Cleaning Service Needed

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by SavannahAnna, May 14, 2009.

  1. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    No one would have given a rat's patoot except he didn't give her a chance to rectify it first and then waited two weeks to post something. If I had PAID someone to do a job like that, then by gosh, I would have gotten the work I paid for. His handling of the situation is what made me go :confused:.
  2. VolleyGrl

    VolleyGrl Well-Known Member

    I know, but everyone handles things differently. It's not exactly fair to go after them because of it. I might have done the same thing and just called it a wash (no pun intended :lol:) and found someone new. Like I said, I just saw this thread today and that was my first impression.
  3. Crysta

    Crysta Guest

    Yeah, but I don't think it helped his case once we found out what his issues were with the cleaning job. Countertops that she said in advance wouldn't come fully clean...didn't come fully clean? ONE cobweb at the top of a shower (where spiders are commonly found due to the availability of water)? And my personal favorite is the dust on top of the shower rod. I had to ask about this one because I've personally never considered, not once in all my personal cleaning or having cleaning done by someone else, dusting the top of a shower curtain rod. Come to find out...there was a shower curtain hanging on the rod!! Seriously?! This guy found an INCH of dust on top of a curtain rod that had a curtain hanging from it?! He never disputed that she cleaned the shower, so she must have gotten into the shower the same way as the spider...? That or maybe the first cleaner he should have hired was someone to clean out the air ducts in the house. Or maybe she was supposed to clean out the duct system too. Shoot, I never thought of that. Gotta go home and white glove my air ducts and shower curtain rods. :D
  4. CANDI3

    CANDI3 Member

    Wow, I clean homes and all I can say is I would NOT want to stay at your house...I clean homes on bi-weekly and monthly basis and it is RARE to find spider webs above the showers if it is being cleaned as it should.
  5. smellarat

    smellarat Well-Known Member

    :iagree: Everyone handles things differently. What satisfies one person doesn't satisfy another, and hopefully someone reading this thread looking for a house cleaner would take that into consideration.
  6. VolleyGrl

    VolleyGrl Well-Known Member

    EXACTLY! I think this guy learned from this experience that he needs to be specific about what he expects the next time because his idea may be different from what the cleaner's idea is and the cleaning gal has learned she needs to know what the homeowner wants exactly and what they expect before she takes the job.

    I just don't think it's fair to make ANYBODY seem like the bad guy in this situation is all.
  7. VolleyGrl

    VolleyGrl Well-Known Member

    It's still attacking the guy because he has a different expectation of what clean is/was and that's not fair and people who use this woman are going to get defensive because they like her, which is totally understandable, but I don't know either of these good folks so I'm saying it is silly to crucify this guy just because he wants his place a certain way. I think now he will probably make sure to go through and point out what he wants (at least i hope so) with the next person so everyone is on the same page.
  8. cosmicvagabond

    cosmicvagabond Well-Known Member

    That's a fair point, buy I was just assuming that she did her best the first time out. The reason I waited two weeks is that at first I was chalking it up to a missed spot here or there, but I kept finding more and more, and I felt like I wanted to post a review.
  9. cosmicvagabond

    cosmicvagabond Well-Known Member

    Hey Crysta, funny you should say that but the first person I got into the home was someone to clean the ductwork. I had the carpets cleaned and the house professionally cleaned( or so I thought). Next, she did not tell me that the countertops would not come clean. She told me that about where the counter above the stove was discolored would not come all the way clean. Hell, all there is on the countertops is grease and grunge back near the backsplash that accumulated over time. It just took some elbow grease. And finally, I mistakenly called the piece over the shower door a rod. Its a door frame I guess, a piece about the thickness of the door. I assume where dust had settled over time and gotten steamy and then more dust, it was quite thick (probably not an inch, that was an exaggeration). Yea, all n all the house wasn't that bad, I just had hoped it had been cleaner after paying to have it cleaned. Is it wrong for having high expectations?
  10. cosmicvagabond

    cosmicvagabond Well-Known Member

    Volleygirl, thanks for at least taking a neutral tone. I suppose making a trip through and pointing out trouble areas would have been wise. I did point out the area above the stove. The funny thing about people getting defensive is that people got defensive without ever seeing her work or knowing if she did good work.
  11. nanana

    nanana Guest

    Re cleaning service needed/Savannah

    I have a one person cleaning business based in Clayton. I would be glad to help you or anyone else on the site that needs help. Will provide great refs. email for
  12. HeidiB

    HeidiB Active Member

    Can someone PM me Anna's information...I would like to contact her to see if she has availability to come to our house. :)
  13. Allioop

    Allioop Well-Known Member

    I just wanted to say how much I love Anna! She recently cleaned my house, and I was so happy with her work! She is such a sweet lady too...and very dependable.

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