GHOSTS!! Do you believe or not believe?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ServerSnapper, Apr 28, 2010.

  1. granola acres mayor

    granola acres mayor Well-Known Member

    If you start one here COUNT me in, i have had several experiences throughout my life. and i would love to here the EVP you have.
    please feel free to call 795-8298 (919)
  2. [​IMG]
  3. sirputz

    sirputz Well-Known Member

    Yeah, Some of the experiences i've had with Dejavu have been pretty significant....Like in 1986, I was watching the news in the morning as Space Shuttle Challenger was getting ready to launch...I told my mom, "Mommy, the space ship is gonna blow up.. She said, yes, it will go up into space...I said, No mommy, it's gonna blow up, I had a dream about it. : The images I saw in my dream were the shuttle on the pad, the astronauts waving, and then the camera rolling past the word Challenger and the US FLAG on the side. Then a rolling (video loop like) image of the shuttle lifting off and exploding. Really weird.

    I've also forseen people falling, knowing that they were going to trip and I was not near where they were walking, but moved to them in order to catch them from their fall. In fact, most of my experiences had something to do with the act of falling (falling from the sky, tripping, falling off a chair or ladder) I wonder if that has some sort of meaning....

    SS what do you think?

    also, s/n at hotmail is my e-mail, I'd like to hear that clip
  4. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Yes. If you keep going out north church there is a back way over to 49. DO you know where Bennett Road is? Well where Bennett road and this road meet there is a church. Going past that church north about 6 or 7 miles.
  5. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    If you think about it. EVERYTHING is made up of energy. I totally believe in Dejavu. I believe you can will things to happen and make changes where needed. Laws of attraction are very powerful.
  6. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    So what did you think of the clip?
  7. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    SS, I would LOVE to join any group like this! Seriously though, are you ok with things if it turns out to be something that seems evil or demon like? IKNOW the house I used to live in had something in there and it was not good.
  8. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Dealing with evil sprits and demons usually call for more heavy duty people to call in. I know a demonologist here in Raleigh.
  9. cosmicvagabond

    cosmicvagabond Well-Known Member

    I'm sitting here, it's 2:30 AM and the lights are out, and I'm reading about ghosts. I've always been freaked out about the thoughts of ghosts or whatever you want to call them making contact with the living. I am a skeptic, but would love to see proof with MY OWN EYES. This is the only way I could believe that such things exist. No disrespect to any poster here, just this is one thing that I would take no one's word on. That said, I would be interested in investigating such matters. I would love to find an answer. As on earlier poster said, I too would probably ****e myself if I got incontrovertible proof. Has anything progressed towards the formation of a group?
  10. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    Hey, Cosmic ... just out of curiosity ... what would you consider undeniable proof? To most skeptics, just about any proof in the paranormal realm could be argued. To see .. SOMETHING .. with your own eyes .. what do you want to see?

    It's a question I've been asking myself. What proof do *I* need. I haven't found it yet. There's some pretty darned good pictures of images, EVPs and sound recordings, but those things could all still be explained. I'd have more trouble explaining items moving on their own, actually seeing it with my own eyes, after checking out potential causes.
  11. cosmicvagabond

    cosmicvagabond Well-Known Member

    To finally accept something so meaningful as proof that our souls live on in some form the proof would have to be, for me, undeniable. Don't get me wrong, I have FAITH that we go on, somewhere else, but I have no proof. I have always felt like that was God's plan. No proof is possible, hence the need for faith. If we KNEW that we lived on after death, there would be far fewer agnostics and atheists. IMHO. Yet i remain neutral on the belief in ghosts. I don't say that they do or do not exist. Far more is possible than we can conceive.
    So, as far as what it would do for me, I would have to see an apparition, an apparition that was known to me personally, and it would have to interact with me in such a way that it confirmed it was what it appeared to be. Ex: I see and speak to my mother who has passed. It's a tall order, I know, but this is what it would take to convince me. EVP's wouldn't do it, Orbs certainly won't do it, photos won't do it. All three can be faked, and when not faked, can not be proven to be from a ghost/spirit without question. (Again IMHO). I am not that knowledgeable in this and am speaking for myself only.
    I will share that I do admit that I believe that it is possible for energies to remain after someone dies. Energies left by events or from personalities... I believe that a component of who we are is made up of energy, and this energy may hang around after were gone. I liken it to erasing a cassette tape that had music on it in order to re-record over it. (for those of us old enough to remember that) Sometimes not all of the music is erased, leaving echoes of itself on the tape. I think that, in some cases, what people experience is something like that. Sometimes, that energy is still floating around and when conditions are just right, you get an echo.
    That's my half-dollars worth.
  12. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Fess up, who performed the exorcism!
  13. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

  14. Mr.X

    Mr.X Well-Known Member

    I got to assist in a paranormal investigation of the Raleigh Masonic Temple with TPI (Triangle Paranormal Investigations) earlier this year. I have the EVP's on my laptop. I experienced a response to a request we made. I absolutely believe.
  15. Mr.X

    Mr.X Well-Known Member

    I had the chance to see Ed & Lorraine while I was in college in Connecticut. Their presentation was fascinating and downright scary. I beleive this is nothing to take lightly
  16. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    So did Ghots or Aliens or Zombies come get Server Snapper? He's obviously been abducted. :mrgreen:
  17. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    Naw, Witness protection program. He was drug running w/ his airplane for the Zeta cartel got busted turned rat and gave up some big names.

    He's now Mildred Finklestein living in seclusion on some island w/ no internet access.

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