Prices Lowes Foods vs WalMart

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by PoohBear, Dec 18, 2012.

  1. PoohBear

    PoohBear Well-Known Member

    I am not a price shopper. My husband is. He has been commenting on recent TV ads by WalMart. Yesterday I purchased a item at Lowes Foods. $3.99 for 7.2 oz. My total grocery bill was over $100.00. Today he goes to WalMart purchases the same item but $2.48 for 9.35 oz. That is $00.554 per oz. at Lowes Foods and $00.265 per oz. at WalMart. That is a big price difference. He further pointed out that Lowes was trying to fool the customer by having smaller size bags to hide the high prices. He also advised WalMart has Butterball turkeys for $1.09 lb. everyday price. I did not advise him what Lowes Foods was charging for Butterball turkeys.
    For all the shoppers out there, is Lowes Foods this far out of line on everyday prices?
  2. daisy8869

    daisy8869 Well-Known Member

    I am a regular shopper at both stores. I also use coupons extensively. Yes, the normal non-sale prices are usually 30-40% more at stores like Harris Teeter or Lowes Foods. However both of those stores run weekly sales and will double coupons .99 cents or less everyday. If you don't use coupons or watch sales, by all means stick with Walmart. However if you only buy what is on sale and use coupons, Lowes Foods will have the better deals each week.

    I usually visit both Lowes Foods and Walmart each week. At Lowes Foods, I only buy what is on sale and I have coupons for. I do price matching at Walmart for the essentials I have to have. This strategy helps me stay within my $60 dollars a week budget for a family of three with a dog and a toddler in diapers.
  3. PoohBear

    PoohBear Well-Known Member

    WOW. I need to hire you to do my grocery shopping!
  4. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    Lowes' Foods offers better quality in my opinion. Of course, a box of Kraft mac n' cheese is the same at both stores, but when it comes to produce, meat, bakery, and the specific brands they carry...Lowe's gets my vote every time.

    If you shop wisely and use coupons (they double them) then it will not make too much of a difference in prices. I will also say the shopping experience is far better at Lowe's and the service is way better as well. They also credit you $0.05 for each bag you bring in to reuse. Lowe's Foods also buys produce locally (when available) and participates in the community a bit more visibly.

    Now, if I need a picture frame, milk, garden soil and a pool noodle I will likely make that trip to WalMart or Target to save myself from having to go all over the place.
  5. Sdaanimal

    Sdaanimal Well-Known Member

    It is also good to know that if an item at Lowes food rings up incorrectly, if you go to the customer service after checking out and discovering this, they will refund your money and give you the item for free (there are exceptions, like beer). This is, indeed, a policy as I have questioned it and received different answers, and asked a friend of mine who works there and was told that it is on the books. Just not really advertised. I agree about Lowes food stuff being way more expensive, except when there is a sale, more specifically a "buy one get one free" sale, which makes something cheaper. And the beauty here is that you do not have to buy two - it rings up half price (unless specifically stated otherwise). But be careful when they have a computer glitch and sales do not ring up. This happened a short while ago,and their solution was to offer me a straight 20% off my total offer. But I lost out big time because I am also a huge fan of double coupons and only sales items, and I write EVERY item and the price, which is why I do catch things that ring up wrong. I am not trying to "beat the system", but am very careful with our money as I do not work and have the time to shop and keep track like this. I have also had prices matched at Walmart - last week I purchased nestles tollhouse at walmart for $1.88 a bag, which is what Lowes food sent me an email about, for a weekend special. It depends on which cashier, I am thinking, because some do not seem to understand that they are supposed to match it even if I do not have an ad showing this. I just mentioned it to the cashier and she said she would match it. Their policy is posted at each register - just make sure to point it out. I use the price checker at walmart, too, to make sure their prices are ringing up what they are advertising. If they ring up higher, I get annoyed and take the actual price thingie up with me, the one that is under the item, to prove it. This way, if the price was last weeks, no longer on sale, they'd BETTER honor that price, and I am doing them the favor of removing the incorrect price. Yes, I can be the customer from h3ll but I was a cashier for 20 years and know how things are supposed to work. Just a few things I do to stretch our budget that I thought I'd pass on :)
  6. irishluck

    irishluck Well-Known Member

    Lowes jacked up their prices as soon as Winn Dixie shut down. They also have misleading sales. Every where you look they have "but one get one free!" but they're really tricking you into buying two. I figured it out years ago when I bought some ice cream. It said b1g1 and it would cost $5. I really just wanted one carton and that one carton rang up as $2.50. hmm
  7. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Their ads state CLEARLY that one item will ring at half price. That isn't a trick. Good grief.

