Year Round School

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by MrsPeepers, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    I sent emails to each and every member of the school board using the email address link found on this website: I was surprised that a few had a email address through the board, and some used a personal one. It's not as if the budget is so dire that the board can't afford the bandwidth and space for all members.

    From a few members, remembering that all were listed in the same email, I rec'd a "we acknowledge receiving this email" response, certainly no indication that they had read my message, would read it, or would respond. That I haven;t even received even that poor a response from every member of the board is appalling to me. I shudder to have to accept the idea that the arrogance of an elected board is such that my concerns are so easily dismissed.

    Yet, I guess this is what happens when we keep electing the same names to the same places. It's almost as if the elections are pro forma, and they have a position for life.

    To ask for my vote, telling me that you'll be responsive to the voters, and then ignoring or keeping the communication flow to a minimum is unacceptable.

    Rather than keying on the color of their elect me signs, and the last names, it behooves us to remember the actual conduct of the public affairs and business, rather than the promises easily offered to get elected.
  2. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    My point for this was that there are many teachers who have to seek additional employment to carry them through the summer. Some businesses rely on these teachers...several that offer summer programs for children..

    While I agree that the focus should be on the impacts of families and students, I must also address the factors as I see them. I know a few teachers who depend on secondary incomes from these jobs. It was pointed out to me by one, and this teacher felt that they could not raise this issue.

    Over the past week or so, I have been in communication with several teachers who feel that they have little reception of their concerns, and that for them to post here is professional careericide. I become their voice.
  3. LovingLife10

    LovingLife10 Well-Known Member

    I agree. Although the children are the number one priority, it is very important for the teachers, as stakeholders, to buy in to whatever calendar the board goes with. Not buying in, is going to lead to further disgruntled teachers, and this will impact the students negatively.
  4. LovingLife10

    LovingLife10 Well-Known Member

    I understand your side, however the proposed calendar is going to ask teachers to work more and get paid the same if not less. They have chosen to be paid for only 9 months of work, but that nine months will not be the case under the new calendar. 180 mandatory instructional days, but from what I understand, there will have to be teachers during the enrichment/remediation weeks. It is sad that people who have masters and even doctorate degrees are so taken advantage of. I wonder how many full time jobs that pay less than teaching require 4 year degrees and beyond.
  5. momtofive

    momtofive Well-Known Member

    How can they say they are not rushing this to put into place the next school year when they are wanting decision from staff and parents by the end of March so the BOE can vote on which schools will adopt this new calendar in April? (This info is from the Herald article from this week.) Why the rush if they aren't looking to start it ASAP?

    And how is it not year-round when they get out of school in JUNE and start back in JULY?

    I have not yet sent my e-mail to the board members as I have an Advisory Board meeting tonight where my principal says she will be discussing this. I wanted to wait until after tonight to put my e-mail through - gotta have my ducks in a row.

    I have discussed this with Dr. Croom, however, and got basically the same response. I am not surprised that many BOE members have not responded nor am I surprised at the response quoted here. This is why it was so important this past November to elect new members - but that didn't happen. Maybe changes will be made next time, if this hasn't died down so everyone is apathetic to the whole situtation again. I'm sure that's why this is coming up this year - it's a non-election year so no one is in fear of losing their seat and by next year, no one will remember why they wanted them out.
  6. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Survey yesterday of concerns from staff. Vote by each school is today. Votes are supposed to be placed in a sealed envelope, transported to Central Office, and counted at Central.

    I'm curious as to who's doing the counting and ensuring it is an honest and accurate counting of ballots. I am not accusing anyone of dishonesty. I am suggesting following the advice of a former President, "Trust, but verify"

    I'd feel better if proponents and opponents, plus some third parties were present in this process, to better reflect open and transparent government.
  7. Edi's Mom

    Edi's Mom Guest

    Yesterday afternoon I sent a lengthy letter/email with my thoughts and several questions to our principal, asst. principal, my daughter's 2 teachers, Dr. Croom, and all SB members. Within an hour I had a response from the principal telling me she had forwarded my questions to Keith Beamon who is the Chief Academic Officer for JC Schools and within another hour I had the following responses. My questions are not in the order that I sent them in my letter, I pulled the first one below from the end because it reflects an answer to the who will be counting the votes question in an ealier post.

    From: Keith Beamon <>
    I have placed the answers, as best I know them, to your questions underneath each question. KB

    Question 1: Where will their votes be counted? Will it be in front of them or will it be sealed and taken to the county office where they are pushing this calendar?

