Faith vs Religion (Religious)

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ServerSnapper, Apr 25, 2011.

  1. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    After seeing those who take pride in starting threads and people like me raining on their parade. COme here to express your opinion about Faith, Religion(Religious) ways of life. Gathering of knowledge is what I am pushing for. Even athiest have views on Religion and faith. Everyone. Express away.

    I personally believe people get lost in religion. "Ohh I am religious". "Oh my religion is based on....." You should get the picture.
  2. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    I've always said and believe that God wants a relationship not religion
  3. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    I'll find this to be interesting as I am being tested. My life is at a turning point and others futures depend on my decisions that need to be quickly made. I hope the thread it lengthy.
  4. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Sorry Nsane.....
  5. Redneck Rich

    Redneck Rich Well-Known Member

    Faith is always a good topic IMHO.

    Folks have debated religious practice and teachin' since the beginning of time, trying to disprove other's beliefs with what they consider to be evidence suggestin' otherwise.

    The funny thing about faith is, you can't challenge it.

    Faith is defined as “unquestioning beliefs that do not require proof or evidence.”
    Heb 11:1 (KJV) Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

    There is evidence that Jesus Christ was alive, but there is no tangible worldly evidence that He was the Son of God, I choose to believe this… This is my Faith.

    Folks can try and discredit my religious practice (going to church weekly, paying tithes, wearing a Sunday suit, etc) and their claims may be thought provoking at times (which is not always a bad thing) but their claims have no impact on my faith that Jesus is the Son of God.

    Bottom line, Faith is not true faith if you need proof.
  6. Redneck Rich

    Redneck Rich Well-Known Member

    An old redneck boy was sitting in a room full of scholars and scientists debating the facts and evidence surrounding the great Exodus. The redneck stated, "Don't you fellas have any idea what God is able to do? My bible says that God opened up the waves of the Red Sea and led the whole nation of Israel right through the middle."

    One of the scholars laughed lightly and stated, "That can all be very easily explained. Modern science has shown that the Red Sea in that area was only 10-inches deep at that time. It was no problem for the Israelites to wade across."

    The redneck was stumped. His eyes wandered from the group of men back to the Bible laying open in his lap. The scholar, feeling content that he had enlightened the naive redneck to the finer points of scientific insight, attempted to make another statement when suddenly the redneck began to praise God in jubilation.

    "Wow!" exclaimed the redneck, "God is greater than I thought! Not only did He lead the whole nation of Israel through the Red Sea, He topped it off by drowning the whole Egyptian army in 10 inches of water!"

    That's good faith!!
  7. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Very well said! Thank you. My prevocation was not aimed at those who truely have faith. But those who hide behind religion as if it will save them.
  8. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    :hurray: I was going to post something, but you said this so well that I cannot possibly add a thing. Thank you!
  9. jjganny

    jjganny Well-Known Member

    As our pastor said yesterday, lots of people that go to church & think they have "religion" will not make it to heaven.
  10. Redneck Rich

    Redneck Rich Well-Known Member

    Too many of 'em think that being a good person or doing good things is the way... that can be misrepresented as being religious.
  11. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    Faith is something anyone can have in anything. You have faith that your car will start in the morning, that your husband will not sleep with another woman, that your plane won't crash into the ocean. It is a way of believing in the outcome of forces, events and sciences that we do not personally understand.

    Religion is an organized society of people who believe in the existence of (insert name of favorite god/gods here) and who go about their lives in a manner that would please that god/s.
  12. Allioop

    Allioop Well-Known Member

    I've been at a turning point too recently. Our faith (in God) can be as little as a mus-My Friend seed or large enough to move mountains. I've learned to just surrender all to him even when I have doubts and anxiety about the future (sometimes easier said than done).

    Psalm 91:4: "He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge."
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2011
  13. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    Thank you! Well stated.

    'Faith' does not, in itself, imply a religious connotation yet it has been taken as such. I have faith that certain things in my life will work out for the better. I also have faith that the world will be a better place for my daughter. None of this faith is placed in a deity of any conventional wisdom, nor does it have to be in order to be considered 'faith'.
  14. jennandchad

    jennandchad Active Member

    Faith vs. Religion

    I have viewed (since becoming a Christian) religion as a set of rules that do not particularly have any correlation with your relationship with God and Jesus. You can do all the "things" that a Christian is supposed to do (go to church, be nice, etc.), however, if you don't have a relationship with Him, your religion is meaningless.

    If you have faith (in God and Jesus), then you ultimately accept that everything happens for the good regardless of the circumstances you may be in. You either trust God or you don't. Certainly, you have questions and doubts, but those questions and doubts should be shared with God (i.e. back to the relationship). If you constantly worry, complain or are otherwise unhappy in life, then you probably don't have any faith.

    For instance, when my mom died 4 years ago, I had faith she went to heaven and is in a better place and I could use this experience to help others that have lost their parent (which I have). When the company I worked for closed down, I had faith that new doors would open up (which did). When I started tithing, I had faith that God would provide for me and my family (and He has). When I learned and applied what was in the bible, I had faith that this would play a part in successfully raising my children, strengthening my marriage and giving me the mindset of who's life can I impact for the good (which it has).

    Faith in God and Jesus is powerful and changes lives. Religion, which can have the same effect, often doesn't.
  15. VolleyGrl

    VolleyGrl Well-Known Member

    Words on a discussion board mean nothing unless your actions in life back them up. And in the end, God knows everything in a person's heart and will be the judge. There will be no hiding behind scripture passages to try and hide the sins when it's time to be judged.
  16. tukasiya

    tukasiya Well-Known Member

    Thomas Jefferson supposedly said, and I am paraphrasing, "I like the idea of a god, but I fear religion."

    I agree.
  17. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member


    as said by DB's wife
  18. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    Perfectly said! I feel the exact same way. And once your faith(and relationship) is strong, like you went on to say about your family, and death, and all works out. It's awesome.
  19. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    This is what makes someone an Agnostic, like me.

    I do not subscribe to any religion, nor even the notion of a 'god' per se. Although I do feel there are forces at work that man cannot fathom, even beyond what science can explain.

    Who am I to pretend to 'know' what these forces are?
  20. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    'Faith' In god or Jesus is just that, faith. You have 'faith' that what you believe about your religion will hold up to be true.

    As KellBell wrote, you can have 'faith' that you will win the lottery one day. Faith is nothing more than hope or a wish. Religion is where you place that faith. You have faith in your religion and that religion (whatever it may be) is where it begins to break down for me. It is perplexing to me that so many people have faith in religion when it takes so many forms and has so many different interpretations? At what point, with all of these different interpretations, do they admit it is all made to fit what they prefer?

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