Studies have also shown that if you own a cat and it lives indoors, that you also have a box of schit somewhere in the house. :iagree:
I miss my cat since he passed last spring, but I do NOT miss that litter box!! Or the little presents his senile butt left around here and there. I guess if I go schizo now I can blame it on him.:jester:
There's also a study that says spanking causes mental problems so now we can blame it on our parents (or teachers for my generation, lol) when we go nuts. :nopity:
For thousands of years man has disciplined his children by spanking them. For thousands of years, man's civilization has slowly, but surely, progressed. Within the past fifty years, it is has been considered a bad thing to spank a child as punishment. Within the past fifty years civilization has been slowly, but surely, regressing.