Jersey Mike's 4042

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Lolly42, Jan 14, 2012.

  1. Lolly42

    Lolly42 Well-Known Member

    The new owner brought free sub cards by work for all employees (100+). Said that they had remodeled etc. We stopped by today. Much cleaner looking than the last time I was there - seating area and behind the counter. Crew was friendly, well kept etc. Sandwich was great, and the bread was very fresh. Looks like we can start eating at Jersey Mike's again!
  2. Gomer Pyle

    Gomer Pyle Well-Known Member

    I haven't been to Jersey Mike's in years, not since they were good...maybe I'll try them again.
  3. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    We were there a week ago. Plenty of staff on hand, and the food was fresh and delicious as always. Wishing I had a #8 right now.
  4. lgb0250

    lgb0250 Well-Known Member

    We were there last week and it's a definite improvement over the last ownership. First thing I noticed was the meat cabinet was full! Have never seen that with previous owners. All of the help was for lack of a better word, exuberant! Spoke to the young lady on the counter and she said her brother had recently bought the place and did a complete remodel. The place looks great, the help is great and I wish them the very best of luck. I think this is either the 3rd or 4th ownership change since the site opened. Hopefully this one will be the last.
  5. Rigmaster

    Rigmaster Well-Known Member

    We went there today after church, and it was very good.

    The original owners sold the place recently, there were many factors but one was that Jersey Mike's corporate office was requiring them to do a remodel on the store, which was going to cost $$$. I know that the previous owners were the first and only owners up until now.

    Regardless of the details, we really like Jersey Mikes, but without a discount/coupon/special offer, it's pretty darn expensive to go there, and we are a family of 3.
  6. NCMAN919

    NCMAN919 Active Member

    I really like Jersey Mikes , but its so dang expensive! it cost me around $13 to 14 dollars last ttime i went for the biggest sub.
  7. grandma4

    grandma4 Well-Known Member

    Jersey Mike's is a real sub- a regular is as big as a subway whole and a whole lot tastier. To each their own I guess- (i know Subways' $2 subs are a good deal though when you have a family to buy for).

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