Johnston County Election info on candidates?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by JustMe, Oct 9, 2012.

  1. JustMe

    JustMe Well-Known Member

    Are there some Web sites that provide objective info on the JC candidates for judges and school board?
  2. bosoxfan

    bosoxfan Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Oct 9, 2012
  3. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

    WRAL has something you put in your address and it will pull up your district info on candidates and what your ballot will look like..

    I havent checked it out yet so not sure what they have!
  4. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    The entire school board needs to be voted out (though terms for some are not up yet) and new people in.
  5. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

  6. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    Johnston County SAT Scores

    Math - 519
    Writing - 476

    Math - 517
    Writing - 470

    Math - 512
    Writing - 460
  7. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    I have to respectfully disagree. These are both recent honors for Johnston County schools. The full articles are on the Johnston County website.

    Johnston County Schools Earn First Place Honors in 2012 Magna Awards

    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']American School Board Journal [/FONT] [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']Also Announces Grand Prize Winners[/FONT]

    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']Alexandria, Va. (April 11, 2012) [/FONT] [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']**- The Johnston County (N.C.) Schools have been selected as a first place winner in the American School Board Journal's (ASBJ) 18th annual Magna Awards program.[/FONT]

    Johnston County Schools Marks End of ABC's Accountability Program with Impressive Gains
    As North Carolina ends the era of its first school-level accountability system - the ABC's of Public Education, JCS made impressive gains.
  8. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    Also, this isn't necessarily the school boards fault as they were down all across the state and nationwide. One of the reasons they state it may have fallen is the fact that a larger number of kids have been taking them. Here is an article about it.
  9. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    You can respectfully disagree all you like. Thats fine. I ddint make the numbers up.

    But if you cant hold the Board responsible for falling numbers, then how do you give them accolades for the awards that you mentioned?
  10. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    Just to respond to your question about the Boards responsibilities. We all have our different opinions on the school board what they did good, what they did bad etc..etc... I just wanted to point out that they have done some really good things here for Johnston County schools as well. So each person has both the good and bad when they go to the polls.

    For one, the Magna awards is based on policies and practices the school board implements to increase overall gains in the school, dropping the drop out rate increasing the graduation rate etc. The below quote is directly from the article explaining what the Magna award is about;

    "The Magna Awards exemplifies strong school board leadership, creativity, and commitment to student achievement in public education," said Anne L. Bryant, ASBJ's Publisher and Executive Director of NSBA . " This year's Magna Awards recipients truly showcase the best practices and innovative school programs that are advancing student success."

    Secondly, the SAT's are taken by high schoolers alone 11 th and 12th graders maybe some in 10th. The schoolboard doesn't have anything to do with making a child take a test, the SAT's are optional not a requirement for the students, basically they are used for college entrances. On the other hand with the ABC's of education it is REQUIRED for those in 3rd grade and up to take these test and the results are based on the growth of the students and overall proficiency.

    Regardless, I think we can all agree that at least it isn't the Wake County Board.. 8)
  11. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    well if memory serves me right.. you seem to have some personal vendetta against the board... based on past posts
  12. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    Personal...somewhat yes. It started out as that. However after gaining all the information from numerous people and sources about the actions of the Board, it's my opinion they all need to go. Some of them are approaching 10 years with the Board. I feel that that is long enough for a politician to remain in office, regardless of the office. When politicians are in office that long, there are too many chances to be stuck in certain ways, or a one way of thinking, or just too full of themselves. They make it way to hard for the ordinary citizen to talk to the Board at their meetings which to me suggests they do not wish to hear from us.
  13. tryingtomakeadifference

    tryingtomakeadifference Active Member

    I had to jump through hoops to get on the docket to speak. Even with filing appropriate paperwork and following timeline procedures, they still managed to make it difficult by not approving me until 40 minutes before I was supposed to speak (and yes, I was in Garner and had to be in Smithfield within that time, changed, notes in hand, ready to present my case). I went and did my thing though!

    I do think that the board needs a major facelift. I think there are some board members worthwhile, but as a whole they stifle each other in fear of the Super's disapproval. Individually they aren't half bad (a few), but they are a weak bunch when placed together.

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