Riccobeene Billing?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by annatinnie, Aug 24, 2010.

  1. ifloss

    ifloss Well-Known Member

    Yes to the $59 special, it's still going on.

    No to the paparazzi. :)
  2. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    :lol::lol::lol: - see ya next Wed Dr R:hurray::hurray:
    (note to self, i must be losing my mind - me, the biggest chicken on the earth when it comes to dentists, is clapping about going to a dentist)
  3. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Was in there yesterday for my 6 month cleaning. Always get the same dental assistant. She is so cheerful you can't help but be in a good mood around her. Front desk staff.. not as welcoming, but meh' I only deal with them for 2 minutes.

    Now the Dr that checked me after my cleaning GOOD LAWD, he was HOT. :shock::drool::oops: I mean Dern! :mrgreen:
  4. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    My children had their 6 month cleaning a few weeks ago. They couldn't wait to go. They love going to the McGees office. :hurray:
  5. reeteach2

    reeteach2 Well-Known Member

    Mine love going too. Even a cavity didn't deter my oldest! That's one thing they didn't get from me, but i guess I've done a good job of hiding how much I dread it!
  6. Md2NC

    Md2NC Member

    Love Dr. R

    I just wanted to share my exp. with Dr. R. One of my adult teeth never came in..needless to say it's pretty embarrassing. I finally had some extra money to fix my tooth, and I scheduled an appt. at the 40/42 office, I met with another dentist there (I cannot remember his name) and he kind of gave me a rundown of getting a dental implant. I was ready to schedule an appt. for the bone graft and I get the news from my husband that his dental ins. is being dropped in one week.

    I talk to Dr. R and he says that he was actually going on vacation, but has his assistant call Dr. Cusumano and personally asks him to fit me in before my ins. runs out. I had the bone graft last November (literally one day before it's cancelled), and as soon as I can get the money/or insurance I will go back there to have the implant. It was so nice of him to have that done for me..it saved me hundreds of dollars. There aren't many people like that around anymore. Thanks Dr. R !!!
  7. Yes2day

    Yes2day Active Member

    Does anyone know if Dr R works at the 4042 office any? I normally go to there and would like to get a consult with Dr R.
  8. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    When you call up there 661-6161 (i think) tell them you want to see HIM specifically and HIM only.
  9. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    When i was there a month or so ago he was down to just one day at 4042 since the Cary office opened, that man definitely spreads himself thin.
  10. ifloss

    ifloss Well-Known Member

    Hey guys,
    I'm at 4042 on Mondays. I opened the Cary office to be closer to my children's school and extracurricular activities. The number one suggestion I get about my children from all of my older patients is too enjoy them while they are young because the time flies by. I have three 7 year olds and a five year old. Subsequently, I work in Cary 4 days a week and one at 4042. I have lunch with my kids once a week and attend all of their school events, practices, and games. Sorry for the inconvenience and trust me that I have not forgotten who has allowed me to be where I am today-you guys have been great loyal patients. See you on Mondays or other days if you're willing to make the 30minute drive.


    Michael Riccobene, DDS
  11. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    No one can blame you a bit for that - good for you:hurray::hurray::hurray:
  12. Yes2day

    Yes2day Active Member

    Thanks Harleygirl, Kaci and Dr R! Mondays are the best time for me to get to 4042 so that is great news. I will give them a call tomorrow.
  13. Savealot

    Savealot Well-Known Member

    Does Dr. R. ever come out to the Flowers Planatation office or the Knightdale office?
  14. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    I'd probably try calling the Flowers office or the Knightdale office to see what days if any he's in those offices.
  15. Savealot

    Savealot Well-Known Member

    I'll have to call them. I was just thinking since his name was on the place he would make an appearance sometimes. thanks
  16. old school

    old school Well-Known Member

    Mondays at 42 and the other 4 days at Cary
  17. Bluewillow

    Bluewillow Well-Known Member

    Had appt. today with Dr. Tomasheski at Riccobeene and Assoc. He was gentle, thorough and patient. In fact, Jennifer and everyone I encountered were very good at explaining everything. I'm a big chicken and I made another appt before I left today. Highly recommend them.
  18. gmessig

    gmessig Well-Known Member

    Need new Dentist!

    I have been going to Riccobene for many many years. I am not happy with the way so much has changed. Everytime I go in, there are new faces. never the same people, makes me wonder. There is something good about being familiar with the same people. They are very disorganized these days with the billing and scheduling. They are constantly calling and emailing about my "upcoming appt", even though I was just there and had my cleaning. I've had 3 different people call in 1 day to confirm an appt. Not alot of conversing between staff obviously. The last time I got a cleaning, this young girl was so rough, I was praying for it to be over. Also, my daughter cannot get in to get a filling filled for 3 months! I used to love going there, but not so much now. Anyone love their dentist to recommend?
  19. HidesinOBX

    HidesinOBX Well-Known Member

    I can't say enough good things about this group in Clayton. I've been going to them since 1996 when I moved here, and the staff has never changed.

    Drs Calamos, Marsh, and Emrich
    660 Highway 42 West (Corner of Guy Rd. and 42)
    Clayton, NC 27520
  20. ifloss

    ifloss Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear about your experience, definitely not the kind of service we aspire to. Thanks to the support of forums like this we have grown at an astronomical rate. We are continually adding new staff to better serve our patients. We rarely have employees quit, the new faces are due to new hires or existing employees moving up within the company. I will look into the "rough young girl who cleaned your teeth." We are looking to change the company that sends out the texts and emails, so sorry for that. If I can help you in any way, please PM me. Again, please accept my personal apology for your experience.

    Michael Riccobene, DDS

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