Myrtle Beach: Medieval Times or Pirates Voyage?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Pwoods, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. Pwoods

    Pwoods Well-Known Member

    Want to take kiddo and grand parents. Can anyone recommend Medeival Times or Pirates Voyage? Tickets for both are expensive so I don't want to choose wrong one.
  2. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    It has been a few years since we visited the Medieval Times so there may have been some changes, but the displays they had on hand were of torture devices and not something some children would be comfortable seeing. The food was so-so, as is the case with most of those shows and show was great. It was a Halloween show so it was very appropriate for the season.
  3. emismom

    emismom Well-Known Member

    Pirates voyage is the best my daughter loves going there we have only been to the other place once but we did not think it was that great
  4. Kdog

    Kdog Well-Known Member

  5. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    I havent been to either one, but I do know a couple of families (with small children) who go to Medieval Times and they love it. I have never heard them say that it was inappropriate or scary for the kids.
  6. giapn73

    giapn73 Well-Known Member

    I went to MT in july. The family enjoyed it. There was plenty of food. They do try to get you to buy every extra possible. The show was pretty good too
  7. Straitlover

    Straitlover Well-Known Member

    When are you going? Groupon has MT tickets good through 1/31/14 for $25 (kids) and $35 (adults).
  8. mylittle_man

    mylittle_man Active Member

    We haven't ever done MT but Pirates is a great show!!
  9. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    We went to Mrytle Beach years ago w/ 7 of our kids and we all had a blast. Just knights fighting and didn't see anything I'd deem as scary. Not sure if maybe torture devices were there for Halloween show (we didn't go at that time) or not but there weren't any there when we went. Knights on horseback jousting, crowds cheering, getting into the show, etc. Souveniers were outrageous but we didn't get any. Your choice if you purchase. Now, we have not been to Pirates Voyage so can't say how that is. Our kids have actually asked to go back to Medieval Times. I'm sure whatever you choose, you'll have fun doing. Enjoy!

    Stephanie-- mom to 11
  10. 42Local

    42Local Well-Known Member

    We've been to both. My kids enjoyed both equally. I think I liked the food at Pirates better, but my husband liked the food at MT better. I'd choose either based on whichever your kids is more interested (pirates or knights/castles/horses) or cost. Neither were scary. I remember the pirates one having a bit more action and going on, as opposed to the repetitive MT jousting. But adults and kids enjoyed both equally, so I think you can't go wrong with either.
  11. cheapo

    cheapo Member

    Pirates is awesome! Will pay to see again

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