Need advice about daycare/preschool and allergy issues

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by daisy8869, May 17, 2012.

  1. daisy8869

    daisy8869 Well-Known Member

    Hi Everyone,

    I will be starting graduate school in August and will need child care 2 days a week for my son, who will be 21 months old at that time. I have called around various preschools and none will take him because he will not be 2 by August 31st.

    I am not a birth thru pre-k teacher but I do feel that my son could do well in a setting with kids a couple of months older (I wish we could at least try and see). My main reason for wanting a preschool is because of the smaller setting and more structured learning. I have been at home with him and am a little afraid of the bigger day care environment.

    Since it looks like he will have to go to a day care center, I am looking at Kids R Kids and Building Blocks in Clayton. My son also has lactose intolerance so he gets sick pretty immediately after eating any kind of dairy except for aged cheeses. Both day care centers said it would not be an issue but I do worry about my son.

    If anyone has any experience with these centers and would share, that would be helpful. Also, if anyone knows of a preschool that takes 1 year olds, that would be helpful too.

  2. JellyBean

    JellyBean Well-Known Member

    While I don't have experience with those centers, I can say most are really good about working with your childs needs. If you want (and I have done this) bring his food that you want him to eat. I would pack snack and lunch and bring a gallon of milk to keep there and replenish as needed. Or, you can simply supply the school with lactose free milk to be served only to him. Good centers take your concerns seriously and especially with children with allergies. I know my daughter's room has a sign posted with kids names and what they cannot eat just in case the regular teacher is not there.

    Good luck, use your mommy instinct and you will make the right choice!
  3. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    He will be fine! We used Toddlers' Inn in Clayton. Yes, I know there are more "modern" facilities out there, but their turnover was very low and DS got excellent care there and was well prepared for school. I know some of the same ladies are still there that taught DS and he's now in middle school. Some people didn't like it because it was pretty structured, but you know what, the sooner they learn to sit still and listen, the better IMO. I'm a little more old fashioned in my child rearing. Free range parenting is not for me. :lol:

    DS turned out to be allergic to whatever soap they used to wash the sheets on the nap mats and they just washed his separately in a "free" detergent even though I offered to handle it on my own.

    Most daycares are more than willing to work with you when it comes to the whole allergy thing.
  4. giapn73

    giapn73 Well-Known Member

    I am familiar with building blocks in Clayton. Center 4 is the newest center (by Powhatan Elementary School). The teachers are great and the school is extremely clean. As long as you provide the soy milk and a dr note, there will be no problem with the lactose intolerance issue.

    The teachers do a wonderful job of providing hands on an educational activities for the kids.
  5. gdogg79

    gdogg79 Well-Known Member

    My almost 2 year old daughter goes to Building Blocks - the center on Winston Rd. I know there is a child in her class with PKU who needs a special diet and they accomodate her. We like the center and the teachers very much and my DD enjoys going. Good luck!
  6. daisy8869

    daisy8869 Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone. I am going to take a tour of both places next week and I feel better after reading your responses. I think some of it is just mommy nerves because I have been home with him since he was born.
  7. below14thdesigns

    below14thdesigns Well-Known Member

    Both of my children age 7 and 4 have gone to Toddlers Inn. They are fantastic! My son (7) still goes before and after school and during the summer. He was very well prepared when he started kindergarten. My daughter (4) is still there full time and loves it.

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