Suggestions for lawn maintenance (not mowing)

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by mingomama, Apr 22, 2013.

  1. mingomama

    mingomama Well-Known Member

    DH and I are looking to get weed control, aeration, fertilizer and insect treatment for our lawn (our lawn is about 2 acres).

    I just got off the phone with Tru Green, and the person I was on the phone with was very confusing. They do not come to the house, but instead take a google maps look at the area for measurements, etc.

    To make a long story short, we're not going with them. Do you know of anyone to suggest?
  2. mypaperheart

    mypaperheart Active Member

    This is my husband and brother-in-law's company! They will come out and give you a free quote. You can see a lot of their work on the website :)
  3. Neighborhood MoM

    Neighborhood MoM Well-Known Member

    The Weed Man is great.

    We use the service called the Weed Man. We have steered away from other companies because of contracts and lock in for seasons. But this is a smaller company and has been in business for quite sometime . We think they do a good job. They come out and spray. The bill will be hung on your door to pay. They will not bother you unless he see's something that you need to know. We had what was thought to have been called fairy rings ( found out they are cinch bugs ). He sprayed for them in our regular spraying and I am pleased we do not have them any more. Also no dandelions. He will show how the schedule works and how many times he will spray during the season and the price is great. Also no contract. His number is 919-231-7745 . His email is . Just another one to consider if you have not made up your mind yet and still are searching. Good luck, it is that time of the year. Nothing looks better then a weed free yard and that looks great too. His consult is free.
  4. tatorgirl

    tatorgirl Active Member

    Another suggestion is Barefoot Lawn. They do not require a contract and their prices are very reasonable. My husband has always liked to care for his own lawn but we have discovered they are actually cheaper than us just purchasing the products alone. We have fescue which requires a lot of work to keep healthy in the hot summer months and this past year, our lawn stayed beautiful.
  5. mingomama

    mingomama Well-Known Member


    Thanks for the info!

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