Wilson's Mills Elementary reviews?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by daisy8869, Sep 6, 2012.

  1. daisy8869

    daisy8869 Well-Known Member

    My neighbors son will start kindergarten next year at Wilson's Mills and is very unsure of the school. I am of the opinion that the teachers are the ones that matter at a school, not how it looks or student population. But, I don't have any personal experiences at this school.

    Does anyone have any opinions of this school I can pass on to her?

    Last edited: Sep 7, 2012
  2. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

  3. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    If you are unsure of the school, move or homeschool or go to a private school. If none of these can apply, deal, and make the best of it you can. School is what it is and what you make out of it.
  4. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

  5. daisy8869

    daisy8869 Well-Known Member

    Yes, I did try to search first but the relevant posts were old or did not contain any details...I know something that I could deal with may be unbearable to someone else.

    I do agree that it takes a partnership between parents and teachers to ensure a successful education.

    I am just wondering if there is anything specific that I should pass on to my neighbor and could also be helpful for us down the road when my son gets old enough to start school.
  6. wackybrit

    wackybrit Member

    My children did not attend Wilson's Mill's, so what I know has been through other people's kids. What I do know is that a child who made Principle's List 2 years in a row failed her EOG's, both times. Just saying....
  7. Allioop

    Allioop Well-Known Member

    All I know about the school is that there is a very good Kindergarten teacher there this year. I know because she transferred from my kids' school and everyone loves her.
  8. twowaz2fal

    twowaz2fal Well-Known Member

    I was going to say the same thing. Had her for our middle child and you couldn't get a better teacher.

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