water in fuel

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by artis, Jan 4, 2011.

  1. artis

    artis Well-Known Member

    Has anyone else had water in their fuel from DR Wells? I'm not sure it's where it came from so I'm just curious if anyone else has had a problem there? I suspect it is shell station out towards selma tbh. thanks!
  2. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    How much water are we talking here? Could it be you let your gas tank go too low and condensation built up in the tank? We use dry gas every month in the winter for that reason. PS, I have gotten gas ( 8 gals each time) 5 times over the last 3 weeks at DR Wells and have had no trouble at all.
  3. artis

    artis Well-Known Member

    Same here, I get fuel over 3 different cars there -- only one w/an issue is one that got fuel out in selma. Problem started right after filling up at DR Wells, but I suspect the water came the night before from the other station from a partial fill up. As far as how much water, far more than condensation would permit -- 16oz sample taken right from the fuel line into the filter was ~1/3 water.
  4. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Oh that is not good. Have you called DR wells and asked them to stick the tanks to check for water? Like you said it probably came from Selma, because if it were DR then we would have heard alot more about it on here.
  5. Lucidity

    Lucidity Well-Known Member

    Highly unlikely they have water in their tanks.

    What kind of car do ya own? I've been filling up there often since their prices have come down with no issues. My wife's car gets 87 along with my daily driver gets the same with no issues. My toy gets 93 with no problems.

    I agree with the earlier comment of letting your tank stay low can cause condesation. Also if you have a evap/purge setup for your fuel tank that isn't working properly will also cause condensation.

    Good luck.
  6. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    Was the gas station in Selma a little Mom N Pop joint? DH is in the fuel industry and will NOT let me get gas at those places. He says they have old technology...the newer places have alarms that detect water and whereas a larger store has a regular delivery schedule of fuel, the smaller ones have to sell one load before getting another. This means you get the sludge from the bottom. His theory is you never know if your getting the bottom or the top. He also tells me to try and stay away from stations that are in the process of being refueled. Everything that has settle is stirred up.
  7. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Just got gas again yesterday at Dr Wells and had no problem, so it must be the Selma place or a condensation problem.
  8. macy

    macy Well-Known Member

    my son got gas once in apex. water in fuel ..ck engine light came on as soon as he pulled away from station. almost two thousand dollors for repair and shop say they saved a sample of gas and took it to the office of weights and measures in raeligh. they went out and shut down pumps to inspect and found water. they made them pay my sons repair bill on his truck..
  9. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    "He also tells me to try and stay away from stations that are in the process of being refueled. Everything that has settle is stirred up."

    very WISE advice!!!
  10. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    And Never get gas in the rain or snow, one raindrop in your tank, ummmmmmmmmmmm.....
  11. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

    All the stations I use have canopies.
  12. Lucidity

    Lucidity Well-Known Member

    I beleive he's yanking your chain.
  13. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

  14. Hoof-Hearted

    Hoof-Hearted Well-Known Member

    I have heard that some Drivers have tanks at thier Homes. and they fill their tanks and replace the Gas that they steal with water so it dont show on their log books and at weigh stations. Just something I had heard over the Old C.B. Radio.

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