    Answer: This is kind of like the question, "have you stopped beating your wife yet"? The way it is phrased does not lend itself to an answer that can't be taken out of context. However, the votes will be counted by the Superintendent's senior cabinet who will undoubtedly be fair in the counting. The Central Services of Johnston County is making this calendar available to schools who want it and think it works for them. It is the school's decision, that is why the dialogue and voting have been opened to the schools. It is not a directive to do it or not do it. It is an opportunity.

    Question 2: Will children be offered acceleration and enrichment when other children are offered remediation? I do NOT mean Academic childcare. Will all students no matter their level of academics be offered the same advantages; help for those students that need the help and acceleration for those students that desire it?

    Answer: Because there are no additional funds with this program, there will be a pay as you go day care provided that will have an enhanced educational program associated with it. This will be designed to take the students who attend deeper into what they are studying at school.

    Question 3: Who will be teaching these children?
    Answer: The teachers from in your school.

    Question 4: How will these children get to school?
    Answer: Parents will have to provide transportation.

    Question 5: Will they be offered lunch at school?
    Answer: No.

    Question 6: Is intersession a full or half day?
    Answer: Remediation is half day and enrichment all day.

    Question 7: Will you be offering childcare during these periods at school as you do now for before and after school?
    Answer: During the time of remediation, yes. Not for the weeks in which remediation is not provided - typically the holidays at Christmas and Easter and one of the two weeks in the fall.

    ***It is my understanding that teachers will be voting on this first at their school and if at least 50% agree then it will go to the parents via a parent's meeting. I have questions on this as well:

    Question8: Will teachers be voting secretly/anonymously?
    Answer: Yes.

    Question 9: When will they vote? (I heard tomorrow, 2/18/2011)
    Answer: Yes.

    Question 10 : Will there be people there to talk with the teachers about the pros and cons to all involved? Someone representing both sides? I have heard that administration from the current schools using this calendar will be there to speak with the teachers about it's advantages, who will be there to talk about the disadvantages?

    Answer: The principal of each school makes the decision as to who to invite, if anyone, to speak to the staff. I have had this opportunity in the past and have tried to point out both the positive and the negative. I do not know about who has or will speak to the Cleveland Elementary staff.

    Question 11: If it comes to the parents, where will the Parents Meeting(s) be taking place? At each individual school where different questions and possibly different answers will be raised and answered or in a large group setting like at the local high school for all the local area schools to attend?
    Answer: At each individual school.

    Question 12: Will enough notice be given for the Parents Meeting(s) so parents can make arrangements to be there?
    Answer: Yes.

    Question 13: Will someone again be at the Parents Meeting(s) representing both sides?
    Answer: All the parents are invited and invited to speak, both for and against the proposal.

    Keith Beamon
    Chief Academic Officer
    Johnston County Schools
    P. O. Box 1336
    Smithfield, NC 27576

    Phone: 919-934-4361 ext 303
    Fax: 919-989-8692

    I am working on a response now and some additional questions, if you have some you'd like for me to include let me know.
  8. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Perhaps Mr Beamon doesn't understand our skepticism. That a perception that events may be less than kosher is evident, also points out to little effort being put forth to dispel any sense of distrust.

    No one is questioning that we all seek the best of education for our children.
  9. LovingLife10

    LovingLife10 Well-Known Member

    Based on these answers, it sounds like the county is giving the schools some autonomy. If they have left it up to the schools to up run the meetings since in the end the decision will be made at the school level, then maybe it is the principals that should answer some of these questions about who will speak at the meetings. The county's integrity has obviously been questioned, and he does stand up for them by saying that the cabinet will count ballots and assuring us of their honesty. The initial posts on this thread made it seem as though the county office was going to impose this on the entire county, but this correspondence states that it will be up to the results of the individual schools.
  10. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    With the first post on 2-9, several emails and communiques to the School Board, Central Office, and the elementary school principals, it begs that questions as to why it took so long for the powers that be to realize that there was obvious concern and confusion within and about this issue. Here we are on page 12 of a community online bulletin board, with concerns as to this process. Saying that this website isn't viewed by anyone within the school system that could have addressed the concerns doesn't hold water.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2011
  11. LovingLife10