    Lowe's Foods can be cheaper if you coupon diligently and it's a heck of a lot nicer experience than walmart.
  8. irishluck

    irishluck Well-Known Member

    It is a trick when it says "buy one get one FREE." So you're saying it's reasonable for it to be a certain price when I buy one, then it doubles for that single item when I get two and the second one is free? That's not a sale.
  9. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    It's marketing. Period.
  10. irishluck

    irishluck Well-Known Member


    Yeah that fine print under the huge FREE is soooooooo clear. It just frustrates me because it's illogical. How can they get away with calling it free when it obviously isn't. And people fall for this crap?
  11. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Sweet pea, I fell for nothing. I READ the ads, so I am informed consumer. I'm so sorry that's a hard concept for folks like you. Good grief. Lowe's is awesome, they have awesome sales, they double coupons, but you want to **** and moan about BOGO ads. Most stores use them, you have to READ.
  12. bosoxfan

    bosoxfan Well-Known Member

    Except that the one that you're buying is not at the regular price - it's 1/2 price. To me, that's better than buying one at regular price and getting the second one free, because you don't have to buy two if you don't want to.

    You can't buy one at 1/2 price AND get the second one free.
  13. Allioop

    Allioop Well-Known Member

    I shop at Lowe's more often because it's right down the road. To avoid all the stoplights driving through Hwy 42/Hwy 40 traffic to Wal-mart, paying a little more at Lowe's is worth it to me!
  14. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    And it goes by the price that they are getting it from the distributors for. The distributors may be selling to the grocery store chains as a promotional deal. So its not always that they are getting that 1/2 gal. of ice cream at a price that they can sell it for $2.50 to their customers. But in the interest of moving product, and knowing that people like a deal, they are likely to buy 2 at the discounted price if they have the room to store the product at home.

    at Publix however.... if they have a B1G1 free offer, you have to get two, or you will be charged the regular price for 1. If they offer, 2 for $4.99, then you can just get one at $2.50. Their policies are a little strange that it works one way, but not the other.

    I've never felt Lowes foods was screwing me, you just have to pay attention to their sales and pricing. I have gotten them many times on their "price scan guarantee". I love when I bring it to Customer Service and they start to give me the difference, then I gently remind them of their price scan policy. I love that look on their face when I politely ask them if they still have it, and they say yes, and I ask them why are they only giving me the difference then? :jester:
  15. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    are you being for real? you don't get how this works? :confused:
  16. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    Sounds like you did.
  17. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I've gotta add my 2 cents....

    Anyone that knows me knows that I am cheap, cheap, CHEAP! I use coupons, shop sales, etc...BUT I would much rather do my grocery shopping at Lowes than at Walmart. If you use coupons and buy in large quantities when it's on sale, the prices at Lowes aren't that bad. And I love the way they do the bogo sales, because sometimes I just want one, and most other stores make you buy 2 to get the sale price. So to me that's a good thing. They are right in line with Chick-fil-a as far as customer service goes, and much more convenient than finding a parking spot at Walmart, finding a cart in Walmart, and having to walk 3 miles to get everything you need. I try to do my Walmart shopping once a month, to get the cleaning products, toiletries, etc that I need, and that's it. (because that stuff is way overpriced in Lowes)
  18. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    DH does MOST of the shopping now & split's it up between FL & WM. He hasn't used ONE coupon yet, but I'm working on him. LOL He SWEARS WM is cheaper.

    Oh and I'm gonna have a HT REAL CLOSE soon. I never shopped there b/c they were so damn far away and expensive, but I'll try them again ONLY for super triple qpons when I can actually AFFORD their products.
  19. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    You know what I am surprised your buddies around here let you get away with being a damn ***** all the time. I hope she finds you and keys the other side of your car. You have no room to be wait. You know what God would do. Its a shame your condescending attitude toward others makes you look like a damn bully. People like her?? wow. Maybe Webbie should start looking at your negative demeanor and the way you talk to others on here. This is no better than Clif and Monkey. Self righteous *****.
  20. Clif002

    Clif002 Guest

    Leave me out of this.

    I'm just glad she's jumping on other people's cases for once.

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