Creeper! Stay Safe.

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by MCCx3, Sep 24, 2011.

  1. MCCx3

    MCCx3 Well-Known Member

    Be on the lookout for a silverish SUV with a heavyset male driving creeping neighborhoods.... ( we live on a cul-de-sac - Barber Mill area )

    My 14 year old daughter and her friend were in my front yard when he cut them off with his SUV and tried to lure them inside his vehicle earlier this evening...

    With Mule Days here, there are MANY creepers from out of state. Tell your kids to stay safe and stay in GROUPS.
  2. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    Did you call the sheriff's office?? Glad your daughter is safe!! I would be hunting his a** down! If you have not reported it, please consider doing so!
  3. MCCx3

    MCCx3 Well-Known Member

    Absolutely reported it. Deputy Long came out and was very helpful. And yes, very grateful that they are safe, beyond words.
  4. 2not2

    2not2 Well-Known Member

    I am sorry this happened to your daughter and I'm sure she was scared, but, really WTH does Mule Days have to do with this? There ARE people from out of town IN BENSON, but, I highly doubt any one from MULE DAY was cruising you neighborhood miles away from there!
  5. MCCx3

    MCCx3 Well-Known Member

    I didn't post this to start a debate on who/what/where... but, I'll bite because I'm already worked up.

    With how many thousand people, from all over the US, only a few miles away, there is a slight increase in the chance of random people ( that can hit 40/95 in a moments notice ) being in the area...

    It's common sense.

    This was simply a warning, be on the lookout, etc etc etc....
  6. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    Hope they catch the guy. Again, thankful they are safe. Thank you for posting a warning to others. I have teenagers too and I can't imagine what all you are feeling right now.
  7. VolleyGrl

    VolleyGrl Well-Known Member

    Scary stuff! I'm glad the authorities are aware of the situation. We had a girl ring our doorbell this evening selling art out of her car, but she was so tall and skinny I could have snapped her in half before she tried any funny business.

    As for mule days, it's impossible to tie these two events with any certainty, but in all the time I have lived here I have heard nothing but negative things about mule days so it doesn't surprise me to hear someone draw the connection.

    I don't care what brings the creeps, I just want them out of our area so I'll be on the lookout. Thanks for the heads up!
  8. 2not2

    2not2 Well-Known Member

    Seems to me someone would have to be digging pretty deep to connect a specific event with someone randomly driving into their cul-de-sac miles away. If I lived THAT far away, the last thing I would have thought would be that it must be someone from MULE DAY!

    I do LIVE in Benson, in town, and I can assure you that if there were any creepers in town for MULE DAY they wouldn't have to go very far...there's enough fresh meat here for everyone to go around. A lot of the folks that are here for the event live locally, anyway...maybe even in your neighborhood.

    I do appreciate that the OP put out a warning for folks in their area and I am truly sorry that her daughter got spooked. If it happened to mine, I would be doing the same thing. Just don't understand making the assumption that these MULE DAY out-of-towners are only here for trouble. That is all...
  9. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    Anytime I hear the word Creeper, I think of the movie, Jeepers Creepers. Now that is one Creeper I'd certainly try to avoid. Seriously though, it would have been good if someone could have at least gotten the type of state plate. Probably could locate the vehicle around one of the many motels around the area if an out-of-stater is suspected.
  10. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    I honestly think it was simply a statement that the OP made more than a "I hate Mule Days and that must be the reason". It seems like the OP is trying to make sense of why this happened in the Cul-da-sac and is simply thinking of anything "different" last night. Just a guess...
  11. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    Funny ... noticed Jeepers Creepers 2 was on SyFy Channel this afternoon. Not as good as the first one. 8)
  12. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    The second movie story line wasn't nearly as good, but the thoughts of getting stranded in a school bus on a lonely stretch of road at night with that thing picking people off one-by-one is rather unnerving. BTW, there is a third Creeper movie due out in the next year or I've read. It's supposed to be a gathering of the casts from both 1 & 2...well, those that survived, of course.
  13. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    Two feets they come a creepin'
    Like a black cat do
    And two bodies are layin' naked
    Creeper think he got nothin' to lose
    So he creeps into this house, yeah
    And unlocks the door
    And as a man's reaching for his trousers
    Shoots him full of .38 holes

    Mr.Saturday night special
    Got a barrel that's blue and cold
    Ain't no good for nothin'
    But put a man six feet in a hole
  14. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    Yeah, guess that was the good thing about II ... anyone could go at any time ... that suspense and 'jump' factor. Hadn't heard they were doing a 3!

    Sorry for hijacking the thread. Back to creeps in town, with or without Mule Days ....

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