Ashley's Furniture

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Rockyv58, Nov 5, 2010.

  1. pkc789

    pkc789 Well-Known Member

    We went there yesterday and their quality is still low and prices are still high. I knew that 2 months ago but I went back to see if they had lowered anything decent. The customer service (or lack of) was unreal. My dad sold furniture for 35 years and I know that sales jobs can be very frustrating but the sales person who met us at the door and followed us around ended up being the rudest person I have ever met! We were completely shocked. The is no way I would ever spend a dime in that store.
  2. smiles

    smiles Well-Known Member

    We went there two weeks "pounced on" by a salesperson the moment we stepped inside. I told her I was just browsing and she let me know they work on commission. Fine. Not a problem. However, every time I turned around, she ran up to ask if I'd found anything yet! The prices were OUTRAGEOUS...obviously they don't want to liquidate the inventory.
  3. snapper

    snapper Well-Known Member

    So I was in Goldsboro yesterday killing time and I stopped by the Ashley store there to see what the prices were like...You would honestly think they are trying to save the furniture bc the prices were not GOING OUT OF BUSINESS TYPE PRICES. They said no delivery offered and you had to take it home that day which was fine with me...I just stopped by to see if they had any good deals and they didn't.
  4. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    I wonder if they are planning on changing their name to something else, rather than truly going out of business.
  5. wed2x

    wed2x Well-Known Member

    We got followed around as well a few weeks ago. My husband told her we were all set and that if she kept following us, she would follow us right out the door. It took all I had not to burst out laughing. :lol: We left shortly after because the prices were ridiculous.
  6. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    I WILL remember this! It'll come in handy!
  7. Luvgoose1

    Luvgoose1 Well-Known Member

    When we were there a month or so ago, we found out that the people working in the stores are actually from the bank-brought in specifically for the sale. I actually spoke to a really nice woman in the Clayton store who was from the midwest. So these are not local people who really even have an interest in anything but making the sale for the bank.
  8. dgsatman

    dgsatman Well-Known Member

    I've always heard that it's against the law to have a GOOB sale and NOT go out of business. Just changing the name would not comply, but selling the inventory to an existing company that would operate in the sam facility would.
  9. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    they are not going out of business. if you read the fine print at the bottom of their ad (on tv or paper) it says "not actually going out of business trying to reduce existing stock in order to consolidate inventory...." or something along those lines.
  10. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Those sales like that are just a scam. They jack the prices up so they can "reduce" them. I went in there once and that was enough for me, right after they opened. Crap furniture for way too much $$
  11. Vitameatavegemin

    Vitameatavegemin Well-Known Member

    We stopped in and were stalked throughout the store...if you look close, a lot of the furniture is not original inventory being liquidated, but 'filler' brought in to keep the store from looking sparse. No great deals, either... something's not right about it...
  12. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member


    I am tired of hearing that annoying guy on the bankruptcy commercials. Well now they have change. Apparently they are not in bankruptcy cause the commercial was for a mattress sale
  13. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    This has to be the longest Going Out of Business Sale in history!

    It's like starting to plan my funeral the day I was born. Yeah, it's going to happen eventually, we're just getting ready and don't want to get caught by surprise.
  14. kevinsmithii

    kevinsmithii Well-Known Member

    Gone out of business?

    Out of curisoty checked into ashley furniture and chloe's furniture and seems both are owned by the same person. I crossed referenced DBA submissions at the register of deeds with Corporations filings at the Sec of states website,

    Talk about a scam, What are they avoiding having to pay, Taxes? For their personal belongings, Car? House? etc. All at our expense.
  15. Smudger

    Smudger Well-Known Member

    Seriously? You must have no life to get so involved in someones business like that. Mind your own or just keep the results to yourself next time.
  16. bosoxfan

    bosoxfan Well-Known Member

    As I understand it, the owners are the same people, and the bankruptcy was filed to get out from under the franchise agreement with Ashley.
  17. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    and there are different kinds of bankruptcy....some liquidate assets to pay off other things and others liquidate everything. Guess that 'research' didn't come up.
  18. kevinsmithii

    kevinsmithii Well-Known Member

    No it didn't. All I see is that a business had a going out of business sale only to change its' name and stay in the same business.
  19. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    a lot of businesses (seems like alot of furniture ones) will do the 'bankruptcy sale' without specify what 'chapter' they are filing. I do remember when this thread came out, in the fine print of their paper ad it did go into detail about what type of bankruptcy they were filing and it wasn't total liquidation, as I recall.
  20. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member


    Heard a commercial that Chloe's in Raleigh and Clayton are closing. They didn't even mention that Goldsboro store. I guess that one is already closed. Chain wasn't even open a year

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