Looking for small pond/lake to feed ducks

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by newmom5497, Oct 13, 2007.

  1. newmom5497

    newmom5497 Well-Known Member

    Just looking for a small pond or lake in the Polenta/McGees area to go for a hour or so to feed the ducks/geese.

    Anybody know of anywhere like this? We recently moved to the area and like to feed the ducks with our daughter on weeknights/Sunday afternoons.

    Thanks! Not looking for anything big/with a fee.
  2. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Not sure.....most of the smaller ponds have about dried up. There used to be ducks at pond on hwy 50 near Turner Farms.....but its about gone and haven't see any ducks!:shock: there's Lake Benson in Garner, Benson Park I think its called...
  3. lolligrump

    lolligrump Guest

    Lake Wheeler off Lake Wheeler Road, (in Wake Cty, off 10/10 just above 401, heading towards Raleigh), is wonderful. Was there today and fed the ducks and geese. None of them were aggressive and it was great fun. Beautiful lake, nice snack bar, and a nice beach area along with a very nice play area for children. Was there around noon and it wasn't even crowded! Highly recommend this lake, if it isn't too far for you to go. Simpkins Pond is also on the property, and it looked very nice as well. Both pond and lake are free to get into and popcorn was only 75 cents - which we used to feed the ducks.

    Have fun!:)
  4. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    Little ways away from your location, but the Wal-Mart in Smithfield always has waterfowl in their pond out front and its relatively safe on the banks. Its just the parking lot you have to worry about. Two other locations that I know of are the pond in front of the large Assemblies of God district headquarters in Selma facing I-95 and the Johnston Community College pond.

    Not sure if feeding is technically allowed, but those three seem like safe places to do it.
  5. granola acres mayor

    granola acres mayor Well-Known Member

    there is a place that my hubby and daughter used to go to when we first moved here, it is so nice there is a pond with ducks and sometimes a crane ( very large bird) and across the road is a nice little play ground, Slide swings etc.... and in the little play ground area there is a small bridge that we wuld stop to see all of the little minnows and such. ok i know you want to check it out so if you head down 50 to ace hardware turn left onto 70 go to the Texico right after the old Target, make that left into a old development that is very well cared for, it will be your fourth stop street and you will see the park on the left and the pond on the right. i love this spot and i think that this is what you are looking for. Good luck. oh yeah the ducks there like popcorn. and it is really pretty you might want to bring your camera.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2007
  6. pkc789

    pkc789 Well-Known Member

    About the pond in Glen Laurel- do you know if just anyone can fish there or just residents of Glen Laurel? We need a new place to take our young child to fish.
  7. granola acres mayor

    granola acres mayor Well-Known Member

    where is this said GlenLaurel?
  8. Grace Slick

    Grace Slick Well-Known Member

    My mistake. This is private property. I should have checked before posting.

  9. falcon

    falcon Well-Known Member

    Good luck finding water around here. You might put out a baby pool with water in it and see what happens. I think that is what I will have to do for duck season this year. There are a couple of ponds to fish in out in the pearidge area that is like 2$ for all day.
  10. adavisus

    adavisus Member

    Where to feed the ducks

    Ducks are a rarity on the farmers pond in Glen Laurel Road, if that is what you have in mind. There's a few turtles, a fish or two, its a pleasant spot close to the road, but it is on the farmers land

    Once in a while a heron or geese land to graze there or on the waterlily ponds just across the road.

    A real picturesque place to go feed the ducks is Cattail lake, 10 miles East of Clayton along route 42, a short ways along Atkinson Mill Road. A real large pond with an old mill, an old time fishing shop closed many moons ago, it still has a few residential ducks and some benches to sit on... While its a ways to go, if you want a pretty place to feed the ducks its a pleasant spot for a quiet picnic

    Regards, andy
  11. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    You can also go to the big cemetary on Hwy70 in Garner. Is it Montlawn?

    Anyways, leave Garner, go towards Raleigh, on 70, it will be on the right. You go all the way to the very back of the cemetary and there are tons of hungry ducks and geese back there!
  12. pkc789

    pkc789 Well-Known Member

    Does anyone know if you can fish at Cattail now? I know the damn broke a few years ago and they lost alot of fish.
  13. adavisus

    adavisus Member

    Cattail lake

    I asked permission to walk about a bit to take a photo or two, it seems on a quiet day they don't mind gawkers.

    If I recall right they had no problem putting a boat on the pond and puttering about for a day to go exploring. I have a thing about waterlilies and aquatic plants

    I doubt theres a problem asking permission to fish, its a large quiet lake

    Regards, andy
  14. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Heavy Equipment out there the past 2 days, looks like they are going to dam it back up!! :hurray::hurray:
  15. Lucky1

    Lucky1 Well-Known Member

    Really?? OMG that is great!! Used to put in a small jon boat there and fish all summer! Yay! :cheers:
  16. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Yes, Really!! :lol:
    I was going to stop yesterday and be nosey and ask questions, but didn't have time. 8)

    Go by this weekend and see it
  17. Lucky1

    Lucky1 Well-Known Member

    I will do that!! Thanks for the update!! :cheers:
  18. newmom5497

    newmom5497 Well-Known Member

    Lol...I have to chuckle at this OLD thread ...I was the original poster way back in 2007 when our daughter was 9 and we first moved here ( btw...we tried almost all of the places mentioned...even the small pond at Walmart in Smithfield )

    Whats funny is...I logged on tonight to find recent posts about the clayton riverwalk....we hiked today at raven rock and had such a nice time we want to walk again next weekend a little closer to home.

    I think I've gotten my money's worth out of 4042.com the past 7 years. :)
  19. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Cattail pond is almost FULL!!! :hurray:

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