Just an FYI...

Discussion in 'PC Help Desk' started by ServerSnapper, Mar 29, 2011.

  1. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    For all the novice computer people. Please beware of pop ups they say your machine is infected. DO NOT CHECK YES. Just close the window. please.
  2. hhicshg

    hhicshg Well-Known Member

  3. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

    Just happened to me a couple days ago,took forever to close it.
  4. FoxChassis

    FoxChassis Well-Known Member

    CTRL + ALT + Delete

    Start Task Manager

    On 'Applications' tab choose the 'Task' to close and click the 'End Task' button at bottom
  5. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

    Thanks :)
  6. lookinoutformyneighbors

    lookinoutformyneighbors Active Member

    Another good thing to do when this happens

    Also another application that you can download free and run is Malwarebytes.
    Alot of pop-ups can be related to malware. I've seen folks deal with the pop-ups to the point that it crashes their systems. The best thing to do is to remove the malware as soon as you notice the pop-ups occurring.

    The url is http://www.malwarebytes.org (the free version works great). :)

    I hope that this helps!
  7. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    It can't remove a root kit. Which is what I was referring to.
  8. FoxChassis

    FoxChassis Well-Known Member

    If you have a root kit just closing a window is kicking the can down the road, instead of fixing the problem.
  9. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    For the perticular issue I am referring to cleaning the cache will be sifficient. By closing it will not have a chance to seed in the cache.
  10. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

  11. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    haven't had any problems in I don't really know how long on my personal pc's since I have been running Comodo. Here at work we run McAfee Enterprise on our network (with the exception of my pc which I'm running Comodo on) and I have had to clean a few of the pc's here and had to rebuild one entirely, however mine is still sitting pretty with no problems.
  12. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    Fire fox, Ad block
  13. FoxChassis

    FoxChassis Well-Known Member

    NONE of my personal computers have ever had viruses, malware, trojans, root kits, etc. When I say "personal" I mean the ones that I (not anyone else) use personally, at home, on my network. I have never used any "pay" or "corporate" level anti-virus, anti-malware, or anti-spyware programs. Anything that I use is or had been "free" versions. My browser (Firefox) is locked down, i.e. cookies and scripts are allowed only for trusted 'sites, and trackers are blocked.

    As for the other PCs on my network, that's another matter. The wife has her own that nobody else uses and I have had to clean it of serious infections three times. But then she accidentally installs toolbars, uses Google talk and Yahoo IM, and she downloads music and games and programs, and has nothing blocked in her browser (Firefox).
  14. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Anyone who says they "Don't Need" AV or any other protection is a fool and a novice at best. Most of the time they are free source junkies.

    I watch nightly how many times my IP address is hit from Japan, China, Sweden, and Germany. So please. Don't use your brain. Give me your IP address. We will see how bad you need it.
  15. FoxChassis

    FoxChassis Well-Known Member

    Which one of us are you trying to chide now?
  16. Ima Sheltie

    Ima Sheltie Well-Known Member

    I didn't need any virus protection until I found this great porn site, now the firewall is working overtime :mrgreen:

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