Tucker Lake now Hexagon Wake Park

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by 42Local, May 6, 2013.

  1. 42Local

    42Local Well-Known Member

    Not sure when this happened... Also, it looks like they're calling themselves both Hexagon Cable Park and Hexagon Wake Park.

  2. 26.2

    26.2 Well-Known Member

    I actually saw the changes to the lake last summer. Not sure when they started advertising.
  3. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    I'm doing my daughters 13th birthday party out there in a week, should be lots of fun and the guy doing the wake board stuff is really nice..they have a pro shop out there for it as well. They have made some really good changes and yes the price is steep but looks like it will be worth it all. Take a ride out there and look around. People are driving miles just to use the cable/wake board..
  4. keemom

    keemom Well-Known Member

    Does that mean it doesn't have the water slides that it used to have? We haven't been there in a few years, but we were thinking of going this summer with our little ones :(
  5. scbuff

    scbuff Well-Known Member

    don't know how much they charge now just to be able to swim in their damn lake, but once was enough for me. Can't believe they would charge 7 dollars a head back years ago. Too many option out there for less money and better scenery
  6. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    I noticed when we were coming back from beach yesterday, It was packed out!! I want to go do the ziplines. My teenagers want to go check it out....I think I will go too. Looks like a fun place. They love the one in Fayetteville (can't remember the name of it). What a great option for those who can't or don't drive to the beaches.
  7. C me Now BMM

    C me Now BMM Well-Known Member

    Not so sure there is that many more options out there comparable to what they have.. Silver lake is closed.

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