GCAA Soccer Committee

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by wolfpack68, Jun 7, 2012.

  1. wolfpack68

    wolfpack68 Member

    You all have a long way to go. The President of the Soccer Committee needs to be more pro active in important situations. Being non responsive and really to be quite honest, totally avoiding a situation, due to the fact that you all are totally in the wrong is not acceptable. The duties of the Committee is to address problems that have been brought to their attention. My suggestion to send a formal letter to NCYSAA about the handling of matters, or in this case, non-handling of matters will be sent. Instead of making excuses about why things haven't been resolved, just keep avoiding the matter all together. You all want what is best for the children, so you say, then again I reiterate, do what is RIGHT. POLITICS in this organization, is absolutely the worst I have ever witnessed. Not for the children either. That is what is so sad...You all ask for donations with no problem, but you can't simply confess or admit how you all can not run a committee properly...JOKE...Definition of a Committee= A group of people officially delegated to perform a function, such as investigating, considering, reporting, or acting on a matter. If for any reason you all can't deliver any more, step down.........And yes apparently discussing this on this website will enlighten others on just how things are.......:beathorse::banghead:
  2. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    Relax....it's soccer.
  3. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    OP..............do you volunteer for the organization?:allears:

    We belong to another VOLUNTEER organization and my personal experience is that the biggest complainers are the ones who don't lift a finger to help. Maybe then you wouldn't have so much time to write complaint letters about a VOLUNTEER organization.

    May not be the case here, but food for thought.
  4. wolfpack68

    wolfpack68 Member

    I do volunteer! I do have a life! I am only trying to point out issues, that should have already been addressed. "It's only soccer". Apparently you have no kids involved with the program. The best interest of the children, all children, is what I am trying to point out. If an organization is running a program, non profit, but requires participants to pay, then wouldn't you want proper technique and etiquette taught...... Just stating a common sense theory.....
  5. me&them

    me&them Well-Known Member

    This is a public forum where the public can discuss whatever they what. Everyone is quick to go after the OP for expressing his/her thoughts. I for one know this is one organization that doesn't take criticism*well. I have Volunteered with the organization in the pass and know how it's run. They are quick to go after individuals that question/criticize them. But if the complaint is about one of their own it's a different story. They try an turn a blind head to the problem act like it never happened. *They wrote the rules but I guess they don't have to follow them.

    So to all of you that say volunteer, go to a meeting and stop complaining. I say what good is it going to do when they aren't going to do anything about it.
  6. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Are ya'll done yet?

    There are other aspects of life in everyone's life that take precedence over soccer. It is a proven fact by numbers and the compliments that NCYSA (not NCYSAA) has given to us in the past 2 years.

    Most of us on the committee or GCAA board have been persecuted and even publicly slandered on this board and still we stand strong to keep helping GCAA grow as a whole. All things will be resolved, but one should not place judgement just because it doesn't happen IN THEIR TIME FRAME.

    Have a great day everyone!
  7. Allioop

    Allioop Well-Known Member

    Sorry to go off subject, but I just read through some of that thread. I don't agree that every GCAA sport has "those parents." I've been pleasantly surprised at the GCAA softball parents. My daughter played three seasons so far. It may just be my experience (don't know what others have witnessed) but I've never once witnessed a complaining, rude, belittling parent. If anything, the parents do nothing but support and encourage the kids...even kids on the other team! I've always enjoyed the atmosphere at those games.
  8. BossRotton

    BossRotton Well-Known Member

    That's some nice weather out huh ?
  9. wolfpack68

    wolfpack68 Member

    Sorry for adding an extra A to NCYSA. I wouldn't worry so much about misspelled words as I would about the incompetent people you have running the director of U Ten through U sixteen and draft coordinator. Don't you need to have some background, experience perhaps, to be able to judge and select players. JOKE! All of you! LMAO! We will see who will get the last laugh and word. PERIOD! You all ought to be ashamed. Everyone will know in the end just how this league runs it's program. Soccer that is, no others to my knowledge. I will say it again, politics amongst you all, and it is not for the kids....
  10. wolfpack68

    wolfpack68 Member

    :nopity: I guess calling people out has caught some attention! One more to call out, that would be director of officials and appeals. Here again, a person who designated or elected to do a specific task, has not fulfilled his obligations. You people cannot deal with some of your own being in the wrong and willfully admitting to it. Just remember what comes around goes around. Karma can bite!....
  11. AWmom

