At what age do you think a child should have a ipod?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by busymama, Oct 22, 2011.

  1. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

    I dont believe I click on the apps and test things for myself so I KNOW what is out there and what he can get into... But then again I learned what a BJ was in 5th grade from some girls at school... oh the horror....

    Its everywhere, just raise your kid the best you can and not stick your head in the sand!
  2. vnc

    vnc Active Member

    Some of the titles are disgusting and have no place on a childs electronic device. If you want to see, just search it in the app store, any word that you think a young child might search out of curiosity and you will see.
  3. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Gosh, you sure seem to know a whole lot about porn apps...............hmmm. :lol:
  4. vnc

    vnc Active Member

    Yes definitely, I agree about your raise your kid the best you can. But also parents sharing with other parents is an amazing tool. It doesn't have to be negative, was not meant to be.
  5. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

    hey dont judge me LOL :lol::cheers:
  6. LovingLife10

    LovingLife10 Well-Known Member

    Oh so it's bad because it's pornographic or because it's gay? I'm still confused.
  7. vnc

    vnc Active Member

    That is pretty childish of you.
  8. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    LOL!! No judging here! :jester:
  9. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    No, it was actually pretty funny, I'm sorry if you have lost your sense of humor. Besides, I'm not the one that is harping on porn and gay apps. But whatever. 8)
  10. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    My kids are 15. I have already lived right through their first visual of nakedness (and soo many other things waaay more serious). So I don't scare too easy. And one thing that is for 100% boys are NOT looking at any gay apps.
  11. Allioop

    Allioop Well-Known Member


    Gay apps?! Where?! :jester:
  12. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    Some posts on this thread reminds me of a quote "What you fear, you create". You'll have to ask Sherry who said it first...:jester:'cause google attributed it to Dr. Phil and I am sure he probably didn't say it first.

    Anyway, I think that most of the posters here are raising their kids with confidence and awareness (and a healthy dose of reality). I went to college with some folks who were in a vice grip at home and they totally lost it the first year. Some never recovered from that. It's about balance. One way is not the only way and no one on here is responsible for my parenting skills.

    So...give the kid the ipod. If he screws up, he loses it. You can't say you trust your kid and build trust if there are never any opportunities to make a choice about anything. So there is my post. I hope it is allowed here. Have a nice day. :mrgreen:
  13. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

  14. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I knew there was a reason I liked you. :cheers::jester:
  15. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    You can't post that, it makes too much sense.

    Oh, re the quote, It sounds like something Nietzsche might have said.
  16. Allioop

    Allioop Well-Known Member

    Well said!
  17. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    :jester: Thanks! :cheers:
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 25, 2011
  18. kevinsmithii

    kevinsmithii Well-Known Member

    Anyway, I think that most of the posters here are raising their kids with confidence and awareness (and a healthy dose of reality). I went to college with some folks who were in a vice grip at home and they totally lost it the first year. Some never recovered from that. It's about balance. One way is not the only way and no one on here is responsible for my parenting skills.

    With this being said I think it is up to an individual parent to decide whether their child is responsible enough to have an ipod. All I can say is please pay attention to social ettiquit(sp). The local schools ask that they not be brought to school. I was at WJHS one day and a parent demanded time from the office personnel to call the sherriffs ofice because their childs ipod was stolen. Quick fix DONT BRING THE IPOD TO SCHOOL!!!!!! If I was that school employee I would have told the parent where they could put that ipod
  19. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

  20. Gomer Pyle

    Gomer Pyle Well-Known Member

    Hey, I don't know nuthin' 'bout nuthin', but why does a kid want an iPod touch in the first place? I have a son about the same age and all he wants to do is listen to music.

    If this is the case with your child, you might save yourself a few bucks and (perhaps...) impart a valuable lesson about consumerism by buying* something else.


    *Or not buying, but I do love my Sansa MP3 player!

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