How to transfer a car to Arizona?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by AnnetteL, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

    A friend of mine will be moving to Arizona next month,they will be flying there but since they're planning on keeping their cars are searching for a cheap way to get them there,I checked with a Co. called National Transport but they would charge over $600 for just one car. Any suggestions?
    Thanks in advance!
  2. HidesinOBX

    HidesinOBX Well-Known Member

    Sometimes the railroad has car transport. Not sure of the fee, but it's worth checking out.
  3. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I deal with shipping show cars in my current job. $600 sounds cheap. I have had it run much more than that.
  4. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

    I didn't know that about you ;)
  5. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the tip! I checked and it says that you need to travel with your car on the train.
  6. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I don't talk about the job much on FB, LOL. I don't even list it as my employer, you never know about people.

    Each one of our locations has a show car, sometimes we swap them around or buy them new ones.
  7. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    In my day we drove our cars to Arizona...And it was uphill, both ways!
  8. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    $600 is cheaper than driving the cars I can assure you.
  9. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I've heard you can occasionally find an independant trucker who may have an empty rig and wouldn't mind taking a light load if he/she is already going that way. I have no idea how you find them though.

    I can look up the name of a transport company I've used a few times if they would like.
  10. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    What about posting the job to transport 2 vehicles on and looking for a bid from people who do that sort of thing for a living. Transporters will bid each other down until time runs out, leaving the customer with the best price. Just make sure who ever is hired has proof of insurance.
  11. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

  12. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

  13. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

    Good idea!! I'll pass it on!
  14. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

    Sounds good,I'll tell them about it!
  15. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    In my travels I occasionally run into these individuals that drive the cars for you, and by the time you add up the food, room, and oneway airfare you are getting a bargin at $600 (if they can't get a car to drive back).

    See if some kid is ttrying to save money and is attending an Arizona College.
  16. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

    Maybe it would be better to sell the car here and get another one once there!
  17. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Well there is that! :mrgreen:
  18. jjganny

    jjganny Well-Known Member

    At my job, we deal with car transporters but we have to be careful cause there are lots of pirate transporters that steal cars to strip them. Whatever you decide, get references.

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