Ban on shooting firearms in Johnston County on private property?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Webmaster, Aug 29, 2012.

  1. youwish2bme

    youwish2bme Well-Known Member

    Actually ammunition was not that hard to come by back then and practice was done regularly. This has everything to do with the Government infringing on the rights of the people.
  2. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Mow your yard with a loud lawnmower. You will get a ticket now or a fine.
  3. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    Ill-informed, my man.

    Sec. 12-33. - Exceptions.
    The following are exempt from the provisions of this article:

    (6) Lawnmowers and agricultural equipment and landscape maintenance equipment when operated with all the manufacturer's standard mufflers and noise-reducing equipment in use and in reasonable operating condition.
  4. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Maybe you didn't read...I sad a LOUD lawnmower. It says plain as day with mufflers, and noise reducing equipement. Most mufflers rust out within the second year. So shut the **** up
  5. grandma4

    grandma4 Well-Known Member

    You all can quit your griping and thank the dumb@!& that shot day and night in his neighborhood- disturbing, as often as possible, anyone's peace in their home. He didn't live out in the middle of nowhere- why don't we move him next to the ones opposing the noise regulation. And so many of you need to get a life and stay off here.:boxing:
  6. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    After you.
  7. Wicked

    Wicked Member

    You know, I was feeling this way too, picturing some ole redneck boy in a wife beater shooting the hell out of everything all day and night long...until I watched him being interviewed in this video here. Now, it's just HIS side of the story, but he doesn't seem like the type.

    I'm now wondering if his neighbors weren't just way over sensitive in that they aren't used to living in a rural area where guns are taken as part of everyday life. I find that the divide on gun control and related issues is more a rural versus urban perspective than a lib vs con one.

    I'm fairly liberal on a lot of things but libertarian as all get out when it comes to guns. And I've had a prolonged , positive discussion with a bunch of liberal, urban friends lately that ended with them admitting that they had not thought of it from the rural perspective, in that we use guns as a tool every day, and they understood it better and changed their views some as a result.
  8. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

  9. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

  10. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

  11. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Did they leave squirrels alone? I like to hit them with pebbles from my slingshot an skirt them with water. Gets my tension out for P on here. :mrgreen::jester::mrgreen:

  12. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Other than being a 2nd Amendment supporting Dem, I have no comment on the issue that the county commission decided.

    My beef is with the folks who complain that the elected 'representatives' are choosing courses of action that folks dislike, yet these same out of touch commissioners keep getting reelected.

    At some point, we need to find a way to get past the partisanship and elect people who will really represent us, not just pander for votes when they come around. I refused to vote for any sitting commissioner, nor will I.

    We need a change. The county isn't the same one as 25 years ago, even 15. The 4042 community represents a HUGE revenue source for the county, yet we are treated more like the goose that lays the golden egg. They keep taking the gold, until we squawk.

    That they do this once is their fault. That we continue to allow it is ours.
  13. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    I don't know about you, but I have never heard of a QUIET lawnmower. AND I have never had a lawnmower muffler rust out, period. So feel free to take you own advice and...

  14. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I was scratching my head on that one... A quiet lawnmower? Leaf blower?

    Again, how is this going to be enforced by the what 8-10 deputies on duty during any given shift in the entire county?
  15. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    I could be mistaken, but I believe ordinances can be enforced by planning/zoning officials as well when complaints are received.
  16. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    Just saw J_______ S_____ W________'s photo...


    Looks like this is far from over.
  17. 740i Guy

    740i Guy Well-Known Member

    I agree with tukasiya.

    This all comes down to common courtesy and neighborly respect. Tuning a straight pipe V8 at 9am on a Sunday, or cutting down a dead pine tree with a chainsaw on a Saturday morning at 8am or shooting your new bolt-action .50-BMG ANYWHERE near a neighborhood . . .pretty much all boils down to common courtesy.

    Like most liberties in life that infringe on someone's peace and comfort, you can always find someone who has no idea what degree of azzhole they are striving to achieve.
  18. oggsmash

    oggsmash Well-Known Member

    Funny thing here I am pretty sure that the guy (Whitlock) is a lawyer as is his wife if I am not mistaken. Pretty sure he knows exactly what he can or can not legally do, and I also suspect his neighbors may not be the sort to have ever heard a gun fired. Funny stuff.
  19. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

  20. tukasiya

    tukasiya Well-Known Member

    This looks like a replay of the public hearing in Johnston County a couple of years ago.

    That horse was beaten very well on this forum back then. I have thought for some time that the context of 1791 (2nd Amendment year of ratification) would be hard to apply to the context of 2014. I am probably going to live long enough to be grateful that we still have the 2nd Amendment in light of the continued militarization of the police, the over-reaching of the federal government, the recent uprising of the "natives" (Ferguson, MO), our unsecured border policy which is allowing anybody and everybody (? ISIS, "zombies" with Ebola, other disease carrying individuals) to enter, etc., etc., etc.

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