Nuese Charter School

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by arogronjomom, Nov 13, 2008.

  1. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    we expect this past year to be our third in a row as an Honor School of Excellence when scores are released. this year we spend our second year at our new location, add 11th grade, will have about 650 kids total, and a waiting list of over 400

    and still there are problems to be worked out. go figure.

    thanks for the bump, kdog
  2. scomkto

    scomkto Active Member

    I moved my daughter from McGee's the first year Neuse opened, she was in first grade and she will be starting middle school at Neuse this year. I could not be happier with the decision we made to move her. The difference has been like night and day. She is an A/B honor roll student and has been since she began at Neuse. Have they had issues, yes, but nothing compared to some of the other schools around here.
  3. keemom

    keemom Well-Known Member

    My daughter is in 1st grade at Polenta this year and I just don't feel like it's the same school it was last year. I'm starting to lose confidence in this school completely. Can anyone let me know specifically what makes Neuse different than the public schools?

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    My experience with our country's education system, coming from a mother of two adult children.

    I've read the posts and completely understand all of your frustrations, been there done that. This is how my husband and I dealt with the issue of our children's education and the frustration that went along with it, just keep in mind this is just how we handled it. It wasn't long after our second child entered the school system that we realized the fact that if we wanted our children to have the best education possible, which would in turn provide them the best chance to have a happy and productive life, we had to fill in the gaps. Our kids have had their share of rotten teachers and yes I said rotten teachers and when we had one of those years we stepped up to the plate as parents and filled in the educational gaps produced by that teacher. When we weren't able to do the job we found a tutor that could. I'm not too sure hopping from one school to the next from year to year overall would have been the answer, but we did consider it. Here again, we just decided to stop the insanity that is our education system and take things into our own hands. Give them best support you can and they'll turn out just fine. Best of luck.
  5. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    My youngest (9th grade) starts NCS tomorrow. He fell through the cracks in public school. Failed his EOGs in 8th but they waived him. Started him at Sylvan in June ('14) and tested on a 6th grade level for math and a senior level for reading. Currently has a 94 average in math at Clayton HS, but still hates reading and I assume is failing. I've emailed the teachers. Science (71 on progress report) and math (94 avg) emailed me back, have yet to hear from his english teacher and also haven't received her progress report. ...

    Got the call from NCS yesterday afternoon that they had an opening. I jumped on it. Was so excited! Today I feel sad that he's leaving CHS. Losing his friends that he's known since kindergarten. ... I made business cards for him to pass to his friends with his email, phone and playstation ID on them.

    I hope NCS turns out to be a good thing. Gives them 4 out of 5 stars..BUT the last few reviews left by parents are pretty bad.

    If it turns out to be a mistake I'll have him switched back to CHS.

    Sink or swim. I can't learn it or do it for him.
  6. scomkto

    scomkto Active Member

    It is true things went downhill after the passing of Dr. Harris. She was the best thing that happened to NCS. A lot of people left this year. I even considered it myself. But my daughter is in her last year of middle school so we are at least going to finish this year out. If it doesn't get better then I may send her to her district HS next year. They do have a new director, not sure if she will be good or not at this point. They also have some more qualified teachers. My daughter almost failed math last year B/C she nor anyone else could understand the teacher but the administration put the blaim on the kids. Well low and behold he left and his replacement all the kids could now understand. She went from almost failing to a low B in a matter of weeks. I do feel like things will be better this year and I hope and pray they are B/C she has been there since they opened their doors. She also feels like things are getting better.
  7. Kdog

    Kdog Well-Known Member

    My child goes to NCS, its no joke there. They make them work. My child has done more book reports, studying and homework in the last 2 years then all the years West Clayton. The board runs the school; I believe they are trying to make it a prestige academic school which is a good thing. Some kids can’t perform at that level. Mine is struggling at math last year and had a language barrier issue with the math teacher. That teacher is now in another grade. We had some issues and know people who took their kids out because of issues with the teachers. We gave my child the option of going to district school this year but he wanted to stay in Neuse. The new building is very nice and updated. It’s a good school but be prepared for your child to some serious school work.

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