: Oct 12, 2010
  17. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Sounds like your Eustacian Tubes are blocked. Use a decongestant, chew gum, force yawns, hold your nose/breath and blow until you *pop* for short term relief.
  18. granola acres mayor

    granola acres mayor Well-Known Member


    you can go to any GNC store and by the candle,they are at the registers, my poor hubby has terrible ear allergies and we do the candle thing at least two times a year. and it really does work. you can not do it alone so have someone you trust to help you so you dont burn yourself. Dont get me wrong it isnt dangerouse unless you light your hair on fire. but it is a fast relief and very efficient. Good luck and i hope you get relief soon.
  19. 2not2

    2not2 Well-Known Member

    Just a thought, but do you use an earpiece/bluetooth device? If so, have you lost the little foam piece that covers the earpiece? This happened to my husband several months ago. He drives a truck and constantly has the thing in his ear. One night while he was sleeping for a couple of hours in the seat, the earpiece fell off his ear and when he found it on the floor, he noticed the little foam piece was gone. He couldn't find it anywhere, so he just used the earpiece until he got another one. Well, it wasn't long until he started having problems with his ear and finally went to the urgent care. Sure enough, after much irrigation and digging in his ear canal, there was the foam piece!
  20. Ima Sheltie

    Ima Sheltie Well-Known Member

    I have to ask, more since I seem to be allergic to most everything, what is an ear allergy?

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