
Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by KB2, Dec 22, 2014.

  1. KB2

    KB2 Well-Known Member

    Does anyone know of anyone that has kittens 8-10 weeks old that they are giving away or selling (just for expenses)?

    Let me explain... I know there are are SOOO many adult cats out there that need a home and I have never looked to get a kitten or even a cat in my life. They have all just come into my life as an adult stray, feral, or taking one on from someone that had to give it up. So this concept/process is odd to me, but.... My husband is pretty set on a baby kitten and this is why....

    We currently have a grown cat that we took in from someone that had to give him up. Before that we had taken in a grown feral cat that had feline lukemia & only lived 2 years. Before that I took in a grown stray that was pregnant & had kittens, we kept 2 kittens but that was before I had kids, they were grown or dead before my kids came along.

    We have 2 sons that ADORE our current cat and adored the one prior that we lost to feline lukemia. We literally have to write on the calander alternate nights that who gets to have the cat sleep with them.

    One of my sons is particularly obsessed with cats/kittens. Every book he gets is a factual or fiction of cats/kittens. SO my husband decided we should get another cat, but not a just a cat.... a baby kitten, since my kids have never had a kitten before. Of course he just decided this a couple days ago & wants to have one by christmas.

    I am all about getting an grown one or older kitten, but he is set on a young kitten. I have of course searched the shelters & the rescues (the rescues won't give a kitten without taking 2 or having another cat yonger than 1 at home) and craigslist. No luck real luck with a kitten under 4 mos at the shelters. While there were a couple, they were petrified so I didn't think would be a good fit. Craiglist has some too far away & I haven't gotten replys from the others yet.

    So, thought I'd just put the word out...... you never know

  2. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

  3. poppin cork

    poppin cork Well-Known Member

  4. KB2

    KB2 Well-Known Member

    Thanks bandmom - Great ideas I had not thought of. I sent a message to Connie's kittens on FB & I will call some local vets.

    Thanks poppin cork - I did already see that ad and sent a messgae but have not heard anything yet. Forgot to list 4042 classifieds as another source I checked.
  5. JCoRes

    JCoRes Well-Known Member

    Wake Co SPCA in Raleigh

    has kittens! And cannot beat the price of 45.00 including the spay/neuter plus current shots. Will do rabies at a later date if not old enough either.

    Website is on the Wake Co Gov site (just search for animals) --- they show pics of the animals there for adoption.

    And of course being at the shelter, the kitties are scared. We just adopted one in October that was 6-8wks old and is now doing great! It too was petrified at shelter (who wouldn't be)

    Good luck
  6. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    A friend of mine is a vet tech at Bayleaf Vet Clinic in North Raleigh and they almost always have kittens that have been dumped there, you should try giving them a call.
  7. siameselover

    siameselover Well-Known Member

    A cute gray and white cat showed up at my daughters. Probably was dumped there. He is friendly. They already have 3 pets and a baby due in a month and cant take on another pet.She is just wanting someone to get him, for free.

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