GCAA Athletics (soccer specifically)

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by me&them, Aug 11, 2011.

  1. alen

    alen Well-Known Member

    As I said, be willing to be part of a solution...we have elections. Would you like to lead the GCAA, or the soccer program? Again, dont just complain...help fix it, if you feel so strongly.

    Hope to see you at our meetings.
  2. coach#8

    coach#8 Active Member

    I'm not really sure what the agenda of the OP is. Have you talked to anyone else in a leadership position in the GCAA? Has the person you have an issue with discussed the issue with you?

    I assure you this situation has nothing to do with being in a "clique". Often that is used as a reason for discontent and seldom is it really the cause of the situation.

    If you really want to be heard email the GCAA president or come to a meeting and see how things work. Maybe that will clear things up for you a bit.

    Discussing this situation in this forum won't get you any answers, if that's truly what you are after.
  3. me&them

    me&them Well-Known Member

    The person, this article is speaking about, has spoken with other members on the soccer committee as well as a Board member. They all said not to allow the situation to influence his or her decision on future participation or involvement with GCAA. So hopefully as I said previously, the matter will work itself out in time. I would hope that everyone who has read or written a review doesn't beleive for one minute that I am up here spreading rumors. Just wanted to express an opinion on my thoughts of the situation. Wasn't trying to get people angry and upset. Thanks to everyone for all the advice and experiences.....
  4. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    bs, this forum will provide plenty of answers, and or will run one outta dodge.
  5. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Once again... I love you
  6. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    As Alen has stated, we do encourage you to come to a board meeting, but if a public meeting is not how you wish to address the issue please feel free to email me at president@gcaasoccer.com.

    I have a very hard time understanding why this issue was brought to a public forum before being brought to the leadership of GCAA. I can assure you there are no clique's and there is not a good ole' boys club present.

    All of us put in hundreds of hours (unpaid) for the kids in this community to enjoy their chosen sport(s). At the least I think this deserves us the right to address issues before being slammed on a public forum. If you did not like the answer that the person you are speaking of gave you then you should have went to the president of soccer or the president of GCAA.

    I hope you will either contact one of the above and / or attend the next meeting.
  7. mgzd

    mgzd Well-Known Member

    I have 2 sons who play soccer and though the GCAA soccer situation may not be perfect, I think they do as good a job as they can considering what they have to work with.
    Our oldest son has had 4 coaches and they have all been great. Our youngest has had 3 coaches and though only 1 has been great, the other 2 gave it their best effort, were positive and volunteered their time. I give them alot of credit, as I haven't volunteered to be a coach, though it's due to my work situation, which I'd imagine alot of other parents have that very same issue.
    To sum up my thoughts, relax and then either volunteer or quit complaining. It's the best situation we have, so learn to be more optimistic and appreciate the good that comes out of it. They are kids having fun, as that's what kids are supposed to do.
  8. tukasiya

    tukasiya Well-Known Member

    I can't help but laugh at this thread. I suffered through the GCAA politics years ago. It was disgusting. "Money talks and the bullsh*t walks".
  9. J34

    J34 Well-Known Member

    oh, no! that is very sad. i'm sorry that happened to you. if it was that way before, it truly isn't that way anymore. nobody has any $ anymore, right?!!!! we get very few sponsorships, but every single one, no matter how much, is appreciated. the sponsorship money is saved up and used for major improvements and maintenance. the rec soccer budget has been set so that registration fees cover the basic costs, so pretty much everyone is a sponsor for their child to play soccer. if you have any kids of playing age anymore, we encourage you to give gcaa another try.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2011
  10. sarahmama

    sarahmama Well-Known Member

    I feel bad that someone had a bad experience with GCAA. I can tell you that we had a horrible experience at another organization, and GCAA has been a lot better than that one. Hopefully, things will get better and maybe it was just a one time thing. On the other side, I think every organization has some issues, and everyone might not agree with everything that is done. But, I can't volunteer, due to school and work schedules, but I have in the past, and I respect all of those that do volunteer their time.

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