Moving to the area - The Meadows of Southfort

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by jlnederhoff, Jun 5, 2013.

  1. jlnederhoff

    jlnederhoff Member

    Hi Everyone,

    I just joined this discussion board as my husband and I are moving to the 40/42 area - specifically The Meadows of Southfort subdivision - next month and I had a few questions. We are currently in Raleigh, and I'm very excited to be moving out this way.

    Does anyone live in the Meadows of Southfort now in this group? Pros, cons, good, bad - any tips or advice? We live in a great, quiet neighborhood now - and it seems as though this neighborhood is similar, but interested to get your feedback.

    Who do you use for trash service? I've checked into Republic, Waste Industries, and a few others - but only have heard back from Republic and W/I. Good/Bad on either of those?

    We have a 1 1/2 year old boy - good area for kids? He's still a few years away - but we are in the West View Elem school district - any good/bad feedback about the school?

    Looking forward to hopefully meeting some of our soon to be new neighbors!

  2. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    I'm not in your particular neighborhood, but we use ABC Sanitation for trash service. Its a nice family run company. Very reliable, competetive rates and respectful employees on the trucks. Much better than Waste Industries or all those other poor schmuck companies that have been bought out by Waste Industries. I have switched trash companies 3 times because I can't stand WI, and the smaller companies I switched to kept getting bought out by them. I believe another good one in the area, but not in my specific area (I'm closer to Clayton) is Kens. He had great rates and some people on here use him, maybe they will chime in.

    Welcome to Johnston County!
  3. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    We have Waste Industries and we've never had a problem with them.
  4. JustAnotherMom

    JustAnotherMom Well-Known Member

    We're right by the Meadows, and have a few friends that live there. I have not heard any complaints :)

    Trash we use Waste Industries, the smaller companies keep getting bought by them, had All Star and Ken's previously, I have no complaints about their service.

    I have had 2 kids in West View, and one getting ready to start this year, I really don't have any complaints, a few minor things, but that is with every where you go. We've loved all our teachers, with only one exception, and my kids have enjoyed going.

  5. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Right by the Meadows myself too and have friends over there. I think it is a great community, a lot of family involvement events and seems to be a true neighborhood in the old school sense of that word. You will love the 4042 area, some of the best people i have ever met. Welcome and anything you need just reach out on here.
  6. jlnederhoff

    jlnederhoff Member

    Thank you everyone!
  7. Navycut

    Navycut Well-Known Member

    I have been in the Meadows for 4.5 years. I think it's paradise. Plenty of social activities for all ages. Absolutely GREAT people here.

    We had a Pig Pickin' with a band on Memorial Day, Tomorrow night is Karaoke and a movie for the kids and we are planning Bingo on a monthly basis and the summer is just beginning. There are also impromptu gatherings on weekends at various homes which you can attend if you know a friend of a friend of a friend.

    If you PM your phone and a time, I will call and answer any questions you may have.
  8. Sdaanimal

    Sdaanimal Well-Known Member

    Getting a trash decal for the landfill is also an option, and way cheaper, if you have the means to take your own trash instead of having pickup. A decal is $65 for a year, and there is a "convenience center" located on Barber Mill Road, not far from you. We live in the Southwoods subdivision, and it is a hop, skip, and a jump away from us. This website will help you with information about purchasing a decal:

    Welcome to the neighborhood!
  9. Emma Caroline

    Emma Caroline Well-Known Member

    I don't live in the Meadows but have friends who do. It is a great neighborhood--join the pool and you will meet people. We currently take our trash to the dump but we used ABC for years and had no problems and would suggest them to anyone.

    As for the school--I would not send my worst enemy's dog to West View. Horrible administration which trickles down to lazy teachers. (yes there are some good ones--but the good ones seem to leave as fast as they can) Great parents who step in to pick up the slack so the school still looks good. Save your money for private school or plan to home school. You and your child will both be better for it.
  10. Allioop

    Allioop Well-Known Member

    :?Weird...I've heard nothing but good things about West View. My kids don't go there, but I know several parents whose kids go there and they love it.

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