Dangerous looking!!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by robbie, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Was driving on Hwy 42 today in front of the new Clayton Hospital,,, the DOT has cones all in the middle of the road and underneath I see they have built an island in the middle of the road,,, the road is not lined properly in either direction and I almost hit the cone and the island, lol............ Be careful in that area !!! :)
  2. Kdog

    Kdog Well-Known Member

    saw that today too. Hopefully they paint it a reflective yellow.
  3. 740i Guy

    740i Guy Well-Known Member

    To me one of the more dangerous spots I see everyday is heading east on US70 and turning right onto Raynor rd. at the Kangaroo gas station. There is now a deep pit on the edge of the road. I mean RIGHT on the edge of the road.

    This photo was taken several months ago and the hole has become extremely deep, a good 2 feet. Car flippin' deep. I'm waiting for someone to turn too early and slip into it and either totally rip out their car's suspension and/or have an accident.

    Another spot that is bad, but not deadly, are the holes another 40 feet farther down near the telephone pole. When cars are trying to turn left into the gas station people will go off the road to go around in heavy traffic. Those holes are now a good foot deep or more.


  4. Pepper Jack

    Pepper Jack Well-Known Member

    good information
    thank you
  5. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

  6. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    Stay on the road and stay in your lane. Don't speed up and pass others from a turning zone. Half the people that drive up and down 42 near 40/42 are ********. I'd like to see concrete dividers all over 42. People suck.

    That's just my 2 cents.

    Or is it sense...bwahahahah

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