flea/tick program

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by smallone, Aug 27, 2012.

  1. smallone

    smallone Well-Known Member

    Hey all- I need some advice from Dog owners. I have a 30lb male sheltie, and I've used Frontline forever-- just discovered that the furkid had a few fleas during his grooming today. Thankfully it was only a few. Anyway- I'm trying to decide on what to use.

    We use Heartgard Plus and Frontline plus currently. I don't want to switch to trifexis b/c it doesn't cover Ticks (we will be moving to an area that has a lot of natural area) so I'm trying to determine which flea/tick program to use.

    Do you use any of the following?
    K9 Advantix?

    how long have you used them and do you like it?
    Any side effects?

    thanks all!
  2. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I don't have a result yet, but my vet just switched us to Revolution for our Schnauzer mix, it's supposed to cover ticks too. She can't tolerate the oral Comfortis she was on, threw it up every time. I haven't applied it or done my research yet. We treat our yard and don't really have a huge problem with fleas. I put the generic Frontliine on our newest dog and haven't seen a flea or tick to date, that was about 6 weeks ago, with re-application 2 weeks ago.
  3. Luvgoose1

    Luvgoose1 Well-Known Member

    We have used Frontline Plus for our dogs and cats for years. Noticed this summer that the dogs have some fleas and our vet told us there have been some "break throughs" with fleas on a number of their customers using Frontline Plus. Just switched to Advantix II based on her recommendation so will see what happens. It supposedly not only repels and kills fleas and ticks but also mosquitos.
  4. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    K9 Advantix gave our dog a 'tick'. Not the insect, but a nervous tick that caused her to twitch. It turns out it was a known side effect that affected her nervous system. We discontinued use and then bathed her real well and she was fine.
  5. Jean S

    Jean S Well-Known Member

    I've got 4 dogs on K9 Advantix II. No fleas, no ticks and no problems. But we also treat our yard for fleas & ticks in the early Spring and again in mid-late Summer.
  6. mypaperheart

    mypaperheart Active Member

    I use K-9 Advantix on my 2 (a 75 pound lab mix and 55 pound pit bull) and have never had a flea or tick on either one. They're on IverhartMax for heart worm prevention.
  7. smallone

    smallone Well-Known Member

    thanks for all your messages! I ended up getting a Comfortis to give to him today just to be covered and have a month to determine what to use. After a little research, I may go with K9 Advantix, but still have a few things to read.
    I'm weary of Trifexis, as its so new and doesn't cover Ticks- with a long haired dog-- its necessary.

    Hi Jean!!
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2012
  8. Jean S

    Jean S Well-Known Member

    Hey Girl!! Give "little man" a belly rub from me!
  9. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    you can also give your pup garlic.

    i put a tablespoon full in buddy's food morning & night. I also use frontline on him and bathe him on a regular basis, i haven't (knock on wood) seen a flea or tick on him since we moved

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