Changing Home and Auto insurance

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Pwoods, Nov 7, 2013.

  1. Pwoods

    Pwoods Well-Known Member

    I have been with State Farm for over two decades and I am shopping around this year for better rates. It is easy enough to get quotes, but a couple of other things I am worried about:

    1) I have heard that sometimes the quotes will not be binding until an underwriter has the final word. If this is so, how much can I expect to see this change?

    2) I have also heard that some companies will drop you after you file a claim setting me up for an issue where it'll be more difficult to find insurance in the future.

    Perfect driving record, BTW. Has anyone made a switch and how big of a deal is it?
  2. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    I can't answer your question, but we have been with NC Farm Bureau for
    20+ years and any time we've compared prices, which I did recently with Amica (they were almost twice as much for auto!) - no one can beat them.
  3. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Switched every policy we had years ago from Nationwide to Farm Bureau (send PRM a PM). Saved us a BOAT load of $$.

    It's no big deal at all!!!
  4. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    From previous threads Polentardmafia is the person to talk to around here. If he hasn't contacted you by now, he will. I copied your questions in a private message to him in case he didn't see your post. Let me know how it works out because I think my rates are high too.
  5. Wraunch

    Wraunch Well-Known Member

    I strongly recommend you check with an insurance broker that writes policies for Erie. They write the best homeowner policies in NC and are typically cheaper than the standard NC policies.
  6. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    I have my homeowners and my daughter's renters insurance with Farm Bureau, but have been with Amica for 25+ years for auto. Their service is unbelievably good and their rates are very good as well. One thing regarding their rates, this may be what happened to you - they do not cater to higher risk policy holders, including young drivers. Their rates aren't competitive in those areas. For adults, they are awesome.

    FYI - My Farm Bureau policy is with a different local agent (who is not very responsive) - Ahem PRM, I'm open to bids...

    One good thing about Farm Bureau is saving 20% at Choice hotels.
  7. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    That took some big balls!
  8. csmokey143

    csmokey143 Member

    I was with Farm Bureau for 30+ years, home and auto. Very nice company, and loved our agent, but they will drop you in a heartbeat if you have an accident. Hubby had wreck and when it was time to renew the collision was dropped on our vehicles. They would cover the liability, but as you know, you have to have collision if you owe money on the vehicles.
  9. Grammie

    Grammie Well-Known Member

    I vote for Farm Bureau also, great company and saves money.
  10. space_cowboy

    space_cowboy Well-Known Member

    Best rates of all the companies and they won't low ball ya IF you have to file a claim.
  11. timlee

    timlee Member

  12. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    We're all adult drivers, youngest is 23, no accidents or tickets - so that was not a problem. We pay around 1200.00 a yr for 4 drivers, 5 cars (3 with full coverage). the Amica quote I got online was close to 2500.00!
  13. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    I'm covered by the squirrel :mrgreen:
  14. Palisade

    Palisade Well-Known Member

    I've seen what hangs from the squirrel. I'm not sure being covered by him is a good thing. :jester:
  15. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    LOL, this is true. :jester: Could get messy . . . :ack:
  16. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member


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