Outdoor play place

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by julie0109, Oct 17, 2012.

  1. JustAnotherMom

    JustAnotherMom Well-Known Member

    She's too big for her car now, lol, she'll get you on her scooter though! LOL
  2. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    well let me get the offensive police a lolipop.
  3. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    he seems the type that likes licking lollipops
  4. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

  5. KB2

    KB2 Well-Known Member

    This place & the woman who built/owns/runs it was great. I am in no way affiliated with her business or related to her but we had a party this past Sunday for my 12 year old son. One of the boys said it was the "BEST" party he has ever been too. The 8 boys had such a great time, "playing outside" !

    So let me tell my experience & what the place was like. It only just opened to the public 9/30/12. Prior to that she just had private parties & I think some groups maybe. For parties, adults are free to allow all family (grandparents, aunts uncles ect) to participate in the party without a huge cost.

    My son's birthday party was originally planned for Sept 29th. It got rained out. We rescheduled for October 2nd. Rained out AGAIN! Finally we made it work on October 14th. She was so great at being flexible with us & rescheduling the party. For parties she allows outdoor food & drink. She said eventually they are planning for concessions, so maybe allowing food for parties will stop(or not) & maybe that is why right now she isn’t allowing food for open play so as not to start the habit. (Didn’t ask her this)

    Anyway as soon as we all gathered & filled out waivers & such the boys ran off & started sliding down the big slides (they did this numerous times) My husband & another dad went down once & I went down a few times. It was fun! The boys played football, basketball, swung on the tire swings, climbed the natural wood jungle gym. They were in no hurry to start the Laser Tag which was the main attraction/purpose of the party. They were "PLAYING"! Let me tell you it is great to see that with 11/12 year old boys, who these days are so into computer & video games.

    We got in three 15 minute Laser Tag games. They did allow others that were at the park in on the game, the boys didn't mind. I don't think she will run only a private game for the party, but not sure because we didn't ask, we didn't care about the others being in the game. The kids had a BLAST at the laser tag. It is a great course w/trees, barriers & tee pees to hide behind & in. There is watch tower for the workers & parents, which was a great view of the game. So funny seeing them run, drop & roll to hide. Not one of them left without a wet sweaty head.

    My 7 year old didn't want to do laser tag, but had a great time playing & exploring everything. They have pet kitten that lives there that is so laid back. My 7 year old carried her around everywhere. He watched the chicken & ducks. There is a little mock campsite w/a tent that has a bookshelf & he went in there & read for a bit. He found lizards; he swung on the tire swing, went on the slides, played on the jungle gym & monkey bars & just wondered around. He was content & happy.

    So anyway, my husband & I loved it, the kids loved it. We will go again sometime even though the prices are a little high. I think it will be worth it in the long run. They are also going to have 3 mini golf courses by Thanksgiving. One of them will be for little kiddos that will use plastic clubs & balls. So your $10 fee for those over 36 inches tall will include the whole park to play in, the laser tag & I THINK the mini golf, Adults can play laser tag & mini golf too. (she didn't mention that the mini golf will be extra) For little ones under 36 inches tall it is only $5.

    And don’t knock the rules. Do you really want to see a bunch of teens with their pants to their knees? You can't go 100 minutes without a beer? She’s just trying to make it a nice family atmosphere, without any drama. Go check it out. She will let you just tour it & watch first for free. It is a pretty cool set up. She did a great job.

    Last edited: Oct 19, 2012
  6. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Sorry but I am simply not reading all that. You had me at they enjoyed it.
  7. KB2

    KB2 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I tend to be long winded and carried away with every little detail, sorry. Let me condense a bit so my important points stand out.

    1. It isn’t just a park w/little cars for little kids.
    One of the main attractions is an awesome outdoor Laser Tag course. Mini Golf is coming by Thanksgiving. They also have giant slides, tire swings, jungle gym, monkey bars, basketball court, volleyball sand court, and more pretend play things geared toward the 3 & under group. (like the mini cars & mock campsite).

    2. It is $10 for people over 36 inches tall. Only $5 for people under 36 inches tall.
    So your $10 fee for those over 36 inches tall will include the whole park to play in, the laser tag & I THINK the mini golf, Adults can play laser tag & mini golf too. You can actually spend time with & play with your kids instead of just watching them. (she didn't mention that the mini golf will be extra)

    3. It was really Fun for a group of 11 & 12 year old boys. They all LOVED it!

    4. Don’t knock the rules
    Do you really want to see a bunch of teens with their pants to their knees? You can't go 100 minutes without a beer? Can’t you filter your language for 100 minutes around a bunch of kids? She’s just trying to make it a nice family atmosphere, without any drama.

    5. Go check it out.
    She will let you just tour it & watch first for free. It is a pretty cool set up. She did a great job creating this place. You might find out you & your kids would like it.

  8. daisy8869

    daisy8869 Well-Known Member


    Thanks for your review. It does sound like a good concept but I think the pricing is just out of most families budgets. My son is 2 and while he would love the cars and the campsite, he is way too young for laser tag or most of the other activities you mentioned.

    I think the pricing should be based on age and adults should be free or only a few dollars to encourage supervision (maybe take out the laser tag and leave it as a separate fee).

    I think we will consider this place once my son is older if it is still in business?
  9. Sassygurl81

    Sassygurl81 Well-Known Member

    I agree that the prices seem a little high. My 2 year old would have fun but I don't think I should have to pay $10 to watch her. I am not interested in the laser tag. I think that should be additional if you want it.

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