Advice about preschool/daycare?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by LovingLife10, Dec 20, 2011.

  1. LovingLife10

    LovingLife10 Well-Known Member

    This is a two-part question...

    1) I've done a search for Crossroads Academy on 4042 threads and there really isn't any thing recent. Does anyone have information or opinions?

    2) That being said, my toddlers are currently attending Crossroads part time, 3 days a week. I send them for socialization and so I can work a little. We've see reviews online that aren't so good, but are mostly about the owner and not about the actual performance of the facility. We have several friends whose kids have been attending full time, and they gave good recommendations. Our almost two year olds have been going for a few months and have just now started to not want to go. They have always cried for just a few minutes when we left them, which is typical for their age, but lately they are crying before we are even in the car to take them there and after we bring them home. Their teachers have been the same the whole time they've been there, so no changes that we know of. They are the oldest in their classroom and will soon be moved up to the next classroom. Is this just a phase or should I be concerned? They are learning a lot from home and daycare, like counting and colors and language, so I am definitely happy with that aspect of the center. I just worry about my kids' sudden change in attitude about going there and their fussiness once they've been picked up.

    Thanks in advance for the advice!
  2. me&them

    me&them Well-Known Member

    All 3 of my kids have gone to Hocutt Baptist Preschool in Clayton. We have been there for 7 years now and love it. Not sure if your looking for a church preschool or not but they are great. They have a 3 day program for 2-3yr olds and your choice of a 5 day for the 4yr olds.

    Sherry at 553-9897
  3. keemom

    keemom Well-Known Member

    My daughter goes to Horne Memorial preschool 3 1/2 days a week. She started last year and loves it. She was a little weepy the first few times for a couple minutes, and then she started coming out saying she didn't miss me at all! I would think if your kids have this sudden change of really not wanting to go, then there may be a problem. Try talking to their teachers, but I would go with my gut on this one.
  4. Wufpack99

    Wufpack99 Guest

    My little one goes to Baptist Center Church Preschool and loves it. She's three and doesn't even notice when we leave. Just drops her backpack and says see ya later. They have school on T, W, TH from 9:15-1:15 and we highly recommend it. Mrs Kay and the staff there are great.
  5. giapn73

    giapn73 Well-Known Member

    Building Blocks is a great place to send your children. The teachers are so creative and incorporate learning into a fun setting.
  6. Allioop

    Allioop Well-Known Member

    I love Kim's Kids. Kim is a sweetheart. My youngest went there last year. It's a very small school and the staff is great.
  7. LittleMama

    LittleMama Active Member

    My son has attended Crossroads Academy for about a year now. He loves it and has learned so much. He goes through phases where he is ok when I drop him off and then he changes and will cry. He always stops crying as soon as I leave. I didn't have any problems with them until recently. The teachers in the morning aren't the same ones in the afternoon. I had an issue with him being sent home without a pullup on, not wearing a coat and hatoutsider when it was cold, etc. I spoke with the director and things have changed. I was going to take him somewhere else, but since she has taken care of the problem, I decided to leave him there. He is happy there and I am happy if he is well taken care of.
  8. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    You definitely need to go with your gut on this one. Your babies are too precious not to. I'd rather be safe than sorry. period.

    My sis works @ Mount Pleasant Wee Care. She absolutely adores her kids. It is apparent each time she and I go into a store and run into parent/kid that the feeling is mutual!
  9. LovingLife10

    LovingLife10 Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone! Not really thinking about changing centers, just wondering if the behavior is normal. I am happy with the staff and what they are learning, just wanted to make sure I'm not missing something. The teachers say they are fine all day until about 30 minutes before we arrive to pick them up. Then they get a little fussy. They have been better this week. My gut tells me it's just a phase. Also, every center has minor issues here and there. I feel like changing centers would be premature and too big of an adjustment for them when there really isn't a big reason to change.

    Thanks again for the suggestions!

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