    AWmom Well-Known Member

    Other option is to try another club where the people who run the soccer program are experienced soccer players and coaches . . .. just a thought. I think there may be one or two coaches that have some playing experience but there may be more now, I don't know. There are plenty of other good clubs around that have experienced players and coaches running the organization. Yes, you will have to drive a little bit further and pay more but if you are unhappy, just move on . . . we did. GCAA has a terrific recreation program and is a great place to start for the young ones.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2012
  12. wolfpack68

    wolfpack68 Member

    May just have to find another league. Coaches are about the same, don't know how long ago you left to join some where else. The U four and U six no doubt is a great learning experience for them, but as you get older into the age groups, you would expect the coaching to be a little more fundamentally stronger than the younger age groups. The primary intent of this post is to allow people to hear a complaint that has been ignored. The integrity of this organization, soccer side, is not being true to the rules and regulations they have laid out. Once they stop worrying about their pride and make right what has transpired. Certain ones, spoil it for everyone. Start at the top and work your way down. Excuses can be made, but everyone knows the truth. POLITICAL within!!!!!
  13. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    They all live vicariously through their kids. It's a shame. Your kids suck at sports because YOU play nasty. You as in parents who think their kids are better than others.
  14. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    Personally i would respect and respond to a critical comment more, if the person stood up, said their name, reason for complaint, said the complaint and then who the complaint is about and do it in a public forum, than hide behind a newly made up screen name.

    Be a man, or woman, about it. If you are going to come on here with a new made up name and then start complaining, man up. Say who you are, why you are here and so on.

    But thats just me.
  15. wolfpack68

    wolfpack68 Member

    Yeah, I guess that is just you. Why doesn't the soccer rec league pony up and admit this league is made up of lying corrupt incompetent people. Can you not accept that someone has finally called people out on just how poorly it has been run over the past three seasons. If other members can hide behind each other, why can't I hide behind a keyboard. The truth hurts. Suck it up, learn from the mistakes you all have made and build a better program. You all need to find some better leaders and people who are less political to assist with the rec league program. In due time you will see where this program is headed. Avoiding confrontation about problems that are important is really unprofessional as a league. You all have serious issues!
  16. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Nothing was ignored, emails have been sent and sanctions have been given. If it was not within anyone's specific time frame then that seems like a personal problem.
  17. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    And yet all you do is complain but not offer to help fix any perceived problem?

  18. wolfpack68

    wolfpack68 Member

    I and others have offered suggestions on several occasions about ways to better the organization and improve it. The ideas and suggestions were ignored and or pushed aside. When others know more about the proper venue that would help improve skill levels, teach etiquette and being a well rounded player, they are the ones you all tend to push away. Just hard to grasp the inability of some of the committee members social skills. As for the emails, your insufficient collection of data in your research or investigation was highly,HIGHLY incorrect. Wow! I had the email forwarded to me. Wow! I guess your investigator forgot to interview a lot of directly involved people who attended that day. I was shocked to see who got disciplined, and why? You all are true shady when it comes to having each others back. With so called leaders and supposedly friends like you all who really needs enemies. You all overwhelmingly have made a serious mistake in your judgement call towards this person. But to each his own. I am guessing you all have or will run off many people who could really be an asset to this organization. I hope that is not the case.
  19. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    So join the Board and or organization and make a change.
  20. VolleyGrl

    VolleyGrl Well-Known Member

    Sometimes folks like to use this forum to vent about issues that are personally very important to them without being willing to reveal their own identities, the identities of their sources or other personal details of the situation that would help inform the rest of the public about the issue or their side of the story. Surely you can understand that. 8)

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