Homeless people?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by robbie, Oct 30, 2010.

  1. mayormyk1

    mayormyk1 Guest


    Here is a bit of info,
    Last year a guy at the Wilco said he was broke down with his pregnant wife and needed gas money, I laughed an said no. About a month later the SAME guy approached me and gave me the same line I said, "Dude your stupid, you already gave me that line a month ago, get lost" and he walked away, I just laughed.

    Second, a gas station at 4042 that I worked at part-time got a new customer. It was one of the panhandlers at the off-ramp. He came in and bought just shy of $100 worth of scratch-off lottery tickets.

    My wife who also works near the liquor store up at 4042 was outside her place of business and watched two of them go in and and out of the liquor store with YOUR money.

    All of the above are facts. You decide where your money is going to be spent. But mine stays in my pocket.
    I dunno what their story is but yes, there are a great deal of people that have lost their home but still have clothes and enough pride to go into the gas station bathroom and shave.

    There is also a man that comes into the gas station to wash every morning, he sleep in his car in local parking lots. He is a guy that I am sure a bunch of you know and have no idea of his plight but there he is, homeless. He had a home but lost it without a job...dont throw too many stones because you may hit someone that you know.
  2. J34

    J34 Well-Known Member

    amazing stories...but with that said, your last line...well-put. we all kinda live in our own little bubble...you just never know anyone else's story, their past, their present, or their future, and that's hard to remember sometimes.
  3. sacosta

    sacosta Well-Known Member

    My wife was getting off the interstate today at 40/42, and said that there was a woman and a police officer standing beside a car. A homeless person was lying motionless with his head under the car. She went to Foodlion and went she went back past they were no longer there.

    Does anyone know what happened?
  4. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    man and dog is back
  5. Melynda

    Melynda Well-Known Member

    I haven't seen or heard anything ... was there damage to the car ... or is it possible that maybe it was a broke down vehicle & someone was looking under it to see how to fix it? Car repair in the middle of the road wouldn't be wise but I'd rather that be the case than someone actually being injured. I hope everyone is ok.
  6. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    No, it wasn't a repair. My boss saw it as well, said the truck had apparently hit the man from the activity around the situation.
  7. cynadon

    cynadon Well-Known Member

    let's be politically correct. American Nomads, not homeless!
  8. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    I am a nomad . . . well actually kind of a mutant!
  9. Melynda

    Melynda Well-Known Member

    :( That's really sad ... for the driver, the individual hit & the individual's family. I wish they weren't allowed to beg near the streets. It seems really dangerous. It was bound to happen one day ... :(
  10. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    I came through there the other day and saw him, he had a safety vest on and looked like he was picking up trash around the ramp. Doggie was leashed to a sign at the side of the off ramp.


    This is a good idea to give them bag of toiletries or something versus money thanks for the idea. I have never seen a Mexican out there begging for money they are working! these out there on 40/42 are seem to be in good physical shape.
  12. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Definitely don't want to make light of the topic . . . But

  13. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    Well at least it is willing to work for its money!!!!
  14. JoCoREZ

    JoCoREZ Well-Known Member

    Maybe someone else has mentioned this before but I have noticed that the beggers at 40/42 are nowhere to be found on the weekends. Seems like that would be the best time for traffic and such.
  15. Breezy18

    Breezy18 Well-Known Member

    Man on 210/40 corner

    I noticed last friday that the man that stands on 210 hwy exit was talking on a cell phone. He had his head turned and down. I stopped to turn around and stare to make sure I was seeing right and he turned completely around so as to 'hide' his cell phone to his ear. This is sad. I donate as well, but through other sources. I am just not trusting that someone talking on the cell on a friday night is homeless...I have not seen him during the weekend at all...Best time for traffice there too!
  16. Tom Servo

    Tom Servo Well-Known Member

    I thought this was interesting...

    A couple of weeks ago when I pulled into the Walmart parking lot I saw a guy standing in the median at the entrance. He had on a cowboy hat and the typical sign and duffel bag. I went in Walmart to get some stuff and then went to the Murphy Station to get gas. I went inside, paid for a bag of ice, and when I came out the "homeless" guy was standing behind the ice machine smoking a Marlboro and talking on a cell phone. :lol:

    I pulled out my cell phone and tried to take a picture but he saw me and ran off behind the building. I can't afford marlboros and he had a nicer phone than I did. Homeless my ***!
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2011
  17. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    GRRRR! That makes me so mad. What ever happened to making an honest living by doing an honest day's work? I hope karma bites them in the *** and they do end up homeless (at least for a day or so).
  18. BEEBSLY9

    BEEBSLY9 Active Member

    Homeless on I-40

    :confused: Does anyone know anything about the man who lives in a tent on I-40, I think right before the I-440 exit. If you are headed down 40-west, he would be on your right side in a bunch of trees. He has a dog, and I have seen the dog out there in the morning, and then on my way home at night. I always want to stop and drop off a bag of dog food - but I wanted to get the story straight. Also, being a young female I need to be procautious! Thanks!
  19. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    His name is Doug and his friend Al lives across Jones Sausage off of the other ramp. Both are wonderful people and love to talk. The dog is very protective of Doug so they keep him away from people as much as possible. My husband befriended them last year and both have been to our house on occassion for dinner. Very nice guys.
  20. mtngirl51

    mtngirl51 New Member

    What happed to Doug at I40 and Jones Sausage Road?

    Does anyone know what happed to Doug, the homeless guy at I40 and Jones Sausage Road? I've noticed his tent is gone and everything is cleaned out. I have taken him supplies from time to time and would like to know what happened to him.

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