I need pecans

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Gabi, Nov 10, 2012.

  1. Gabi

    Gabi Member

    I've looked on the boards and haven't seen any recent postings. I need shelled pecans and would like to buy local if anyone knows of some. Need about 5-10 pounds, possibly more. But could start out lower if you have a couple of pounds ready now.

    Thank you!

    ZUMBAbyMARIE Well-Known Member

    I saw some in the classified section.
  3. Jean S

    Jean S Well-Known Member

    Check the Farmers Mkt. We always get ours there. They are NC local. Or maybe Legacy Farms off Hwy 210...
  4. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Fresh Large-Sized Hybrid Pecans for Sale - $2 per pound

    I have a limited quantity of fresh pecans in the shell for sale. They are Stuart variety - $2.00 per pound.

    They are bagged and ready for your pick-up in 5# bags.

    Please call (919)631-5242 for directions as I check my email infrequently. I can meet you in the North Johnston/ Southern Wake County area.

  5. Gabi

    Gabi Member

    Thank you guys

    I thought about the classifieds after I posted but wasn't familiar with anyone there, so haven't taken advantage of those. I'm fixing Thanksgiving for the first time for my ENTIRE family (pray for me) and need to pick some up this weekend that are shelled and won't break the bank. Wanted to know they were good so I don't get "the look" for great aunt Maise. I'm sure you understand. LOL

    Will check these places out and the Farmers Market. THank you and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.
  6. Bren

    Bren Well-Known Member

    I just bought some from the guy in Harleygirl's post. They are not shelled but they are good and fresh!
  7. jjganny

    jjganny Well-Known Member

    I just bought 100 lbs couple weeks ago off wtsb.com. I share with several sisters.
  8. Jean S

    Jean S Well-Known Member

    We always get ours from the Farmers Mkt from Perry Farms (I think that's the name of them. They are located at the front end of the fruits and veggies part of the mkt near the outside part where they sell the bakery goods and cut flowers under a tent). They have good clean pecans shelled and ready to eat. His pecans are always good. You will be fine with making the T-Giving day feast. I used to do it every year for all my family until Daddy got too feeble to travel up here and we averaged about 16 people every year. Just stick with tried and true known dishes and you will be fine.

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