Best soccer program

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Pwoods, Jul 7, 2014.

  1. Pwoods

    Pwoods Well-Known Member

    Being that Cleveland (40/42) is between Clayton and Garner can anyone tell me what is the best kids soccer program? I suppose I can choose from Clayton, Garner, or right here in Cleveland. Just curious if anyone has thoughts on the pros/cons.
  2. cynadon

    cynadon Well-Known Member

    depends on what you call best. I've lived here in Cleveland all my life. My kids play in Four Oaks. Four Oaks is like Cleveland 30 years ago.
  3. bigten

    bigten Active Member

    It depends on what level of soccer you are talking about. If they are just starting off ( rec. level) they are pretty much all the same. It would just be your preference if where you wanted to travel to for practice and games. My suggestion would be to stay local and allow them to play with kids they go/will be going to school with , but that is just me.

    If it is a higher level (challenge/classic), most teams are already set for the fall (might be hard finding a team) . Having played for a couple different leagues in the area, they all have advantages and disadvantages (I will leave it at that). Again it is a preference on same points as above.

    Hope this helps
  4. stay-at-homer

    stay-at-homer Member

    I've had great experience with JUSA. They do a good job with teaching their coaches which includes reimbursing them for taking coaching courses/acquiring coaching licenses.

    They have made a great effort at tinkering with their rec program for the younger kids so every kid gets as many touches as possible.

    Most of your games would be off of Powhatan which is only 10-15 mins away on the highway from most of Cleveland.

    Just a plug from a guy who normally doesn't try to sway folks one way or another.
  5. Pwoods

    Pwoods Well-Known Member

    I suppose I should have elaborated. I am entering a 5 year old who is really into it and very active. I realize at that age most of the activity will be the same, but was looking for programs that have the best organization, coaches, etc. I realize the level of play at that age is basically just that - play, but was hoping to get insight into how well the programs are run.

    Thanks for the info so far?

    I am unfamiliar with JUSA, is that a Johnston County thing?
  6. stay-at-homer

    stay-at-homer Member

    Yeah- that's Johnston United Soccer Association. Their U5-U8 programs are on Saturday mornings and it's run as an academy style training session.

    That means say if there's 24 kids in your child's age group, they will be split into 3 groups of 8 and take turns with 3 different activities, switching out every 10 minutes or so. That way, they get instruction from all coaches who have their own strengths and weaknesses. Then they have "games" or scrimmages for the final 40-45 minutes or so. Eventually, they break the kids up by like-ability so the kids who are the fastest/most skilled get more of a challenge playing against each other and the ones who are maybe a bit more tentative play each other and have a better chance at increasing their touches and thus, improve and have more fun as well.
  7. AWmom

    AWmom Well-Known Member

    GCAA recreation program is a great start for your 5 y/o and very convenient. If your child decides later on to play at a higher level then there are several choices around. For now if it's just a "let's see if he likes soccer" type of thing then starting at a rec level at GCAA us perfect. My kids played rec soccer for several years and then ventured to other clubs once things got more serious. GCAA has a wonderful program! Good luck!
  8. reeteach2

    reeteach2 Well-Known Member

    Upward has been my choice for soccer, esp for younger players. They all get equal playing time and get a lot of encouragement. The closest soccer program (they also do other sports) is Mt Zion on Rt 50. We play at Faith Community near Lake Benson. They are a Christian organization and do devotions with the kids as well. to check-they might have added new leagues.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2014

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