fridge/freezer not cooling

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by WhatNow, Nov 10, 2010.

  1. WhatNow

    WhatNow Well-Known Member

    What might cause our fridge/freezer to suddenly take a nosedive in temps? Anyone know a trusty repairman??
  2. queenleelee

    queenleelee Member

    The coil at the bottom on the condenser needs cleaning OR the refrigerator has a freon leak/out of freon. How old is the refrigerator?
  3. queenleelee

    queenleelee Member

    Is it still running? Like, do you still hear the compressor coming on?
  4. WhatNow

    WhatNow Well-Known Member

    It is still running. We turned it as cold as we can. H vacuumed the front at the bottom where it is dusty. How do you clean the coil? If is leaking, is it hard to replace?? We don't need to spend a bunch of $. The fridge is about 9yo.
  5. queenleelee

    queenleelee Member

    You pull it out and vacumn the back real good. If its 9 years old and its a freon leak, they may not even make the gas for it anymore. Unfortunately, it may be on its last leg. But, my husband says to pull it out and vacumn everything you can vacumn on it. It may just be dirty. Is it cooling any at all?
  6. Jack E

    Jack E Guest

    If the compressor is running then check and make sure you have air flow moving from the freezer section to the Cold Foods section. If no air flow it is either the fan motor is not working or the defrost timer clock has failed and the freezer coil is probably froze up to the point of impeding the air flow. Also, if it is frozen to the point of impeding air flow it could be the resistance heater around the freezer coil is bad. Typically, this will not be the case. I would check the fan first.
  7. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

  8. IncognitO

    IncognitO Well-Known Member

    We have two Frigidaire and they both have had this problem, they have an issue defrosting, I empty them out, unplug them for a couple of days, plug them back in and they work fine.

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