Johnston County Road Conditions

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Webmaster, Feb 11, 2014.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    We are already getting accumulation on the highways - this picture sent to us just minutes ago, taken near the 319 exit on I-40. Be careful folks! 8)

  2. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Wow, not a drop in Durham. Great pic Webbie. Everyone stay safe.

  3. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Then u get to exit 312 and there is only a dusting! Be careful for what is yet to come the next 2 days everyone :(
  4. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    They were putting down brine on cleveland school road by the elementary school @ I-40 on my way home.

    But what Sux is my vehicle has been @ the transmission place since last Thursday. I had to rent a car for the weekend just to get to work and to school yesterday. Monday comes and they say they are waiting for a part to come in overnight.I had to go rent the car for another night. And that they would call me today when its ready. Snow started and everyone was leaving JCC so I made my way back to Garner. Only to find out it would be another 60-90 minutes to finish assembling the part and 3-4 hours to put it in. They offered to pay for the car tonight and to tell enterprise to bill them. Only to find out Enterprise doesnt do that and that I will have to recoupe the money from the mechanic myself. Now I have to drive back out there tomorrow in the snow to pick up my vehicle.

    ARGGH!!!!. If you could see me now smoke is bellowing from my ears.
  5. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Watch out, I had a flat in New Jersey (hit a pothole), with one of Enterprises Subsidiaries and just paid the $456 repair bill. I would have been billed more but I changed the tire myself on the Turnpike and returned it myself. I didn't have the vehicle 15 minutes before it happened.
  6. C me Now BMM

    C me Now BMM Well-Known Member

  7. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member


    I really worry about the roads out where I live. I live in south plantation and my street says icy for days. Also the two curves on Polenta near the High school are shaded and stay icy as well. That one bend out between the high school and Watkins I have seen more than my share of people sliding into the ditches.

    Thanks for the FYI

    I don't have the $ to spend but I would so have their car towed to them and then have my vehicle towed back to my street.

    PS I know this may sound silly but is there a way I can call the DOT in Johnston county to have them put the brine down on Polenta (at least)
  8. cynadon

    cynadon Well-Known Member

    take a right on grill rd or watkins rd then take a left. now you have avoided the banked curve you are concerned about
  9. cynadon

    cynadon Well-Known Member

    if you don't like the curve at the high school, take a right, take a left at the first road and go to cleveland rd, then turn left
  10. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Amelia Church Road in Clayton right now:

  11. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    There is a wreck at the corner of 42 and Cleveland school road going towards the I-40 overpass
  12. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Town of Clayton, NC

    O'Neil Street from Oakdale to Covered Bridge is completely shut down due to the number of accidents and cars slipping off the roads! Please be careful! Roads are BAD! A 10 minute drive will likely take you an hour! Apologies for the previous post....We are trying to get a lot of information out fast and autocorrect failed me!

    REXAMUS Member

    Took me four hours to make a 30 minute drive. Luckily some awesome people helped push my vehicle up a few hills I couldn't make it up.
  14. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    anyone been out this morning? On wral traffic cams I 40 and major roads look ok. wondering about NC 50 and NC 42 to I 40.

    I left Raleigh at 12:30 yesterday. no snow until Poole Rd & I 440. worse as you went east on I 40. Once past White Oak it went to about 25-30 mph. Once past new 70 it was very slow. took 35 min to get from exit 312 off ramp to Cleveleand Draft house. then stopped. ( i imagine that people were stuck going up the hill on nc 42) i turned around at canyon ranch and went back to old drug store. it was slow, and then back up just as you were getting to go play outside now/cornwallis rd. once on NC 50 there it was ok rest of the way, just slow. got home at 3:30. not as bas as 2005 when it took me 6 hours from cary (3:30 - 9:30)
  15. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    A friend who ended up spending the night at a Ral hotel last night said 40 is clear, except for abandoned cars, but 42 and other secondary rds are still pretty bad.
  16. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Yeah in 2005 it took me 6 hrs to get from Raleigh to my house. But the 'nice' thing about that situation was that once you got on this side of Raleigh everything was clear! It was just getting off the beltline and thru the traffic. Yesterday everything, everywhere was blocked! It took me 2.5 hrs to get from White Oak to my house near Westview yesterday. I made the decision to go White oak/Cornwalis instead of 40 because in 2005 a lot of the problems were big trucks that had jack-knifed on 440. I made it ok, I have AWD and only saw 2 cars that had slid off. Probably the worse spot was getting up the hill at WM.
  17. scbuff

    scbuff Well-Known Member

    anybody been out on 42 or Cleveland school road this morning. I want to attempt to make a run before it starts snowing again around lunch
  18. cynadon

    cynadon Well-Known Member

    just got back in. roads are slushy not slick. drive slow, stay off brakes, and keep on clear spots if traffic permits.
  19. Judge Smails

    Judge Smails Well-Known Member

    The snow plow truck just went up and down Polenta Road (10:15 a.m.); anyone know if they've done Raleigh Road or Barber Mill Road?

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