Clayton Rec Center Walking Track

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by VivianS, Jan 14, 2012.

  1. VivianS

    VivianS Well-Known Member

    It is for WALKING. Not standing around, (as the signs clearly state!), not for your babies to run around on, not for standing to wave to Grandpa on the other side of the track, but for WALKING. There are three lanes, two for WALKING, one for speed walking, jogging, and/or running. If your baby wanders into that lane, they could get hurt, and I wouldn't want that to happen so follow the dang rules! It is called a WALKING track for a reason. If the purpose of it was for social gatherings, it would be called something else. And to the lady that was balancing the child on the rail above the basket ball court, (can't fix stupid!), that informed me it's a family place, yes it is, but that doesn't give you and your family the right to take over and break all the rules so no one else can enjoy it! I bring my family, but they use the track for WALKING. If you can't obey the rules, stay home!:banghead:
  2. Melon

    Melon Well-Known Member

    +1. We try to use the track every day, and I will mention it to staff when I see standees or stupid people draping their kids over the rails.
  3. VivianS

    VivianS Well-Known Member

    I mentioned it to a member of the staff, but unfortunately there was only one person working at the desk so she couldn't do anything about it. She apologized, but I told her she didn't need to as it wasn't her fault.
  4. Kdog

    Kdog Well-Known Member

    Vivan S, I was there yesterday around 12ish and you caused a big mess. The guy who works there came up to talk to those people and they looked like they would have kicked your butt if didnt run out of there. The lady was not happy with you.
  5. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest did Vivian cause the mess? Wouldn't it be the person who was being spoken to by the staff who caused the mess?
  6. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I'll second that. They got called out for breaking the rules..........but she's the "bad" guy. Ok...........................

    I guess rules are for "other" people.
  7. VivianS

    VivianS Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I'm the one who caused the mess by following the rules and letting the employee on duty aware of the situation, yeah, that's it. :roll: The only one that 'lady' should not be happy with is herself. I am not the one that made her do all the wrong things. She needs to be accountable for her own actions.
    I left because I was there to exercise but could not due to those people. Had I known the desk employee was going to have someone go talk to them, I would have stayed and continued to exercise, but the employee had told me she was the only one there at the time, so there was no one to take care of the rule breakers. I noticed another couple left for the same reason.
  8. J34

    J34 Well-Known Member

    I took KDog's reply a little differently. I took it as positive that a mess was caused so that something was being done!

    People are entitled. End of story. ;)
  9. VivianS

    VivianS Well-Known Member

    That could be. It is difficult to sense someone's tone when in writing. :)

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