Quitting Smoking

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by kaci, Jan 7, 2013.

  1. HidesinOBX

    HidesinOBX Well-Known Member

    I was quit 8 years using the patch and thought I could have "just one". Well, there is no such thing as "just one". I forgot that mantra helped me succeed the first time. One is too many and 20 isn't enough. Well, I messed around with them for a year and tried quitting again, and it was by far, harder than the last time. It's important to not give up trying to quit, because eventually it will happen. Don't beat yourself up over lighting up, just try again. Yes, you want to WANT to quit, but it is an addiction and if you read about addiction, you find that it's totally out of your control. How can someone know this drug is bad for them, put them down for a day or so, and then go crazy with thoughts of smoking, inhaling, the whole love affair you've had for years. I found that using a 12 step program (Nicotine Anonymous online) along with the patches helped me succeeed the first time. The 12 step program and the Chantix helped the 2nd go round, so I've been clean for 6 months now. My insurance didn't cover it, but I went to the Chantix website and filled out some paperwork, and they covered 1/2 the expense the first 3 months. I will say this, I only took it for a month and it was amazing how quickly I came away from them. After a month, the nicotine was out of my system, so I let it go, have gained a few pounds, but am AOK knowing I am nic free again. The weight will go again like it did the first time. My doctor told me when I quit the first time that I'd have to gain 100 lbs for it to do the damage the cigarettes were doing to my health.

    Remember to reach out to those who will support you because it's hard to quit and you need to hear every positive thing there is about quitting. One thing that kept me going the first time, and now again is knowing that I will wake up one day and not even think about it. Those thoughts do go away. You will one day wake up and not think about a cigarette. Those moments become fewer and fewer...so know that when you start the first day. Good luck and if you need to reach out, please do Kaci! You can do this!
  2. pcroom

    pcroom Well-Known Member

    Kaci, I quit 5 years ago after 40 years of smoking. I loved the darn things. The fake cigaretts are not good because you have to do something else with the hands. I know I will get alot of slack for what I'm about to say!! My sunday school class layed hands on me as they prayed that god would help me quit. I had tried many times to quit. I did use the patch for two weeks. You can do it but if I told you it will be easy, that will be a lie! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!! Pat
  3. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much for all the great advice, i am going to keep looking at this thread of support and the thread of support on fb daily, love you guys (well most of you) :)
  4. pcroom

    pcroom Well-Known Member

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!! I will pray for you to be strong!
  5. Clif002

    Clif002 Guest

    Yeah, I know I'm on the outs with you just now, but hopefully this will rise above it.

    I went through Dr. Stocks. (Thanks to DAH22 who recommended him).

    Basically I wanted the injection. I was looking around for the clinic that did it, but discovered that they moved to Charlotte. I posted here and DAH22 suggested Dr. Stocks at Stocks Surgical (919-850-0880). It was a different drug than the other (more well known) one. He said it was something he learned in China as part of their lung cancer surgery process. (Dr. Stocks is a cancer surgeon). It's two shots (one ion the arm and one in the ear), and then a patch for a week, and Chantix for a month.

    In the time I have been quit, I have occasionally had a small craving, but it goes away after a few minutes. The cravings are never so bad I've felt like hurting anyone. :)

    (The above is a re-post from several years ago. I'm not sure if Dr. Stocks still does the stop smoking thing, but it would certainly be worth it to give them a call and find out.)
  6. C me Now BMM

    C me Now BMM Well-Known Member

    I will provide you with the best advice yet.. cigs=Clif.. set your mindset that they are the same.. you get the urge you pick one up think Clif.. promptly throw it in the trash or on the ground and destroy it with a toe grind. lol
  7. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Omg, i seriously just spit out my diet pepsi, love it!
  8. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member


    I wish you all the best in this quest. I do not recommend Chantix. Last year I was put on Chantix and after a while decided to stop taking it. A few weeks went by and I had a seizure at work. I bit off a portion of my tongue, was drooling and tensed up. Luckily, I was in the front office where lots of people were and not in my own office. I wound up fracturing a bone on my spine and still do not have that part of my tongue. I was in the hospital for sometime. I also learned to ask the doctor before just stopping any medicine.

    Thanks to the people in the front office who handled everything like they were trained.


    ZUMBAbyMARIE Well-Known Member

    Gum! My Dad had gum in every drawer of the house when he quit. It gives your mouth something to do.
  10. hhicshg

    hhicshg Well-Known Member

    After smoking for 46 years, I just got up one morning and said I didn't want to do it any more. I did have a bit of enticement. I had already smoked long enough to have emphysema. Anyway somewhere along the line I had tried almost all the ways to do it. When I quit, I had already stopped buying them by the carton and smoked only outside. I had the electronic cigs I had gotten somewhere along the way. It took me awhile. I had a couple friends who still smoke as much as they ever did. I did get control over that finally, I can sit with either of them over coffee or just visiting without scratching all the skin off my forearms. Now after about 2 1/2 years I still want a cig every day at some point or another but it doesn't last long. I am so glad I don't smoke anymore. When I went somewhere when I unpacked my suitcase you could smell the smoke on everything. I suspect I smelled like smoke after having a little smoke outside just like so many others when you walk past them. My kids are proud of me and so am I. Needless to say, I asked the Lord many times for the strength to not give in to them.
  11. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member


    My mistake, it was not Chantix that I was on. It was Zyban (Wellbutrin). Wanted to clear that up once I remembered.

  12. jlc007

    jlc007 Well-Known Member

    I want to quit too. I also have no insurance. I wouldnt do Zyban, even if I did have insurance.....heard WAY too many horror stories. I've only ever smoked cloves but they are just as addicting as normal smokes. I've tried acupuncture and it did the weirdest thing to me....he took the needles out and I felt incredibly sad, like someone had died but it did nothing as far as the smoking cravings. I'm saving my pennies to try hypnosis. Let me know how it goes....I'm rooting for you, girl :hurray:
  13. wed2x

    wed2x Well-Known Member

    I quit 11 years ago on New Years Eve. I did it cold turkey after smoking for over 10 years. To me its the only way. The nicotine is out of our system after 2 days. I had insomnia for 24 hours and there was no way I wanted to do that again. I also used the website below for support. I guess also seeing those that died so young and pictures of how they looked as they were dying were enough to keep me quit. Good luck. Its so worth it.

  14. bissielizzie

    bissielizzie Well-Known Member

    We used the patch back in 1995, DH was serious about it, I went along to support him. Using the patch I didn't have physical cravings, but I did have the mental "oh it would taste good right about now" with a drink, good meal, sex. So either avoid your triggers or decide that you are stronger willed. I still think about it from time to time but not enough to get in the car and buy a pack. And when I think about all of the money we have saved by not smoking and all of the things that we have been able to do because we don't smoke, we wish we had quit sooner. Good luck to you.
  15. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

    I would like to quit also but so far I've not been able to talk my husband into quitting as well and I'm afraid that the temptation of seeing his cigarettes in front of me and not grabbing one will be too much.
  16. LansingDr

    LansingDr Well-Known Member

    Good luck!, it can be done though. My Mom quit 5 years ago after over 25 yrs of smoking. She did it cold turkey...I am very proud of her :)

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