    LovingLife10 Well-Known Member

    They should have postponed this vote based on the confussion alone IMO.
  12. mom2two

    mom2two Well-Known Member

    As a working outside the home full time parent, I support the calendar. Child care issues would be cheaper and it would be easier to take off for vacations a few weeks here and there as I am not allowed to take off 2months at a time. Getting to go to the beach every other week or to the pool everyday because like stay at home parents get to do us not an option. I wonder what the percentages of approval would be of working and non working parents.
  13. beebsy

    beebsy Well-Known Member

    I think you and I would be the only two people in Joco that would support this type of calendar, from the looks of it...I have wished for years that some type of modified calendar would be at least offered in Joco as an option...I feel like everything you have seen happen in Wake County, as far as the calendar changes (due to excessive growth), and the opposition to it, is going to be replayed out here in matter what, somebody, somewhere, is NOT gonna be happy...but all I can say, at the end of the day, is that I am GRATEFUL for the extremely competent teachers that my children have had so far, and as long as I see a quality education, I don't care WHAT calendar they decide on...when I see the quality of their education decline (which I hope I never do)---that's when you'll see me ranting and raving about the Joco schools...:)
  14. momtofive

    momtofive Well-Known Member

    As an AIG mom, I don't see at all the benefits of this type calendar for my children. I have talked to my principal who was unable to tell me the benefits for this type calendar for my children. They will be forced to go year round (for yes, it is a year round calendar even though they aren't wanting to call it that due to the stigma attached) solely to help the population of children that need the extra remediation. Why not put into place some type of summer program for those that need the extra help? When I am being told that programs like the AIG Center are not worth the money and when I am having to find extra resources for my children's teachers so that my children's education in the classroom is enhanced, why should I want to support a program that is going to simply cost even more money to help only one population of children?

    Next, my principal said that they are looking to start this at elementary schools next year and the year after, middle schools will be going through the same process to go to this type calendar. They will only be able to do it if all the elementary schools that feed into them are on this calendar.

    For me, I think I'll be looking to homeschool. I'm doing the work already, why not go all the way.
  15. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Absolutely. What is the benefit for my children? Nothing! *I* am an involved parent. What is the benefit for me? Nothing, as a matter of fact it would pretty much blow my future plans for employment and our family's choice not to have our children in daycare.

    Out of all the elem schools that funnel into the middle school I say put all the poor performing kids at one elem school - and have their parents provide transportation, and let the other kids continue to learn and advance at their pace in their studies and increase AIG funding. I guarantee you within one year, those other kids will be up to par. Inconvenience their damn parents who aren't doing their job!
  16. Gomer Pyle

    Gomer Pyle Well-Known Member must be so simple for you, so cut-and-dried- social Darwinism at is finest. If they can't perform, cut 'em loose so they don't slow my kids down.

    I thought you were better than that.
  17. lovetweetie

    lovetweetie Active Member

    My daughter attends a school that has a modified calendar and we like it. I wasn't sure at first until trying it out. The Summer is too long and we can only do so many activites during the Summer so she tends to get bored. It is nice to have more breaks throughout the year so we can take vacation at off peak times and so that she can get a break. I also think she will be able to retain more of what she has learned the previous school year by not having such a long Summer break. Attending the intersession week is optional. Some of the kids we know have attended that week and they really enjoy going. There is typically a special theme for the week and they do some really fun activities.
  18. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I didn't say that at all. :confused:

    There is not a large population of students at say, Cleveland Elem that are not performing. Why would this be considered for that school? The last I checked it was one of the best if not THE BEST elementary school in JoCo, an Honor School of Excellence. Title 1 schools.... uh, not so great. I will preface - I would have no problem with my children attending a Title 1 school, if that were my neighborhood school. However, we are already taking funding away from AIG and kids just simply are not being challenged in their clusters as much as they could be.

    If we have a facility for AIG, why not have one full time for poorer performing students where extra time can be spent on the basics so the other kids are not snoring and all parents are having to alter their life around a small population. Wouldn't that be win-win? They get the attention they need and everybody else can learn at their pace?

    I am a proponent of public schools, every child has a right to a free education but it's just not one size fits all and it never will be.
  19. momtofive

    momtofive Well-Known Member

    I am told that for the intersession week, if I want my kids to go to get extra acceleration, I have to pay for it. But if my kids are not performing as needed, my school will pay for their remediation that week. Equal education for all? I don't think so.

    I believe ALL children, regardless of their abilities, deserve an education. And I am all for public education or I never would have sent my kids their to begin with. But I also believe in equal education for all and from my experience with the school system, that's not how it is. If your child knows grade-level material, they are pushed aside. Programs that are introduced into the schools are to help those that need more to pass. While I have no problem with that, I think it's unfair to watch the kids on the other side of the spectrum sitting in class bored and being used by the teachers to teach the other students. How is that giving them the education they deserve?

    The selling point I keep hearing about the Academic Enhancement Calendar is it helps those that don't retain information to retain it better. What about those that don't have a problem? What is being done for them? No one has been able to answer that for me yet.

    It infuriates me to know that the AIG Center will probably be cut this year and that money somehow allocated to help cover remediation costs.
  20. lovetweetie

    lovetweetie Active Member

    Intersession week

    There is no cost to attend the intersession week.

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