GCAA Athletics (soccer specifically)

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by me&them, Aug 11, 2011.

  1. me&them

    me&them Well-Known Member

    Well, apparently politics is a major role in children's sports. I will soon enjoy watching some of the major contributors gracefully bow out in their contributions. I really feel for the children and their hard work. Some of the current leaders, well most of them, need a reality check. They seem to think they have all the knowledge it takes to coach and take total control in areas they have no expertise. Books are a valuable asset in learning, but anyone and everyone will agree that experience is always more valuable. The fact is you wouldn't read a book on how to drive an automobile, pass a test and be qualified to instruct others. Well, the leaders and their theories will soon be embarassing to themselves. Having qualified people to teach, implement and care about the children is much more important to the parents and children, than the leaders prides. Parents spend to much money for their children to play and learn the sport, than just an hour of kick ball like some teach......
  2. Allioop

    Allioop Well-Known Member

    I have no experience with the soccer program, but the GCAA softball leaders are awesome! My daughter's coaches encouraged her and challenged her last season. She learned so much. I have nothing but praise for the softball leaders.
  3. On the go

    On the go Well-Known Member

    Which team did you coach?
  4. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    I believe our member, Grinder, has experience with this organization so maybe you'd like to PM him. He seemed very knowledgeable and when discussing this organization I must say he always seemed upbeat.

  5. me&them

    me&them Well-Known Member

    Did not coach! Listening to other parents complaints and decided to post this up here for discussion. I have a child that participates in the soccer program. Recently I spoke with a few parents and their concerns with some of coaches. Apparently the league directors will accept contributions for the league, but frown on volunteers that know and have more experience than them. Not quite sure how to understand why someone who would want to be a better coach, would not be willing to have someone with more experience assist them in and teach them proper skills to share with their individual players. It is as if they dislike someone who is more knowledgeable and can not accept it....
  6. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Never been associated with this organization but I would guess there is more to it than someone offering to volunteer. Wonder if background checks and insurance could play into it? Still think you should speak with Grinder.

  7. me&them

    me&them Well-Known Member

    I am very positive that the background check isn't a problem for this individual. I am very certain that egos of the leaders is the majority of the problem. Sometimes individuals should realize that if someone is volunteering his or her time and is quite a bit more knowledgeable, then appreciate first the fact that they are willing to contribute their time to help. Secondly, appreciate their knowledge and learn from it. Never once to my personal knowledge or others for that matter, has this person been belittling to other coaches. I have only heard positive remarks about them. I hope this isn't the direction that this organization is headed. They will end up losing a lot of influential and valuable people.
  8. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    Thanks Sherry but i have been away from GCAA for a few years now so i really cant make much of an informed comment other than this...

    When i was involved, every year in Soccer it seemed we had a struggle to find coaches and even assistant coaches. One year i had to tell all the parents who were at the player draft (11-12 year olds i believe) that we were short 2 coaches and unless someone stepped up right here and there, then the season would not start and could not start until we got the coaches. Thankfully 2 gentlemen did step up and we continued on with the season.

    It was never easy to get coaches for every league and this was before background checks were given. Sometimes we had to take parents who had no idea what a soccer ball was because it was all we had. Was it a good situation? No, but it was what it was.

    I also heard complaints from parents during the years about this coach, that coach and even me. But when asked if they volunteered, none of them ever had the time. You see, they drive their kid to practice, drop them off and come back in an hour. They dont watch the practice nor have any idea what goes on at practice. They just never have the time to donate their own time.

    It is my never to be humble opinion that until you volunteer yourself, you have your right to complain, but i have my right to let it go in one ear and out the other. GCAA is a volunteer organization that is staffed by people doing what they can to make sure your child has a place to play when the County itself has no Parks and Rec department or programs. No one gets paid and hardly ever does anyone get a simple.....thank you.... for what they have done.

    Ever tried to order uniforms for 500 kids and have them ready in a 2 week time frame only to have a group of parents complaining that they ordered a small but got a medium? Ever had to go out and get a team sponsor in that 2 week period and get the money and info to the league and the uniform maker so they can get the sponsor info on the jersey? Coaches are given the burden to find the $250 (or whatever it is now) fee for the team. So yeah, i stepped up to coach when you didnt. I begged the teams parents for the money and when none of them had it, i paid it out of my pocket. It happened.

    Ever got off work on a Friday when you are dead tired only to have to go paint the lines on 4 soccer fields before it got dark, when your wife and kids wanted to go out to dinner or go see a game somewhere? I bet not.

    Ever coach a game and then go work the concession stand for a few hours afterwards? At one time it was the teams responsibility to have a parent work the concession stand during games during the year. Instead of asking my parents to do so, i did it for them.

    Ever fill up sand bags to put on the goal base, so it wont flip over, at 9am on game day because the ones that were there, were stolen and the ref's would not allow the game to start until there were bags to hold the goals down? I bet not.

    Ever sit in 3-4 hour long BoD meetings and trying everything imaginable to figure out where the money could come to buy new nets, or even get the grass mowed? I bet not.

