Christmas Angels 2012

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by JenniferK, Oct 8, 2012.

  1. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    It's that time again!

    We're starting a little later this year, and that's my fault. I've had some issues with my aging parents that has consumed all of my time lately.

    If you aren't familiar with the Christmas Angels program, you can take a look at CA from years past here:

    We will take nominations for the next two weeks. Nominations will end on 10/22/12.

    Who can you nominate?

    Do you know a family that is really struggling this year? Perhaps they have just enough money to get the bills paid, but aren't sure that there will be Christmas for the kids? Maybe they had some sort of tragedy that put them behind? That's who we are looking for.


    Family MUST live in Johnston County.

    Family must not have been a prior CA recipient.

    You must be able to have contact information for them so we can get in touch with them.

    If you have any questions, you can contact me, or harleygirl.

    Jennifer, or PM Sandy (harleygirl)

    Thank you!
  2. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

  3. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Webbie, can you sticky us please??

    We have only received one nomination. Please think about those that you might know who need help this year.
  4. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Nomination period has been extended until 10/29
  5. RCARP

    RCARP Well-Known Member

    Thanks Jennifer for all you do with this.
  6. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    Hey Jen!! I emailed you a nomination to your DaisLou email!!! :)
  7. granola acres mayor

    granola acres mayor Well-Known Member

    I know of a family that lost there Mom this week, a school bus pulled out in front of her and she was on her motor cycle. She passed away on the way to the hospital, she was an amazing woman struggling single mom that left two wonderful kids behind. I know they haven't had a great Christmas in years but this one will be the worst. I can not imagine what those kids are doing through.
  8. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Thank you to everyone who sent in a nomination!

    God's Child, I got it!

    Granola...yep, someone has nominated that family.

    We expect to make contact with the families and make a decision this week and will post information as soon as we have it!
  9. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    love the kids in this family. :hurray:
  10. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    PM-ed you JenniferK
  11. MamaApe

    MamaApe Well-Known Member

    Ditto the family mentioned that lost their mom, & I want to help when the time comes please!
  12. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Does anybody have any contact information for the family that lost their mom? I know the names, but I don't know who the kids are with, or have any idea of the adults who are now responsible for them.

    You can PM me or email me at
  13. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    Will call you shortly, Miss Priss.
  14. angeleyes

    angeleyes Member

    Family choosen this year


    We are one of the families that Christmas Angels helped last year. Do you have a list of what is needed/wanted for the family choosen this year?
  15. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Hey angeleyes! We do not have a list as of yet.
    We are in the process of contacting families that have been nominated.
    We'll let you & everyone else know as soon as we get more information.

    Hope you & your family have been doing GREAT!
  16. angeleyes

    angeleyes Member

    Christmas Angels

    We have been doing good. I know for a fact that these families will be overwhelmed and gracious when they receive the phone calls..
  17. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Family 1 has been chosen!

    Taylor Woods was diagnosed with a very rare disease called Endogenous Lipoid Pneumonia. It is an immune disorder that is basically making her body attack itself. There have only been a handful of people diagnosed with it, all who have been significantly older than Taylor. She is a 17.

    She donated blood in February through the school’s blood drive and the following month, she developed a dangerous bacterial infection which ended up in her bloodstream. This caused her body to basically “short-circuit.”

    Since March, she has been out of the hospital for a total of nearly six weeks. She is fighting for her life right now at the UNC Children’s Hospital in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit

    Taylor is an only child. Dad is a warehouse worker and Mom doesn't work. Mom drives back and forth to UNC every day to be with Taylor.

    At this point, when I tell you that Taylor's prognosis is not known, I truly mean it. A few weeks ago, they called the family in and thought that might be it, but Taylor is a fighter and refuses to give up.

    Here are the needs for this family:

    *Gas cards (so mom can visit)

    Taylor has a laptop and an ipod, but some days she just doesn't have the strength to hold her laptop. She does download apps and songs from Itunes.

    *Itunes gift cards

    *Starbucks gift cards (there is a Starbucks in the hospital and Taylor loves people to go get her some fancy coffee when they visit)

    Our biggest wishlist item for Taylor is going to be a Kindle Fire, and Amazon gift cards. With the Kindle, she will be able to download books, apps and go on the internet and it will be easier to hold than her laptop.

    You can contact me directly for an address to mail a check, or you can paypal donations to (please make sure you send it as a gift, not a payment).
    We are still verifying information for the other families that were nominated and will update as soon as we can.
  18. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    My hubby played a in a benefit yesterday for the above mentioned family (that lost their mom). If you need contact info still, he may be able to get it. Just let me know. Thanks!
  19. angeleyes

    angeleyes Member

    Family 1

    Thanks Jennifer for the update. How many families are we helping this year?
  20. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    We're not sure yet. We are having a hard time reaching some folks and verifying information.

    I would venture to say 2-3, but I am not sure.

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