Have any of you done business with....

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by jlc007, Oct 27, 2013.

  1. jlc007

    jlc007 Well-Known Member

    an attorney named Vann Sauls on Hwy 210?
    Would love to hear your experiences....good or bad.

    TIA. :)

    Update: just found out that Vann no longer handles anything domestic...so, here's another recommendation I got....Don Wells with Mast Law Firm on Hwy 42.....any good/bad experiences with him?

    Thanks so much guys!
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2013
  2. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    YES, he is very good. In-Laws had him for closing on a house. He is a local and it is good to give locals the business :D
  3. Sdaanimal

    Sdaanimal Well-Known Member

    BETTER CALL SAUL! :lol: sorry...couldn't resist...
  4. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty sure he was my ex-wife's lawyer. I know it was Van something. Judging by how that turned out, I would have to recommend him. :banghead:
  5. beebsy

    beebsy Well-Known Member

    :cheers: bahahahaha!!! You know they are doing a Better Call Saul spinoff show....
  6. Sdaanimal

    Sdaanimal Well-Known Member

    Yes - can't wait to check it out! I miss Heisenberg - but you know I can't think of a more perfect way to end that series :cheers:
  7. Bren

    Bren Well-Known Member

    We have used him several times in the past. Home closings, drawing up our wills, etc. Would use him again if the need ever arises.
  8. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    My family used him after my mom passed away for guidance with her Estate. He steered us in the right direction and was there to answer any questions that came up. Good experience.
  9. jlc007

    jlc007 Well-Known Member

    :grouphug: Thank you 4042ers!
    I will give him a call. Tried finding a website for him, but no luck.
    Was curious if he charged for the initial consultation.
  10. ginger1989

    ginger1989 Well-Known Member

    He did the closing on out house as well. Satisfied customer.
  11. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    You took a mortgage on an outhouse? :lol:
  12. C me Now BMM

    C me Now BMM Well-Known Member

    It was laden with Italian marble and a heated seat w/ integrated wireless stereo and 21" OLED tv.
  13. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    I saw a brick one with a big old fireplace at one of the plantations outside of Charleston, SC that would have required a mortgage to build now.
  14. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    I have never personally worked with Wells but have heard nothing but positive things about his abilities as a lawyer.
  15. jlc007

    jlc007 Well-Known Member

    Thank you everyone!:hurray:

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