    So...you may not like what you see sometimes out on the field, be it from a coach, a ref, or someone involved with the GCAA. The response is always the same. I have 3 kids and i dont have time. Well, those that are out there have kids too. They made time.

    Walk in their shoes a bit.
  9. Roadman

    Roadman Member

    GCAA Athletics

    Amen - I was a parent who coached soccer and knew nothing about it but did it so additional 10 kids could play. What I found was a lot of coaches willing to help me learn. Have spent hours coaching baseball, basketball (boys and girls), and volleyball. My experience has been that there are never enough coaches and more than enough critics who are willing to stand on the sidelines or sit in the stands and complain about the coaches and the people running things instead of pitching in - remember there are always two sides to the story - I don't know the situation, but maybe the person with all the knowledge is more than happy to share their knowledge with the coach and league directors at games and practices, but isn't willing to put in the time (1 or 2 hours on the practice field and 1 or 2 at the game turns into double that when you consider planning, phone calls, emails etc without even considering meetings and concessions etc.) to coach themselves. I know as someone who has been volunteer coaching for more than 20 years, I don't need that kind of input no matter how good it is - I need people willing to get involved and get dirty who are there for all of the kids and not just their kid.
  10. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    People like you are NO benefit to this or any other organization that functions only with the help of volunteers! Put up and volunteer to help or shut up. Stop gossiping! You are coming on here complaining about a situation someone told you about but do not have first hand involvement with! There are a lot more people who would likely volunteer to coach sports but do not because of the criticism of people like you. IF you can do better, put your hat in the ring and join the GCAA board when they have their next elections!
  11. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I coached soccer one year and knew NOTHING about the sport. Turns out, Thing I (who was 4 at the time) did not even want to play one we got started. She was a little younger and more inexperienced than the other kids - she was overwhelmed. I was too, with a 2YO in a backpack carrier every game/practice. BUT, if I had not stepped up to coach - those kids would not have gotten to play period! They were short coaches, the first thing I did was pick out parents who did know soccer and assigned them roles. I ran practice and had the knowledgable parents coach/ref the games.

    I had one set of judgy parents who never got off of their butt to help, I just ignored them.

    My son played with GCAA (soccer and baseball) for 6 or 7 years. I have no complaints. If you think you can do it better, step right up!
  12. me&them

    me&them Well-Known Member

    Well, I have read each of the comments you all have responded with. I guess none of you really understand. First, I do volunteer with the functions. Second, I have been involved in many organizations, fund raisers, chalking fields, coaching and officiating games. I also do know first hand how much time is spent preparing for a season. When you have someone who is willing to volunteer his or her time, other volunteers do not need to slap the helping hand. Extend the hand instead with a hand shake and say Thank you. I appreciate the help. I have heard the person I am referring to, volunteer his or her time to redo the existing bathrooms adjacent to the soccer fields. That means donating their time and material to help make a functional bathroom, instead of portable ones. I may just seek out a position on the board. But each of you have to understand, POLITICS and buddy systems will not make an organization better. So, in other words, Click groups, are for social events. Not childrens sports. Once one can swallow their pride and accept others being more of an asset, than a liability, I think this would make this organization more like a complete family.
  13. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    It sounds like the problem is with an individual(s), not the association.

    Kill them with kindness.
  14. me&them

    me&them Well-Known Member

    Thought that had already been accomplished by the volunteering part. Guess they aren't in the Click or Inner Circle" yet. If I know this person well, they will continue to volunteer and participate as nothing ever happened. I just couldn't keep quite about this person's feelings on this particular matter.
  15. On the go

    On the go Well-Known Member

    I went back and reread the OP. It sounds like there is someone who wants to coach, but is not being given a chance? Is this correct? Are the coaches assigned on a first come basis? Did this person sign up as an assistant?

    I coached for two seasons and was an assistant one season. I have played soccer since I was 5 years old. Despite being 40, I still have good skills and knowledge. In the rec league, it is hard to even get to refining skills when you have new players who have never played before. But, it is a REC league; it is a teaching league.
  16. J34

    J34 Well-Known Member

  17. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Pet peeve...........it's "clique" not click.

    Carry on
  18. alen

    alen Well-Known Member

    First off, I encourage the OP to come to a board meeting. If you would like to discuss your issues with leadership, we will be there on the 15th at 7pm. We welcome visitors. We also welcome solutions to problems. Dont be part of the problem by slamming a youth, non-profit, all volunteer organization and spreading heresay and rumors. Come to the meetings to discuss your issues. I promise we wont bite.

    If you are willing to present an issue or problem, please also be willing to suggest a solution.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2011
  19. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    Ok Sherry.
  20. me&them

    me&them Well-Known Member

    I fully believe that the problem will truly be resolved in time. Going to a meeting and making suggestions that will only be written down and taken into consideration. That is always the solution. Egos are the primary problem. How does a meeting resolve an ego issue? As far as rumors go, highly, highly unlikely.

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